~~A window into my daily stream of consciousness—The U.S.A. Years~~ For the continuation of this after I moved to Tokyo, Japan in 2015, go to https://fuzzyrobots.neocities.org/inter.txt links to interesting things on the web that I want to share with everyone: http://www.grahamazon.com/over/2007/06/physiology-of-breaking-the-seal/ http://www.startribune.com/local/west/141898483.html http://ask.metafilter.com/32911/Classical-cliches http://www.forbes.com/special-report/2012/media-map.html http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2012/03/22/man-gets-ticket-for-yelling-at-cat/ http://www.paulrhayes.com/experiments/parallax/#experiment http://www.steveollice.com/fish/ http://www.kare11.com/rss/article/968964/391/TCF-Stadium-beer-sales-bill-moves-ahead http://pinterest.com/pin/124974958379629510/ http://www.bringmethenews.com/2012/03/22/curiosity-turns-to-worry-as-mysterious-booms-continue-to-haunt-wisconsin-town/ http://pinterest.com/pin/214765475950275866/ http://pinterest.com/pin/65935582014563830/ http://pinterest.com/pin/220183869251414277/ http://pinterest.com/pin/167970261072132028/ http://pinterest.com/pin/48413764713756047/ http://pinterest.com/pin/183592122279629432/ http://pinterest.com/pin/146578162842304914/ http://tcbmag.blogs.com/daily_developments/2012/03/rochester-zip-rail-could-add-1b-a-year-to-mn-economy.html http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/draw-something-free/id488628250?mt=8 overheard at the office: "Is the file ready?" "Yeah, I put it in the file with your name on it." "...you mean my folder?" "Yeah, your file folder." This song by Barbara Streisand came on, and it hurts me to say that I like it. I noticed it sounded like the Bee Gees' style, and sure enough, it was written by them. I feel better now. http://sixwordstoryeveryday.com/ These are AMAZING. So expressive in their economy, like haiku or magnetic poetry. A lot of the designs and typography are really good, too. http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/a-surge-in-six-word-stories Mollie M, Maggie TC, Ryan H, David R, Amelia G, Morgon MS, Kenny S, Becky I, Lara R, Katie M, Kelly M, Mai Y, Alicia S, Sarah M, Stephanie Y overheard at the office: "I don't remember what makes it brown." Coworker on phone: "They said it didn't work because 'the HTML color codes only had 5 hex [hexadecimal] numbers'...I don't know how many there are supposed to be...Yeah, I bet you're right! A hexagon has 6 sides. Thanks, Google!" I guess that works. [David R, Patrick F, Eric T] http://www.sti.nasa.gov/tto/spinoff2002/ps_2.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8Piohzul6E http://bolshoi.ru/r/AD6378F7-7F69-40D0-AE3B-5AA8DCF836C4/golden-cockerel-bg.jpg http://bolshoi.ru/en/ http://gigaom.com/cleantech/a-breakthrough-battery-anode-courtesy-of-3m/ http://www.healthcanal.com/child-health/28184-Maltreatment-witnessing-family-violence-can-lower-childs.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eris_(dwarf_planet) http://techcrunch.com/2012/04/06/att-will-unlock-your-off-contract-iphone-starting-on-april-8/ http://universityofmn.kstp.com/news/events/136831-pluto-killing-astronomer-speak-u-m-event http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/pluto-killer-to-speak-at-u-of-m ☷ ☴ ☲ ☵ ♥ overheard at the office: "The only complaint I've ever had from a customer is one guy who called Customer Service and asked for an uglier rep. He said he couldn't say no to me." From: Bryan R Date: Fri, 25 May 2012 14:01:38 -0500 To: David R Cc: Jay N, David M, Taylor C Subject: FW: edit copy file Attachments: edit_copy_file_(copy).rtf (85k) Hey David - I'm copying you with a copy of of the edit copy file to copy edit. When you're done with your edits, file the file in the file named "copy edited edit copy files (copy)". Do you copy? Thank you, -Bryan R MSP http://lmgtfy.com/?q=%22derpartment+of%22 http://pinterest.com/pin/189432728045774604/ https://svpply.com/item/666709/Legs_in_the_book_Unusual_bookmark http://www.cnngo.com/explorations/life/worlds-12-best-airline-magazines-523957?page=0,1 Suite Judy Blue Eyes http://youtu.be/rDEiLImUUM8 http://www.bonappetit.com/blogsandforums/blogs/badaily/2012/05/best-sushi-restaurants-america.html http://www.twincities.com/news/ci_20639207/discount-redcard-powers-target-healthy-first-quarter?source=rss http://www.twincities.com/localnews/ci_20685550/dog-dna-service-helps-apartments-catch-poop-perpetrators?IADID=Search-www.twincities.com-www.twincities.com http://www.ibmsystemsmag.com/authors/Flavio-C--Buccianti/ http://www.cracked.com/article_16335_7-innocent-gestures-that-can-get-you-killed-overseas.html http://fotoforensics.com/tutorial.php http://www.jsonline.com/news/crime/lawn-tractor-driver-to-be-charged-with-owi-ig5j5k3-155201805.html http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/03/4/l_034_05.html http://web.archive.org/web/20010502050945/http://www.mspmag.com/q-and-a.asp?date=5-3-2000&page=3 http://designshack.net/articles/css/10-great-google-font-combinations-you-can-copy/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wavelength-division_multiplexing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pangrams http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eris_(dwarf_planet) http://www.csmonitor.com/Photo-Galleries/In-Pictures/Google-Doodles-you-ll-never-see2 overheard at the office: http://i.qkme.me/2j7f.jpg "Does she get buzzy-sticky?" "Oh, yes. She's VERY buzzy-sticky." (Talking about a freelance writer in a meeting) Can't wait to see the remake of this tomorrow! It looks like the effects have improved quite a bit since the original. Weird that they don't show Bob at all in the trailer. [David R, Karl C, Eric T] [Prometheus & Bob vs. Prometheus] memories: being a considerable person and shopping for fashionate accessories at Agerbumbie & Finch and Sports Authentic, watching Sparducks and using the TV remoter, and drinking soil milk. [the cute mistakes she often made] overheard at the office: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2103476/Police-shoot-man-brandishing-sword-times-tasers-failed-stop-stand-off.html We're going to trademark the term "brand-dish" http://mangaanimesociety.wordpress.com/2012/05/24/summer-mas/ Tonight is the first meeting of the summer U of M anime club, at 6:30 in Carlson 2-215 on the West Bank. Bring a 5-10 minute clip of a show you'd like to watch over the summer that's ~6 to ~13 episodes, and we'll vote to choose 4 shows after watching all the clips. http://finance-commerce.com/2012/06/pricey-and-posh-top-10-twin-cities-home-listings/ school memories: One day in my 7th grade math class, the teacher was explaining that you have to write ø to represent a null set, because you "cannot say zero". One of my classmates refused to write it after that because she misheard the teacher and thought that it was "a Nazi zero." http://youtu.be/sbOu3XZraWg Eating "Chili Mac" and can't get this song out of my head. school memories: On the first day of 6th grade math class, my teacher, Mr. Mork, taught us the term "truncate" by saying "I'm going to truncate this hot dog." and chopping off the end of it with his bare hand. To this day, the word "truncate" makes me visualize wieners being karate-chopped. David. This is Bill Wood. Tell me what you want. Call my cell. http://www.123rf.com/photo_10094512_upset-businessman-tangle-up-in-phone-wires.html http://stock-clip.com/video/2218126-serious-man-using-his-mobile-phone-against-a-white-background http://ak2.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/2218126/preview/stock-footage-serious-man-using-his-mobile-phone-against-a-white-background.jpg http://www.turnaroundsolutions.net/images/photo_telephone_coaching.JPG http://stock-image.mediafocus.com/images/previews/business-man-cell-phone-in-car-pc680401.jpg http://photo.pixmac.com/4/senior-business-man-with-grumpy-face-using-a-cell-phone-pixmac-photo-48225595.jpg http://image.pixmac.com/4/tensed-mature-business-man-on-the-cell-phone-over-white-background-pixmac-image-48126907.jpg http://ak8.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/2331860/preview/stock-footage-business-man-talking-on-his-cell-phone-while-seated-at-his-desk.jpg http://www.f1online.de/premid/005208000/5208223.jpg http://i.usatoday.net/money/_photos/2011/11/19/US-firms-feel-impact-of-Europe-crisis-ABJGSIJ-x-large.jpg http://s2.reutersmedia.net/resources/r/?m=02&d=20110518&t=2&i=417322059&w=320&fh=&fw=&ll=&pl=&r=2011-05-18T174459Z_01_BTRE74H1DBQ00_RTROPTP_0_AIG http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/evok20/evok200801/evok20080100016/2464235-mature-business-executive-on-phone-taking-notes.jpg http://ak8.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/2188834/preview/stock-footage-relaxed-executive-on-the-phone.jpg http://img.ehowcdn.com/article-new/ehow/images/a06/6d/o1/salaries-non-profit-executives-800x800.jpg http://www.visualphotos.com/image/2x4534283/senior_executive_on_the_phone http://www.visualphotos.com/photo/2x4534283/.jpg http://www.theonion.com/articles/darling-well-always-have-minneapolisst-paul,11296/ http://tcbmag.blogs.com/daily_developments/2012/06/satire-paper-the-onion-ends-publication-in-the-twin-cities.html If you were a fan you've probably noticed by now, but The Onion will no longer be available in the Twin Cities. How sad - I've looked forward to reading it every week since it was first distributed here in 2004. Its style of humor never grew stale to me, which is amazing considering how many unique stories they constantly have to come up with. I'll also miss the A.V. Club and its clever lists, fun interviews and helpful reviews. There goes the last thing on paper that I ever read. (http://www.startribune.com/entertainment/blogs/160043875.html) [2020 update: It's true - I haven't read anything on paper since The Onion ended printed distribution.] overheard at the office: "She'll let us know if we can have it in the back or if we need to work it in the front." -coworker in meeting (What right does SHE have to tell us how we're allowed to dance?) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/25/ducklings_n_1624238.html interleaving words NyOes. YEnSo. BAfronCKt. FRObaNTck. TObottomP. BOTTtoMp. ChoOLDt. HOcoldT. FASslowT. FAslowST. SLOfaWst. AdeLaIVEd. DaElADive. BwESorTst. WObRestST. Cheexappensive. Chexpeanspive. Diclerartny. Vachoncolnailtlea. Minnestoontka. http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Waxy_Wayfinder Meet the Pyro has been released! Celebrate by buying the Pyro hat my brother David made! It was accepted into the Steam store last March (which is a REALLY big deal), and he'll get half the money from sales :-) http://youtu.be/WUhOnX8qt3I I haven't changed this profile pic since I joined FB in fall 2004. (It was taken that spring near the end of college, at the goodbye party for my Japanese language partner, Chie, who helped inspire me to want to live in Japan.) That period of my life was the last time I felt there was hope for my future. Of course, I've made countless wonderful new friends in the years since then, but I haven't found anything fulfilling in my own life since that time, and the picture reflects my feeling of being stuck. If you ever see that I've changed my profile picture, it means something big has happened and my life is moving again. [2020 update: I did update my profile picture, just once, the day that I officially received my visa for permission to live and work in Japan, in 2015. It's still my profile picture now. I will only change it if something good happens in my life, but so far there hasn't been anything.] Big US Cities Boom as Young Adults Shun Suburbs http://kstp.com/article/stories/S2671783.shtml?cat=1 http://www.pnas.org/content/107/suppl.2/8962.full Spider-Man and the Decay Rate Algorithm http://youtu.be/WjfT6MqTCqQ I complained to a coworker that some documents were unreadable when saved at 60% zoom. "I changed them all to 85%, which I can defiantly live with." Yeah, fight the oppression? overheard at the office: "Let's run context up the flag one more time before we throw the baby out." o_0 http://view.exacttarget.com/?j=fe571679746d017a7513&m=ff3317757766&ls=fe0310707c64007f76177274&l=fe981572746d037e75&s=fe1b1c777c6d027d771778&jb=ffcf14&ju=fe2b17737263027f751577 "Yippee ki-yay, mothers/fathers!" (a line from today's Juicebox newsletter, a parent's guide to kid-friendly events and activities) http://www.facebook.com/groups/2204992216/ Get yourself to CONvergence right now. Honestly, it's more fun and important than anything else you could possibly be doing this weekend. I suspect that some of my friends spend the whole rest of the year thinking about and preparing for this convention. This year's theme: "Wonder Women, a four-day celebration of the female creators and characters of science fiction." overheard at the office: "We'll be moving cancer units. If they say, 'We need melanoma,' we'll give it to them right away." The shortest possible distance: Planck length (). The shortest possible time: Planck time () = the time it takes light in a vacuum (the fastest possible thing) to travel that shortest possible distance. Distances or time intervals shorter than these are meaningless. I know this is basic crap that I probably learned and forgot in Physics class, but I'm just coming to appreciate it now and my mind is truly blown. Evan - yup, it's Iron Sky. The best production values and special effects I've seen in something so intentionally campy and stupid - it was really fun. There'll be a limited theatrical release next weekend but nothing in MN. Nastassja, Vincent - fine, they were 'speɪsnætsiz. David - yeah, I'm guessing a southern accent made her sound more reckless and aggressive instead of making her just a clueless bumpkin. http://www.webpacman.com/ghosts.html http://gameinternals.com/post/2072558330/understanding-pac-man-ghost-behavior http://www.twincities.com/stpaul/ci_21037910/vision-peace-replica-heads-st-pauls-sister-city?source=rss http://view.exacttarget.com/?j=fe6116797766017f7611&m=ff3317757766&ls=fe0810767565057d70107077&l=fe93157071610d7475&s=fe1b1c777c6d027d771778&jb=ffcf14&ju=fe2817737d66057b711d73 "Expect twisty-cheeky pub fare" at Primebar, new in Calhoun Square. Personally, I prefer places that "get buzzy-sticky." I'm looking for some "wink and wow," people. Also, http://youtu.be/xbK0C9AYMd8 http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/mystery_cave/index.html http://www.inforum.com/event/article/id/367023/group/homepage/ I guess I'm not surprised that Billy Ocean is gay. I always felt like he was singing this song just for me. (bonus: dubstep at ) [Loverboy] [This was when Frank Ocean announced that he's gay and lots of people confused him with Billy Ocean] http://saintsbaseball.com/news/saints-host-a-night-of-unbelievable-fun/ http://photos.twincities.com/2012/07/14/photos-midwest-tomato-fest-2012-you-say-tomato-i-say-weapon/ overheard at the office: "Cash is king. Revenue drives the bus." Are you trying to say that profit gets the worm? "I love it when you say it's 'cock' and they say 'No, it's 'coke.'' and you say, "No, it isn't." For me, foreign accents are subject to a phenomenon similar to the "uncanny valley" of humanoid robotics and CG. If a non-native speaker sounds very close to native but has odd pronunciation for just a few words, it can be jarring to listen to, probably because I'm not listening in "accent mode." http://image.exct.net/lib/ff3317757766/m/4/717-y-EmmaByCorey_267x400.jpg So this is fashion. KIWF! http://view.exacttarget.com/?j=fe5c16797760027a7511&m=ff3317757766&ls=fdfb10717562037c75167973&l=fe8c157071610d757d&s=fe1b1c777c6d027d771778&jb=ffcf14&ju=fe1d17737d600d74711076 http://youtu.be/FdXryyFw7No HOLY CRAP how did I not know about this video? It's like if Willow went to Mos Eisley. Was not expecting this. Bonus alien proto-dubstep at 2:46. [Geneva, Turner, Alex, Ben, Cassie, James] (This is why I was searching for Billy Ocean: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1689035/frank-ocean-comes-out-tumblr.jhtml ) http://www.atozproduceandbakery.com/content/7052 http://www.canterburypark.com/LiveRacing/Promotions/ExtremeRaceDay/tabid/192/Default.aspx http://www.atozproduceandbakery.com/content/7052 "Yes, it is possible to grow every single ingredient on a pizza, and on a real working farm, and then make it at that farm and then eat it at that farm." This place gives tours - I love the concept. [Andrew, Morgon, Kelly, Nastassja, Melind, Karen, Maria] (From today's newsletter: http://view.exacttarget.com/?j=fe6216797761057d741d&m=ff3317757766&ls=fe0310707c64007f76177274&l=fe981572746d037e75&s=fe1b1c777c6d027d771778&jb=ffcf14&ju=fe1e17737d61037e721376 ) http://www.thebatking.com/ After Scott lamented that the "punchline of his life" might be to go into a cave with his scientist colleagues and get eaten by the "bat king", I decided to see if that's a thing. I was completely puzzled by this first result on Google until I remembered that there's more than one kind of bat. [Mark, Amelia] The Bat King Hottest Bats on the Planet Bat Shaving adds 30-60 feet of distance. Bat Rolling adds 20-40 feet of distance. Rolled Bats for Sale. Shaved Bats ... The next time someone asks what kind of music I like, I might just answer, "Peter Gabriel's album 'Security' from 1982." Ringtone at 1:35. I had a dream last night that there was a crazed woman with a pistol yelling and firing random shots around my parents' neighborhood in E. It was at night and during winter, and I was in the street walking by the front of my parents' house when she showed up stomping around their yard. I got down flat behind the snow bank to hide and dial 911, and in typical dream fashion, it took about 2 minutes of fumbling to dial the right digits (I was wearing gloves and my hands were numb). I was trying to keep my voice down, and the dispatcher misunderstood my explanation of what was happening and forwarded me to some unhelpful automated system, so I had to hang up and start over. Just when I got through again, the angry woman found me and pointed the gun down at my head while screaming nonsense. I grabbed the barrel of the gun and shoved it aside, but she pushed back and tried to aim it at me again. We were still struggling when my dad came running out of the house and helped wrench the gun out of her hand, taking it away. I stood up and turned to see a police car coming up the street with its lights on. It stopped in front of the house and I woke up just as the officer was getting out. ...What? http://www.cnn.com/2012/07/23/us/sally-ride-dead/index.html I used to follow space news with my parents before I was even in kindergarten, and I remember looking up to Sally Ride. Seeing her on TV was part of what made our space program so exciting and inspirational for a kid. (My mom actually dressed as her for Halloween one year.) I also thought this song was somehow related to her :-) http://youtu.be/PPBOXOtBUE0?t=1m2s http://youtu.be/fC_q9KPczAg?t=1m33s http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1325818 http://youtu.be/MNQhASTeMdw This looks like a fun indie movie. Time travel with all its mind-bending complications is always a plus for me, and so are wonky garage-built contraptions. It's showing tonight at 10 at Harriet Brewing's Tap Room on Minnehaha, $5. http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/jukos-time-machine-the-harriet-brewery http://youtu.be/axq1jQTk84w We can go to the slums where killers get hung. Lars, I can take you der. Little kid with guns only 15 roam in the streets up to no good; when gun shots just watch us run quickly. Sukanya, I can take you der. Sounds like paradise, doesn't it? What a terrible name for a concert venue (I actually thought "The Brick" sounded cool). This is a hilarious imagined transcript of the corporate meeting where it was decided on. To me, it sounds like a trendy-douchebag cocktail restaurant spun off from Mill City Pizza or Green Mill. http://blogs.mspmag.com/themorningafter/2012/07/25/how-the-brick-became-mill-city-nights-the-inside-story/ http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tiny-tower/id422667065?mt=8 Bastards. After being addicted to Tiny Tower for about 5 months (Hey, Will and anyone else who plays, add me on Game Center: fuzzyrobots ), I was about to completely finishing the game 14 hours from now and was finally losing interest. Now they just updated it to version 2.0, extending it with new content. Check the game out if you haven't - it's the most fun I've had from a free app. You can play as little as you want and still advance as time passes while the game isn't running. [Greg, Karl, David] http://emptylots.tumblr.com/ overheard at the office: "For some reason I can't remember how to delete my deleteds. Can you delete my deletes for me?" https://support.hammer.org/2012_RFR_event_register http://www.theatresmoa.com/class-of-92-celebration http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/common-room-mall-of-america-tour Sounds really cool! Free tour of the Mall of America from an artist's perspective. Meet at The Soap Factory in Dinkytown at 6:30 and travel to MOA together on public transit. http://www.soapfactory.org/ "Trying to make sense of the eight million square foot capitalist fever dream that is the Mall of America has been a favorite of locals since it opened in 1992. What do we do with such a place? What does it say about Minnesota? Is the MOA something to be proud of and awed by, or something to be ashamed of? Andy Sturdevant, who will admit to never liking the Mall very much, will lead a sympathetic, in-depth tour of the MOA’s history, inner workings, secret highlights, notable attractions, and complex, enduring influence on the state’s self-image." Can you use the word "eccentric" to describe someone who isn't wealthy, famous, or talented? Are they just "weird" or "crazy" instead? Those words don't sound nearly as charming. (Prince is what got me thinking about this. Would anyone put up with his wackiness if he weren't a musical genius?) http://youtu.be/YmqoaQXVw3Y お誕生日おめでとうございます!幸せナナ日になりますように!(ちょっと早いけど) ナーナナナナーナナナナーナナナーナナナーナナナナー 아이씨...Fuji mountain? Name should be Fuji hill! 하하 It's for children. Don't you know KOREA mountain? Great mountain HALLA MOUNTAIN and JIRI MOUNTAIN! You come to Korea, I show you REAL MOUNTAIN. DAEJEON SPECIAL, CHICKEN DRAGON MOUNTAIN! DOKDO IS KOREA LAND! GANGNAM STYLE! KOREAAAAAAAAAAAAA아아아아아아아앙! One of my American friends who recently climbed Mt. Fuji posted something funny and sarcastic on FB to the effect of "What a tiny mountain. I'll show you the huge superior mountains we have in Korea" (where he's living). One of his Japanese friends commented that it made her sad, and another went on an angry rant and unfriended him. First of all, the wording was so over-the-top that I thought it would be obvious that it's a joke, even through the language barrier. Even if people thought he was serious, I'm surprised that they would be so upset. It makes me wonder if Japanese people have a kind of spiritual reverence for Mt. Fuji and see it as a symbol of their nation and people, which is really hard for me to relate to. I can't think of anything in the USA, natural or manmade, that it would upset me to see mocked or criticized. http://www.soapfactory.org/ Today is another Soap Factory–led tour, this time of the downtown Minneapolis skyway system. I've been using it almost every day for 7 years and parts of it are still a puzzling labyrinth to me. Meet at the Soap Factory in NE Mpls. at 6:30 and we'll go downtown as a group. I would buy a retina iPad immediately if it could be used as an auxiliary monitor for a Mac or PC. I'd love for a laptop to be able to drive the display directly, using USB 3 or Thunderbolt through a dock connector adapter cable, with the iPad OS asleep. It would also act as a multitouch trackpad input device, mapped using absolute positioning like a Wacom tablet. Unplug it and it would wake up and function as an iPad again. Do you techies know a reason this wouldn't work? I'm sure there are strategic reasons Apple wouldn't offer this functionality. [2020 update: the app DuetDisplay which was released since then allows using an iOS device as a monitor for an extended workspace, with touch input] http://www.minnpost.com/stroll/2012/08/photos-famous-and-not-distinctive-decor-st-pauls-west-seventh http://image.exct.net/lib/ff3317757766/m/4/Sitka+160x300+08-09-12.jpg Um, is that an offer? Or a warning? (Ad in today's Foodie newsletter: http://view.exacttarget.com/?j=fe6416797661067e7517&m=ff3317757766&ls=fe0310767565057d701d7077&l=fe93157071610d7475&s=fe1215717466057c74147276&jb=ffcf14&ju=fe2a177475640079701d78&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=ExactTarget&utm_campaign=%%__AdditionalEmailAttribute1%%) http://youtu.be/_SgMStDRtHk becauesinalloftheuniverseyouaretheclosestthingihavetoafriendjeanluc.jpg http://www.agencyfusion.com/blog/2010/12/20/ditch-the-logos-in-your-email-signature-please/ I'm surprised Google has no results for "gramplesauce". I thought it was a perfectly logical name for Grandpa's homemade applesauce. Seriously? After all these years and versions, Windows still completely hides some of the files in Open and Save dialogs. In Open dialogs, it hides files that it thinks aren't readable by the program (and even some that are, like .csv files in Excel Open dialogs). In Save dialogs, it only shows the files that are the same format as the format you've selected to save it in. Why not still show them and gray them out like in Mac OS? That makes so much more sense. There are many times when you want to see what other files are in the folder and what their names are, no matter what their format is. [completed and corrected in 2020] Saying goodbye tonight to the most precious place on earth to me. This is the house I truly grew up in. It's filled to the roof with decades of happy memories with five generations of people that I love. Christmases, birthdays, Thanksgivings, and 1,200 ordinary Sundays. 10 Second Film Festival http://youtu.be/cCZ4l4P6Z-c http://www.soapfactory.org Meet at 6:30 tonight at the Soap Factory for the last of their city tours: "Invisible Minneapolis Tour - Imagine the Block E site as a downtown park modeled after The Boston Commons. Invisible Minneapolis is a tour of Minneapolis’ ghost structures and sites that never were because they lost out to alternate plans. A series of guest presenters will discuss some controversial and some unknown sites that almost were. Invisible Minneapolis aims at exploring the juxtaposition between the reality of what is Minneapolis and the alternate reality of what almost was Minneapolis." overheard at the office: "We need some Viagra-like activities to try to make this thing hard again." http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/draw-something-free/id488628250?mt=8 The game Draw Something (free for iOS and Android) is the first thing in ~10 years that's inspired me to draw, and I was really enjoying it until I lost my capacitive stylus 4 months ago (and didn't want to spend $14 on a new one). Greg gave me one of his, and I can't wait to start again! Add me: fuzzyrobots (I hope some of you guys are still playing: Karl, Misa, David, Amanda, Erin, Maggie, Tori, Dustin, Molly, Katie) [2020 update: wow, capacitive styluses used to cost that much? They can be bought together with pens at the 100-yen store here. Also, sadly, although I really wanted to play again, I never did.] If I objectively compare what life is like being single vs. in a relationship, having a girlfriend seems overwhelmingly negative. [2020 update: Yep.] Does my profile still look old-style to you, or is it already Timelined? Mine's been in Timeline Preview mode for about a week and I don't know if it's switched yet. Yep, yours is still showing up normal. I was hoping there was still a way I could view mine in the old style at this point, just so I could save the .htm to make an archive (like I did last winter). http://www.facebook.com/events/173921449409503/ Direct your dirigible to the Bryant-Lake Bowl theater tonight at 8 to see steampunk folk band Bad September (with my friend Charles on piano and accordion), celebrating the release of their first full-length album. Honestly, I've never seen a musical act with such rich, poetic storytelling, and their costumes and theatrical presence are fantastic. I hope we get to hear about the epic duel of Tesla v. Edison, the chess-playing automaton known as The Turk, and the beautiful Aschenlied. (Don't too many of you go, though - I'm afraid it'll sell out before I can get my ticket at the door :-/ ) Every time I see Secrets of the City referred to as "SOTC", I pronounce it "Sotsy" in my head. It also makes me think of "SATC". http://www.memoryhole.net/kyle/2007/08/superscriptone.html http://www.facebook.com/events/466370393382483/484147568271432/ "The projection of kittens on keyboards and flopping around in cardboard boxes on a large screen for the masses to enjoy starts at 8:30 p.m. First comes Death Metal Drawing Club with mnartists.org at 4 p.m., Open Field letterpress poster printing with Lunalux, and live music from Brian Laidlaw and the Family Trade at 7 p.m. That’s a great lineup for a Thursday night, but we all know it’s the closing act (cats on a big screen) that we’re looking forward to most. 8:30 p.m. Free. Walker Open Field, 1750 Hennepin Ave., Mpls., 612-375-7600, walkerart.org " http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/internet-cat-video-festival The BBC even mentioned it: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-19423773 Meet Lil Bub at the Walker in person tonight. http://www.facebook.com/iambublog Meet Pudge, too. http://www.facebook.com/pudgethecat http://youtu.be/2i9ICMmk1G8 Not Even Doom Music could make this Happy Cat more excited about the Internet Cat Video Film Festival at the Walker tonight. http://abullseyeview.com/art-of-soup-50-years-of-andy-warhol-and-campbells-soup-target/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=art-of-soup-50-years-of-andy-warhol-and-campbells-soup-target http://mspmag.com/BMTN/?pid=338710 http://view.exacttarget.com/?j=fe531679716703797c12&m=ff3317757766&ls=fdfb10717562037c75167973&l=fe8c157071610d757d&s=fe1b1c777c6d027d771778&jb=ffcf14&ju=fe3917747467047c741174 'Free Manis at the Fair', huh? I don't know what a manis is, but it doesn't sound like something I need. Also, it claims that Katie Cazorla will 'Viking your nails out,' which sounds like a pretty barbaric form of torture. http://www.minnpost.com/politics-policy/2012/09/new-hybrid-buses-are-latest-part-metro-transit’s-go-greener-campaign Is there a psychology/sociology term for your own image of the impression that you've given a certain person? Based on the interactions you've had, and what they've seen of you, it's how you imagine that you must exist in their mind. I'm not talking about their actual judgements or opinions of you, but the overall "you" that you're aware that you've shown them. http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/mst3k-zombie-nightmare-at-the-blb Tonight at 9 at Bryant Lake Bowl, $1: "In episode 604 of the cult show, Tony Washington, a Canadian with a passion for softball, dies after being struck by a Mercedes full of rowdy teens. Washington’s distraught mother calls upon the local voodoo queen, Molly Mokembe, to bring her son back to life. Mokembe succeeds but only in the sense that Washington is now a zombie seeking merciless revenge on his killers. With a heavy metal soundtrack, featuring the band Pantera, and the appearance of singer/actress Tia Carrere, “Zombie Nightmare” includes all the makings of a comedic sci-fi guilty pleasure. Doors at 9 p.m. $1. Bryant Lake Bowl Theater, 810 W. Lake St., Mpls, 612-825-8949, bryantlakebowl.com " http://www.tc.umn.edu/~anime/ Tonight's the first night of fall semester U of M anime club, which meets every Thu 6:30-10 in Tate Physics bldg, room 170. Free & open to the public (optional $6 fall membership); show up or leave at any time. We'll watch the complete first seasons of these shows, concluding in December: 6:30-7:00: 海月姫 - Princess Jellyfish 7:00-8:00: 電脳コイル - Dennou Coil 8:00-9:00: 日常 - My Ordinary Life 9:00-10:00: 屍鬼 - Shiki (Dennou Coil is really cool - it's a near-future society in which everyone wears augmented-reality glasses, and there are virtual pets and people hack each other.) overheard at the office: "Who would you say are the major pickle players in Minnesota?" —coworker doing phone interview "Beat me up. Get me a noodle." —coworker http://www.snopes.com/lost/poseidon.asp Great Gatsby 1926 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0016938/ http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/kramarczuks-kielbasa-festival-2 Looking forward to NE Mpls turning into a giant sausage fest this weekend (I'll probably be there Saturday). lf u, bb. u r a qt, n i 1 2 c u n a ed bd 22. i 1 2 4q. http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/finally-a-winning-weekend-for-mn-sports-team "I love that place! Have you ever been?" "No, I've never been!" That's always sounded funny to me. Never been where? Never been what? I say "I've never been there." Another one is "I've a question." I know it's grammatically correct, but the rhythm is awkward (at least to my American ears). When "have" means "possess" rather than forming the past participle, I think it's too important to the sentence to put in a contraction. http://io9.com/5818241/the-first-cyborg-horror-story-the-steam-arm-ballad-of-1834+35 http://youtube-global.blogspot.com/2012/09/introducing-new-youtube-app-for-your.html http://tcbmag.blogs.com/postchaos_10/2012/09/the-de-intern-ization-of-social-media.html ciao |tʃaʊ| exclam. informal used as a greeting at meeting or parting. ORIGIN 1920s: Italian, dialect alteration of schiavo ‘(I am your) slave,’ from medieval Latin sclavus ‘slave.’ gravitron http://youtu.be/aKkFhB1uPoI "Enter to win a flat-screen TV!" Does that still need to be specified? " http://www.macrumors.com/2012/09/11/apple-september-12th-media-event-spoiler-free-video-stream/ If anyone else is a freak like me and wants to watch the video of Apple's product introduction (happening right now) without knowing the details ahead of time, the link will be posted on this page as soon as it's available later today. overheard at the office: "I'm gonna check with my dot-whack lady." I don't think I have one of those. Should I? I'm at work, and if I start finding things out about it, I'll want to read more and more, and I can't do that until I get home tonight. Also, even without Jobs, Apple puts on a great show when they demo a new product's features. Yeah, I know Apple is supposedly a horrible company and I don't agree with their approach to a lot of things, but I love some of their products. http://www.apple.com/apple-events/september-2012/ http://www.twincityconcourse.us/ Behold: the most professional-looking site for a pigeon-racing association that I've ever seen. (Found it from this story: http://www.dglobe.com/event/article/id/59712/) http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/nyc-may-drain-its-fountain-drinks http://www.cablestogo.com/resources/usb.asp http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2012/September/Block-E-AMC-to-Close;-Renovated-Uptown-Theatre-to It's sad to go from having a first-run cineplex two blocks from my apartment to having nothing closer than a suburban mall in another city. Maybe I'll be waiting for EVERYTHING to get to the Riverview (at least I can justify the ticket price). http://www.engadget.com/2012/09/16/visualized-london-underground-circuit-map-is-also-a-radio/ http://inhabitat.com/dominic-wilcox-unveils-gps-shoe-that-guides-you-home-from-anywhere-in-the-world/ http://thor.ytmnd.com Finally going to see Avengers tonight at the Riverview. I never saw Thor, but I learned everything I need to know about his character from this helpful page. [Nastassja, David, James (sorry for tagging you in every YTMND, but not many other people are down with it)] music |ˈmjuzɪk| ORIGIN Middle English: from Old French musique, via Latin from Greek mousikē (tekhnē)‘(art) of the Muses,’ from mousa ‘muse.’ I can't believe that the word "music" apparently came from "muse", and not the other way around. [updated 2020] http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/found-footage-festival MUST GO. "If fully completed films are too passé for your tastes, tonight the Heights hosts the Found Footage Festival, a fantastic little showcase of weird clips and montages delivered with commentary from MCs Joe Pickett (The Onion) and Nick Prueher (Late Show with David Letterman). Just imagine: there’s an entire universe of old awkward home movies, discarded VHS tapes, and hilarious training videos from the ’70s just floating around out there, and the FFF walks lucky viewers through the best of the worst and weirdest. $8. 8 p.m. —TC The Heights Theater, 3951 Central Ave. NE, Mpls., 763-788-9079, http://www.heightstheater.com " http://gizmodo.com/5944437/should-you-keep-your-old-iphone-on-ios-5-for-google-maps I'm not installing iOS 6 until Apple's new Maps includes transit directions or Google has their stand-alone Maps app available. It's disgusting to me that Apple dropped Google Maps before having bus and train navigation ready - my life depends on those in a serious way. I know you can use maps.google.com in Safari, but the interface isn't nearly as elegant and responsive as the native app. http://theamazingios6maps.tumblr.com Holy crap - I came up with Bandersnatch Cummerbund and Googled it just to see if it would ask "Did you mean: Benedict Cumberbatch ?", and it turns out that's already something that people call him. Fugu is a http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2203011/Sex-offender-captured-girlfriend-likes-sheriffs-department-Facebook--portrait-snap-them.html http://www.buzzfeed.com/whitneyjefferson/125-reasons-why-guys-are-scared-of-pinterest Everyone in the office talks about "live links" on our web sites. Isn't that one of those awful phone services that puts commercials on at night? "growler |ˈɡraʊlər| noun - 1 a person or thing that growls." When would you ever use it in that sense? "Look out - she's a growler!" http://www.bringmethenews.com/2012/09/11/which-national-act-debuted-at-the-minnesota-renaissance-festival/ Request a device unlock for your iPhone Thank you. Your request has been submitted. Your Request Number is x Thank you for contacting AT&T Customer Care about unlocking your iPhone. Your unlock request is presently being reviewed. Please retain your Request Number for reference. You will receive the status of your request at the email address you provided in 5 to 7 business days. Sincerely, AT&T Customer Care http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/is-minneapolis-the-next-amsterdam http://www.engadget.com/2012/09/26/hitachi-announces-permanent-quartz-storage/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/09/26/sharp-semi-transparent-solar-panels/ http://mspmag.com/Shop-And-Style/Articles/Features/Getting-Styled-by-the-Pros/ Getting Styled by the Pros, which David Roberts pointed out is what happens when someone plays Counterstrike for the first time. http://www.engadget.com/2012/09/26/xdf-deepest-view-of-universe/ http://theamazingios6maps.tumblr.com/post/31969863003/senkaku-diaoyu-islands-diplomatic-territorial http://theamazingios6maps.tumblr.com/post/31969830493/london-tube http://theamazingios6maps.tumblr.com/post/31928801412 http://www.engadget.com/2012/09/26/mira-universe-simulation/ http://news.yahoo.com/nazi-acquired-buddha-statue-came-space-172319961.html http://mn-japan.org/2012/09/save-the-date-mondale-award-dinner-gala/ Wow. This event I'm helping with will have a keynote speech by the Ambassador of Japan to the U.S., Ichiro Fujisaki. http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/typographic Wish I could go to this - 6-9 tonight at the MIA, free. The buffalo from Buffalo that buffalo from Buffalo tend to Buffalo are buffaloing buffalo from Buffalo. Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. http://www.engadget.com/2012/09/28/smart-forstars-concept-ev-projector/ Sassy saxophone, majestic french horns, and horrible synth strings. I've had it stuck in my head since it came on shuffle the other day. [2020 update: I wonder what song this was? Now I want to listen to it again.] http://sua.umn.edu/events/afterdark/ Hunger Games is showing free at the Coffman theater tonight at 7 and 10. I can't wait to watch PEEta + KatNISS together for some PEE/N, uh, KAT/TA action! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_House_Honey_Ale Interesting - the "Taste!" event I'm going to tomorrow that's hosted by our magazine includes a "Tasting presentation of President Obama’s home-brew, White House Honey Ale". [Nastassja] http://www.stereophile.com/cdplayers/193/ Yesterday was the CD's 30th anniversary! Here's a 1983 review of the first commercially-available CD player. http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/01/sharp-lcd-panel-type-5/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/01/verizon-iphone-5-mobile-data-bug-fix/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/09/29/brian-eno-scope/ Panicked shout from behind closed door of office near me: "Ohhhh Santa Bear!" http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/02/ntt-docomo-i-beam-eye-tracking-tablet-prototype-ceatec-2012/ http://www.aliexpress.com/item/1Pcs-lot-3-5MM-Extension-Earphone-Headphone-Audio-Splitter-Cable-Adapter-Female-to-2-Male-Free/613998291.html http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/02/google-patents-smartwatch-with-flip-up-display/ http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/02/business/global/conflict-in-cargill-sale-of-love-hotel-in-japan.html http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/02/zero-motorcycles-2013-models/ http://www.myfoxtwincities.com/story/19711393/professional-wrestler-kos-man-hurling-slurs-threats-on-light-rail http://www.tmz.com/2012/10/02/wwe-shawn-daivari-train-rescue-choke-hold http://www.engadget.com/2012/08/17/scientists-create-universe-simulation/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/03/nhk-8k-3d-digital-binoculars/ Classic Slow Scan Television (SSTV) Demonstration http://youtu.be/u3k6Xt30Z7g http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slow-scan_television http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/02/tokyo-university-of-science-pneumatic-muscle-suit/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/03/nasa-curiosity-rover-foursquare-mars-check-in/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/04/bloodhound-ssc-test-fire/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/04/samsung-galaxy-camera-hands-on-att/ http://deltaskymag.delta.com/getattachment/7e387fd7-07b6-4ceb-8966-910316ed7aa9/Hutchinson,-Kans.aspx That face. http://deltaskymag.delta.com/Sky-Extras/Show-Us-Your-Sky/Show-Us-Your-Sky---Your-Dog!.aspx Baaaa-bwa-b-b-b-bwa-b-b-bwaaa-waaa...Baaaa-bwa-b-b-b-bwa-b-b-bwo-b-bwo-b-b-bwo... http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/rockstar-storytellers-at-bryant-lake-bowl I did pretty much nothing yesterday but play Minecraft - it was really pathetic. I felt addicted in a way I haven't since the first few days I played WoW. I could barely step away to eat or answer people's texts and they were wondering what's wrong. I think the biggest reason it was exciting is that I felt like I was making real progress at "taming" the world and conquering the natural underground caverns. I cleared tons of territory by marking it off with torches, walling off lava, damming waterfalls, clearing and leveling walkways, widening catwalks, etc. It was satisfying to know that the next time I came to that area there would be fewer monsters and physical obstacles to interfere with my exploration. When I found a dead end in a branch of a natural cave, I kept digging in that direction until I broke through to somewhere else. If the branch was already angled upward, I continued at 45 degrees until I broke through to the surface, and then built a big visible stone entrance with a door and unique decorations jutting up from the top, and a torch above the door so I could find it quickly at sundown - I probably made 10 of these. At the first room-like space down from the surface of these entrances, I built a crafting table, a furnace, and a storage box. I also started digging down at 45 degrees from the deepest parts of surface caves until I broke through to a cavern or hit the adminium (which only happened once because there are so many caverns). I died constantly while entering new dark areas and adding torches, but my scattered inventory never went in lava so I thought, "oh well, I'll pick it all up the next time I end up there." I got used to the routine of running to trees from the respawn point to gather enough wood to disappear underground and start the whole tool-building process from scratch. Starting over like this didn't irritate me because I thought I'd eventually get my piles of resources back. I rarely returned to the same place because the caverns were such winding mazes, but I thought it was odd that I never found any of my dropped stuff. Then I read that it disappears forever 5 minutes after your death. That ticked me off so bad that it might be a while before I play again. I had collected so much stuff and mined so many caverns bare and now I can't get the stuff back, and those areas are used up. I guess you should only carry what you are willing to lose, and always have a storage chest with you to drop somewhere and fill up as if it's a save point (too bad they require a lot of wood which is the most annoying resource to gather). ...so many wristbands ... tag some of them as ... claimed them, and say "tag yourself on an unclaimed one if you want it." ... Holy buckets. Tag yourself on an unclaimed wristband if you want it. (Thanks, Abe!) http://youtu.be/EUkbqZoiDn4 10/10 is dedicated to TEN TEN. Remember: YOU ARE GREAT. YOU HAVE AN AMAZING WISDOM AND POWER. (This was the first video game I ever beat and the first game ending I saw, and I was amused that a game would have credits that roll like a movie.) http://www.citypages.com/2012-10-10/news/zombie-pub-crawl-conquers-all/ https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DowntownPerceptions2012 http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/29/magazine/29FOB-onlanguage-t.html?_r=0 Went on another Minecraft binge. Changed my playing style to be less bold about running into and claiming underground territory. I wall off dark tunnels with dirt until I'm ready to advance, and make frequent trips back to safe rooms to drop off what I've gathered, carrying bare essentials while exploring. I still had some frustrating surprise deaths that left some things unrecoverable. I tried my best to sprint from the spawn with an empty inventory within 5 minutes, dodging monsters, to gather the dropped items. Once, I died carrying a lot of stuff next to a skeleton spawner that I didn't expect, and I went all the way down to that deep spot deep in the maze ~10 times before I was able to get my stuff out without dying again and resetting the timer (finally destroyed it and got 2 diamond from the room). There was another spawner for zombies in a room into which I opened just an eye-level window, and was able to slaughter them continuously while staying out of reach. It raised my "experience" level, but that's another thing that disappointingly gets thrown away when you die. The one thing that has made this world a lot more fun than previous ones is that there's a populated village with some cool pre-made buildings. I found the seed on the web - Hoover Dam - and the village is walkable from the original spawn: x 750 z 240. The village seems like it'd be fun for multiplayer. I loved taking over things like the irrigated farm plots, a fenced garden, a well, and a partial mine shaft, and moving into the biggest house with a vaulted ceiling and windows. I'm building additions to the house, and dug a deep stairway down from indoors (sealed with a door at the end) to some impressive caverns, where I go every night. There are woods and caves nearby, too. I can't wait to play again... Sony NEX-FS100U cheppa WoLf_MaN http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/16/kaspersky-labs-preps-its-own-os-to-guard-industry-against-cyberwarfare/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/16/cardboard-bicycle/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/16/engadget-giveaway-atari-2600/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/16/tokyoflash-kisai-maze/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/05/21/minecraft-mod-adds-programmable-8-bit-computer/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/15/robotic-wheelchair-concept/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/13/acoustic-barcodes/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/12/portal-gun-floating-companion-cube/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/10/gmail-goes-multilingual/ http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/a-new-breed-of-bikes-hits-minneapolis-streets http://www.tcdailyplanet.net/news/2012/10/15/cargo-bike-new-minneapolis-bikes-streets http://www.startribune.com/local/minneapolis/174689001.html I just watched the president of our company being interviewed this afternoon for a segment on tonight's local news. He was listening to the anchors' questions through an earpiece and answering into the camera. The crew says they were recording it ahead of time to be presented later "as live." http://www.animefusion.net/home/about-us Anime Fusion convention at Ramada Mall of America all weekend. $15 F, $25 Sa, $10 Su, or $40 full weekend. http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/18/lytro-adding-parallax-effects-and-3d-display-support/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/17/forrester-survey-finds-first-ever-decline-in-people-using-the-i/ http://inhabitat.com/worlds-tallest-skyscraper-to-be-built-in-210-days-instead-of-90-as-originally-planned/ http://inhabitat.com/cyberdyne-unveils-mind-controlled-robot-exoskeleton-that-protects-fukushima-workers-from-nuclear-radiation/ http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/sciencefair/2012/10/18/moon-origin-zinc/1641999/ http://news.discovery.com/animals/first-human-ancestor-squirrel-121018.html http://youtu.be/Go1jQRb3TSc ♪ You don't know me but I'm a vampire. And my friend here is a Frankenstein. ♪ This video is brilliant, all the way through the ending (keyboard noodling will get you every time). I've had the song looping through my head for the last month. [Simon, Dan, Dominick, Christopher, Turner, Wendy] musical notes ♩ 9833 ♩ 2669 QUARTER NOTE ♪ 9834 ♪ 266A EIGHTH NOTE (present in WGL4) ♫ 9835 ♫ 266B BEAMED EIGHTH NOTES (present in WGL4) ♬ 9836 ♬ 266C BEAMED SIXTEENTH NOTES ♩♪♫♬ http://www.warnersstellian.com/name http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/23/nikon-patent-would-perfect-the-art-of-camera-tossing/ http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/macbook/specs/macbook-core-2-duo-2.2-white-13-late-2007-santa-rosa-specs.html The Eye of the Sparrow http://youtu.be/QlwilbVYvUg http://static.gamesradar.com/images/mb/GamesRadar/us/Daily/2010/07-Jul/03/Good%20Magazine%20Covers/NP009--article_image.jpg http://hpeap.com Lolled at David's "The Papyrus has spread through the site's vital parts. It needs to be relieved of its suffering." The longer I look at the page the more I feel sorry for it. hypnagogia: (actually a normal dream) Had a dream that there was a stray dog hanging around my friends and family that had a supernatural ability to will people to die. It wasn't doing it on purpose and didn't understand the panic it was causing. It looked like a German shepherd. If it was agitated and someone was in its line of sight, that person might suddenly drop to the floor. My mom felt sorry for the dog because it was neglected and wanted to adopt it, and my friends and I were trying to convince her how dangerous that would be. When the dog was around, we'd try to leave the room and hope it'd forget about us, but if it was too close we'd pet it and say "what a good boy!" etc. to keep it from being upset, and wait for an opportunity to escape. http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/25/darpas-pet-proto-robot-climbs-balances-jumps-comes-to-get-yo/ http://youtu.be/rn6ZhMrVl2c http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/25/researchers-restore-134-year-old-audio-recording/ http://websnap08.lbl.gov/Tinfoil.html http://www.letoilemagazine.com/2012/06/18/u-otter-stop-inn-mural-gets-painted-over/ songs just came up in this order on shuffle: Benedictine Monks Of Santo Domingo De Silos - Anon: Ave Mundi Spes Maria; Busta Rhymes - Woo Hah!! Got You All In Check; Motley Crue - GirlsGirlsGirls! http://image.exct.net/lib/ff3317757766/m/4/Herbergers+160x600+10-30-12.jpg This guy. http://tcbmag.com/Industries/Technology/The-Quietest-Room-in-the-World-September-2008 overheard at the office: "He's not really our guy. That Heather girl is our guy now." http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/event/article/id/248684/publisher_ID/36/ http://www.kare11.com/news/article/995671/391/Minn-town-piles-up-17M-mountain-of-corn http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2012/11/04/5-dogs-cat-rescued-from-animal-hospital-fire/ http://www.writersdigest.com/online-editor/the-winner-of-the-shortest-short-story-contest-ssstory http://lmgtfy.com/?q=%22I%27m+a+*+and+I%27m+here+to+say%22 I love doing fill-in-the-blank searches like this to see what the top results are. The one I had in mind came up as #5 and #7. http://mspmag.com/Shop-And-Style/Find-Shops-and-Spas/Bumbershute/ What a hilarious name for a store. Reminds me of the Wyclef Jean song that was on the Chef's Aid album: "♪ Bullet in your bumbershute, bullet in your bumbershute. You can party and act real cute 'til you catch a bullet in your bumbershute. ♪" "Charticle" sounds like an article that makes you chortle, or maybe choke. Anyway, it's an ugly word. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxicab_geometry Cool. Lolled at the last part - oh, no big deal: "If you need to travel very long distances in the Overworld, it is best to build a railway system in the Nether. Not only will you use many fewer rails, you will travel much faster relatively to the Overworld (up to 64 m/s or 230 km/h in a straight line, or up to 325 km/h diagonally). This will often result in Zombie Pigmen spawning on the tracks and stopping your cart, however." I like this title: Keeping Safe The Stars. Word order can make an amazing difference - compare it to Keeping The Stars Safe. The River Wild vs. The Wild River. http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/alcohol-is-arsonist-at-burnsville-liquor-store So glad I finally got one of these. I can leave both my phone and my work computer plugged into the same pair of headphones, and even play audio simultaneously. No more reaching behind the iMac and probing with my finger for the headphone jack every time I want to change plugs and switch what I'm listening to. (One crazy side effect is that the iPhone temporarily ducks the volume of whatever's playing whenever the computer is making sound. It must be detecting the activity on the wire as microphone input? I'm guessing that's normally a 3rd ring on the connector which the adapter lacks, so the computer's output is hitting one of the phone's audio out channels and its mic channel the same time?) I came up with "byunas airs" as the worst possible way to mispronounce Buenos Aires, and when I searched Google for it, it still asked "Did you mean Buenos Aires?" http://www.omniglot.com/countries/europe.htm http://www.blogcdn.com/www.gadling.com/media/2007/09/mrclean.jpg Bad Lip Reading - The Campaign http://youtu.be/RP7VPoxgL4A http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/conquering-minnesotans-head-to-big-buck-hunter-world-championship http://news.cnet.com/8301-10797_3-57469083-235/game-console-ouya-to-bring-gaming-back-to-the-tv/ "The company already has a slough of supporters, including Brian Fargo of inXile." There's a guy named Fargo supporting the "Ouya"? You betcha! [Nastassja] http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2012/November/Mystic-Lake-Casino-Starts-Selling-Alcohol,-Creates http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817145095 http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/17/htc-j-butterfly-htl21-440ppi/ Unsupported Mountain Lion http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1325709 http://www.pstracks.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/butterflies.jpg I overheard the phrase "surprise and delight" at the office and decided to search for it - this is the first image that came up :-) [2020 update: too bad this domain is broken - it was probably a funny picture!] http://www.teradatamagazine.com/uploadedImages/TDMO/v12n04/Articles/Connections/wherebusiness_280.png This shape fascinates me. From this article: http://www.teradatamagazine.com/v12n04/Connections/Where-Business-and-Technology-Meet/ [2020 update: damn, seems that this was intentionally taken down. I wonder what it was?] http://blogs.mspmag.com/alishops/files/2012/11/Pradaresort2013.jpeg This isn't what I'd call attractive, but it's a cool photo. http://blogs.mspmag.com/alishops/2012/11/08/a-prada-boutique-at/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R-colored_vowel http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/religious-leaders-experience-the-food-stamp-challenge http://tcbmag.blogs.com/innovations/2012/11/dont-worry-about-china.html http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/minneapolis-zombies-officially-seize-world-record Fr: eau = "o"; De: eu = "oi"; Zh: chi/shi/zhi = "chr/shr/jr" http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/jts-jazz-implosion-at-icehouse-2 If the Climax Blues Band ever were to get together and jam with the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, I'm fearful of the resulting cataclysm. We might never be able to clean all the jazz off of everything. http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/jts-jazz-implosion-at-icehouse-2 If the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion ever got together and jammed with the Climax Blues Band at JT's Jazz Implosion, I'm fearful of the violent jazzaclysm that may result. http://www.startribune.com/local/179032531.html Tevlin: A volatile political mix ignites on Election Day http://www.engadget.com/2012/11/12/voxeljet-3d-printer-skyfalls-aston-martin-stunt-double/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/11/13/unowhy-brings-its-haute-cuisine-qooq-tablet-to-the-us-for-399/ 王家愛応相。 http://mspmag.com/Eat-And-Drink/Articles/Where-and-What-to-Eat/One-Great-Plate-Spatchcock-Chicken/ "You’re going to do WHAT to that chicken?? Don’t worry, spatchcocked chicken is a real thing." This also reminds me that there was a lame game in the 16-bit era called Alfred Chicken (get it?). http://view.exacttarget.com/?j=fe5a16797d660c7e7511&m=ff3317757766&ls=fe0810767565057d70107077&l=fe93157071610d7475&s=fe1b1c777c6d027d771778&jb=ffcf14&ju=fe26177472610775741274 http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Dylsexia Also, 3rd paragraph: "Reading disorders are the most common typo of learning disorder..." http://img.21food.com/20110609/product/1307088706832.jpg Apparently eating raw potatoes is considered a "pica" along the lines of eating chalk or dirt, and is called "geomelophagia." I like them better than any other vegetable when they're crinkle cut and soaked in cold water (intercepted before the fryer)—crisp like a carrot, but tasting slightly sour with a starchy texture. http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2012/apr/02/scientists-clue-human-evolution-question http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1429028/muse-survives-plane-scare-lands-rhcp-foo-tour.jhtml I saw Muse at "their first arena performance," at the Target Center on the first stop on their 2000 tour. I didn't even appreciate who they were because I was so excited to see Foo Fighters and RHCP. http://youtu.be/DiJXNv-MoZs 120fps Galaxy Camera demo http://www.engadget.com/2012/11/19/macintosh-portable-mod/ http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/playing-the-building http://youtu.be/K6cvCafcPGQ http://mspmag.com/BMTN/?pid=370950 Minnesota man buys tower in ocean off NC http://www.imdb.com/list/N_8ARgEmyoY/ Ideal dead actors for certain Sonic Characters http://www.virtualworldlets.net/Worlds/Listings/LawnmowerMan/LawnmowerMan1-JobeVR.jpg I hope everyone had a great Cyber Monday yesterday and did lots of cybering. http://youtu.be/9G4jnaznUoQ Wish I had moves like Jagger. (P.S.: I'm sorry.) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ey_Mann,_wo_is’_mein_Auto%3F http://www.engadget.com/2012/11/30/google-drive-adds-site-publishing/ http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-11-29/the-science-behind-those-obama-campaign-e-mails http://www.superdoctors.com/new-york-metro/doctor/Franklin-C-Lowe/d92c82a4-2141-47ce-a766-b748105c5ff6.html http://www.engadget.com/2012/11/29/sonar-vision-system-touted-by-researchers-to-help-the-blind-he/ "Surprisingly, researchers also found that after only several hours using the device, regions of the cerebral cortex dedicated to sight became activated for the first time in the congenitally sightless." http://www.engadget.com/2012/11/29/prototype-plugg-radio-dabbles-in-dab-lets-you-put-a-cork-in-it/ Mayan http://www.spoonflower.com/giftwrap/850003?concept_id=96761 http://s3.amazonaws.com/spoonflower/public/design_thumbnails/0085/0003/2012_Doomsday_Advent_Calendar_color-fixed_shop_preview.png http://www.engadget.com/2012/12/03/sharp-ll-s201a-big-pad/ http://blogs.technet.com/b/microsoft_blog/archive/2012/11/29/next-up-for-the-surface-family-surface-with-windows-8-pro-pricing.aspx Every time I hear the phrase "Wink and Wow" (which is way too often), this is what pops in my head. [2020 update: I'm pretty sure this was the .gif of Little Red Riding Hood impressed by the giant bouncy tanuki balls] Maybe we're being trolled by a North Korean equivalent of The Onion. http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/50058129/ns/today-today_news/#.UL0iVLYYcX4 http://tcbmag.com/Industries/Technology/The-New-Drinking-Game http://smart-bad.xanga.com/496669476/item/ "...we made the collective mistake of calling the game "NoBUNGA's Ambition" (pronounced the same way one would say "CowaBUNGA"). And the mispronunciation stuck. To my periphery knowledge on the matter, this mispronunciation apparently occurred independently in other locales as well, as when we would talk to different kid groups about this game, "Nobunga's Ambition" was readily recognized and used as the game's moniker." Yep. http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/タンタンの冒険旅行 I'm relieved that "The Adventures of Tintin" is transliterated using "Tantan" (as a French name), rather than the common practice of "tin" becoming "chin" (because that would be quite an embarrassing name). dock jumping dog http://www.startribune.com/sports/outdoors/182104681.html?refer=y http://www.engadget.com/2012/12/04/tokyoflash-space-digits/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/12/04/cyphy-works-reveals-tethered-flying-bots-that-stay-aloft-forever/ overheard at the office: "You know [name omitted]? She's fast, she's cheap, and she's clean." "Well, give 'er the up and give 'er the down!" http://www.bryantlakebowl.com/calendar/shows/star-wars-holiday-special-2 http://mspmag.com/BMTN/?pid=396445 http://pop45.blogspot.com/2008/06/greg-shaw-predicts-futurepresent-in.html へlpmyけyぼあrぢsbろけんじゅstきっぢんg いてぃんきmつrにんgじゃぱねせいてぃんきmつrにんgじゃぱねせいれあっlyてぃんkそ いてぃんkmyけyぼあrぢsつrにんgじゃぱねせいてぃんkmyけyぼあrぢsつrにんgじゃぱねせいれあっlyてぃんkそ Esas me gustan mucho. Se encuentran también en el barrio de Minneapolis que se llama Prospect Park. Spellcheck on my Mac apparently detected that I was typing in Spanish and suggested changing a correctly-spelled English word to a Spanish equivalent. I didn't know it did that. http://www.engadget.com/2012/12/11/samsung-patent-uses-tiny-bright-pixels-to-create-seamless-displays/ Let me know if I'm right in this assessment: Hanukkah is actually a relatively minor Jewish holiday, but it happens to be at the same time of year as Christmas, and it's mainly Christians who have built up its significance in an effort to include Jewish people in their year-end holiday celebrations. http://youtu.be/JZshZp-cxKg This moment is brought to you by the Pointer Sisters and the number... This year/month/day/hour/minute/second is brought to you by the Pointer Sisters and the greatest and funkiest thing that has ever happened to the number. 12 - pinball animation (Sesame Street, 1976) Doc Brown vs Doctor Who. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2. http://youtu.be/xDj7gvc_dsA http://www.engadget.com/2012/12/12/kenshiro-robot/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/12/12/ge-dual-piezo-jets/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/12/12/redbox-instant-pricing/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/12/12/mit-researchers-smallest-indium-gallium-arsenide-transistor/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/12/12/eco-battery-dye-root-extract/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/12/12/yota-devices-dual-screen-smartphone/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/12/11/shazam-for-ios-gets-a-new-ui-shares-our-lack-of-music-knowledge/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/12/11/amazon-wins-patent-for-airbag-system-designed-to-protect-portabl/ Just misheard "The redesigned ad isn't, like, unbelievable." as "The reason my dad didn't like 'Unbelievable'..." The first camera I've ever owned and also my first Android device. I never wanted a camera until they finally made one that's smart. How many cameras let you emulate SNES with a Bluetooth gamepad? Impressed by the 21x optical zoom, 120fps slow-mo vid recording, and optical stabilization. [2020 update: that optical zoom was amazing and there's still nothing in a smartphone that can replace it. Current iPhones can now do slow motion at twice the fps and better quality overall, however. Too bad the stupid fucking thing broke itself because of a ridiculous "feature".] Don't buy "The Bobbit: An Unexpected Journey to the ER" by mistake like I did. It has nothing to do with Tolkien, and the effects are shockingly low-budget. http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/mac/forum/macoffice2011-macoutlook/why-cant-i-save-a-jpg-in-ms-office-2011/261b71b2-ce4b-47b4-b48a-271e65238f9b 事務所の玄関だよ。毎年ビルの管理人だそうなこの人がエルヴィスの衣装で演奏する。歌うのも本人の真似も上手い。 http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/new-apartment-designed-for-cyclists http://www.gamerevolution.com/news/the-war-z-pulled-from-steam-due-to-customer-outrage-16653 Cheers theme Excel's handling of .csv files is irritating. I work with them every day because I don't need formulas or formatting, and it's the only format our mailing system takes. When you Save As a .csv, Excel gives two "Are you sure?" warning dialogs, and then still treats the open file as unsaved when you close it, as if it's using every opportunity to coerce you into using .xls(x) instead. Despite it acting unsaved and therefore not "in use," the mailing system can't upload it and Outlook can't attach it until its window is closed. http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/simgad/9333096392306036493 This is an ad running on one of our sites right now (http://ibmsystemsmag.com/aix). [2020 update: wow, I can't believe this URL still works] "Yuyart" sounds to me like the way you'd say "yogurt" in some European language. Every time I see an email with the subject "SOTC", I read it as "Soughtsy". It also reminds me of that "SATC" show. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/has-anyone-really-been-far-even-as-decided-to-use-even-go-want-to-do-look-more-like Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like? My new year's resolution is the same as last year: 1080x1920+1920x1080. (Or 3000x1920 minus the corners.) http://www.theonion.com/articles/coworker-with-two-computer-screens-not-fucking-aro,29151/ http://stopcarp.org I know people are finally getting tired of Gundam Style and obnoxious anime fandom, but calling it an "INVASION OF ASIAN CRAP" seems a little harsh to me. Oh, maybe I didn't read that carefully enough. Those aren't words I'd use to describe my NEIGHBORHOOD, either, so I guess he's right about them being incomparable. [from 4chan] http://www.engadget.com/2013/01/07/nhk-proposes-new-3d-broadcast-format/ http://www.macrumors.com/2012/12/28/apple-to-update-macbook-pro-and-macbook-air-in-june-2013/ found diamond http://mspmag.com/BMTN/?pid=429557 http://www.betalogue.com/2011/08/08/word2011-windows/ http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2013/01/07/ibm-watson-slang/ I'd love to be able to communicate using image URLs in real life. They can (http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/thumblarge_589/1299610097fo4296.jpg) so much better than words alone. [2020 update: until the URLs break, I guess. I wonder what this was? Probably a pretty funny face. Now you can just upload your own image for Facebook comments, but at the time, being able to include an image from the web was a breakthrough.] http://graphics.cs.cmu.edu/projects/face-animation/ smb:// http://www.engadget.com/2013/01/10/visualized-art-lebedev-optimus-popularis/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/01/10/game-boy-android-gamepad/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/01/10/washington-academy-of-sciences-peer-review-novel/ http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/minneapolis-business-named-among-coolest-work-spaces-in-america http://www.businessinsider.com/the-17-coolest-coworking-spaces-in-america-2012-12#coco-3 http://grethenhouse.tumblr.com/post/37478733137/amazing-cut-25-draped-jacket-not-a-lot-to-say http://levicki.net/articles/rants/2012/07/31/Adobe_Flash_Player_113_Installer_-_annoying_piece_of_shit.php Assuming that the universe is a perfect sphere, what is the volume of the universe in cubic Planck Lengths? You asked how many cubic Planck Lengths (each ~4.0 x 10^-35 m) fill a volume of 1.9*10^33 ly^3. One ly ~= 9.5x10^15 m One cubic ly is that cubed: 8.6 x 10^47 m^3 The volume you quoted must be multiplied by that to get cubic metres: 1.6 x 10^81 m^3 One cubic Planck Length = 6.4 x 10^-104 m^3 Divide the two = 2.5 x 10^184 http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/33135 [2020 update: I love this. It's "How many of the smallest thing are in the biggest thing?" I assume that there isn't any higher number than this that's a meaningful quantity in terms of spacial measurements.] http://cincuentaydos.tumblr.com/post/29982013604/choose-to-believe-by-calvin-and-hobbes-the http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Letter-Reveals-Why-Kubrick-Worried-About-Offending-IBM-With-2001-Space-Odyssey-34938.html http://www.cinemablend.com/new/The-Origins-Of-HAL-9000-s-Singing-Revealed-15581.html http://www.amazon.com/Mini-Memory-Card-Reader-Writer/dp/B000FNDWLQ/ref=sr_1_1?m=A28LEC9BBHMQ7G&s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1358208889&sr=1-1&keywords=sd+card+reader http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00A2Q5RAK/ Uh, I guess Fujitsu released a game console in Japan in 1993 called the "FM Towns Marty." It wasn't very successful, but it sounds like the NEC PC98 was a big phenomenon during the same period, which is another one I hadn't heard of until a few years ago. There seems to be a lot of game hardware that never made it to the U.S. http://events.mnhs.org/calendar/Results.cfm?EventID=4145&bhcp=1 I think I'll pass on the "Tunnel of Fudge" cake. overheard at the office: http://youtu.be/l5CEIbp25q8 "I bought this for the day I tell [him] I'm pregnant—which won't be anytime soon—but..." She's got it all worked out in her mind / And you're part of the plan / And you don't have the final word http://moviehole.net/201144916same-title-different-movies-stealing-another-movies-title http://www.zencollegelife.com/the-10-absolute-creepiest-moments-in-david-lynchs-oeuvre/ http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21728990.300-why-we-called-off-hunt-for-ancient-antarctic-life.html?cmpid=RSS%7CNSNS%7C2012-GLOBAL%7Conline-news Speaking Backwards - America's Got Talent Video Audition http://youtu.be/QnklA34ebVU overheard at the office: "Go to h t t p s SEMIcolon slash slash [blah blah] dot com, BACKslash - not forward slash, the backwards one - o w a...it didn't work?" After all these years you realized there's a such thing as a forward slash and they're not all backslashes, but you still chose the wrong one. [completed in 2020] http://www.athensmarathon.com school memories: The first time I heard the name Pittsburgh, I imagined a hamburger being squished under someone's hairy armpit, with ketchup oozing out. Armpitsburger. This was in first grade when our teacher told us a classmate was moving there. It's still kind of hard to get rid of that image. I was finally able to add ロバーツ ブライアン as my name for people using FB in Japanese. (I would prefer ブライアン・ロバーツ, but there were blanks for 姓 and 名字 so it felt wrong to switch those two.) The system kept rejecting it, saying it contained illegal characters (katakana), so I had to send FB a request with a pic of my photo ID to have the name manually approved by someone. I can't imagine all the rest of you with katakana names had to go through so much trouble—is your FB language set to Japanese too? If not, I wonder if it's that the name requirements (stupidly) change with that setting? http://www.astralgia.com/webportfolio/omnimoment/titanic/cameron/7.html Try using the foreign-language text-to-speech voices included with OS X Mountain Lion to read articles in English. They're often garbled, but some sound like authentic foreign accents. It's impressive and pretty amusing. There are 81 voices in most major languages and many dialects. http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/goldy-gopher-is-nations-top-mascot http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/dinkytown-goes-big-six-story-apartment-building-to-replace-indie-storefronts http://scdnmedia.aprimo.com/images/aprimo80/hero-solutions-amsb2c-460x235-en.jpg These people are excited about B2C Marketing. http://www.aprimo.com/email_marketing/ http://www.mndaily.com/2011/01/24/harvard-market-closes-after-106-years https://www.tcdailyplanet.net/node/4872 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpOrx5az7Fg Detective Harry Hole is the lead character of this adaptation of the crime novel by Jo Nesbø. I hope "Hole" is pronounced differently in Norwegian. (A certain old-timey slang term for "detective" also comes to mind.) [2020 update: In case that was too subtle, Harry Hole is a dick. Dick Harry Hole.] Going through this soccer player's highlight reel frame-by-frame trying to find a flattering still shot for a newsletter. Not easy! The footage is so compressed that people in most non-keyframes look grotesque. Action shots are from so far away you can't tell who it is, the players are blurred from camera movement, and there's no celebrity feel. Celebratory shots have potential. http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/sloppy-segway-rides-declared-legal "Pretty cool, I guess, but ultimately useless as it doesn’t work in IE. However much IE sucks, there is no point developing just for Firefox or other browsers. Your average Joe uses IE and doesn’t even know what a browser is. A lot of people I know think Internet Explorer IS the Internet." HUMAN PICKLES. "We're all about brining people together." —from text for upcoming newsletter I was just on the elevator with a guy dressed like Darkwing Duck. First meeting of the anime club is tonight, in Moos 2-520! Everyone is welcome. 6:30 Usagi Drop うさぎドロップ 7:00 Chihayafuru ちはやふる 8:00 Steins;Gate シュタインズ・ゲート 9:00 House of Five Leaves さらい屋五葉 9:30 Ristorante Paradiso リストランテ・パラディーゾ http://mangaanimesociety.org My 2007 MacBook is the last model with a user-swappable hard drive and FireWire Target Disk Mode (turning internal drive into external storage for another Mac). VERY convenient, and it's frustrating that newer models are so hard to service. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Avatar+-+Blu-ray+3D/6673368.p;jsessionid=F28A4BD91EEFC6D7651D6C5DA6BCBAEE.bbolsp-app03-38?id=2096332&skuId=6673368&st=avatar&lp=1&cp=1 The 3D Blu-ray of Avatar is finally in stores, after ridiculously being an exclusive pack-in with Panasonic 3D TVs since the movie's release. Got it for $15 after I got a $5 coupon for checking if my phone is eligible for an upgrade (obviously not). http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/friday-message-in-a-bottle-reception-at-light-grey-art-lab Sounds awesome! A free opening reception tonight for an art gallery about "cryptic messages, hidden secrets, and ancient illusions." http://blog.lightgreyartlab.com/2013/01/message-in-bottle-opening-reception.html http://www.facebook.com/events/310025492450065/ overheard at the office: "I just got the pictures. I like them...but the bed has a DOG on it. It's the ugliest dog I've ever seen." I'd like a newsfeed filter that omits posts containing a list of keywords that I specify. I don't want to hide all posts by certain people, but there are topics I'm really tired of, and I still want to see the rest of what they have to say. [2020 update: This is still something that I want, and probably a lot of other people too. Especially with how much shitty news there is this year.] This .gif sums up the bulk of my job. http://i-cdn.servedbyopenx.com/273/2732b2df3db1100300d49e826d822014ea3e23e2/689/689ad57c0d8f80c77f5807efd8867496.gif [2020 update: broken, but I think it was probably a funny gif of someone copy-pasting repeatedly] I didn't realize that a TIFF image can contain Vector Smart Object layers that Photoshop and InDesign can handle, in addition to bitmap layers with transparency. It's evolved well for a format that's been around since 1986. (It probably helps that Adobe apparently controls it now.) I was trying to type but my right hand was misaligned and I typed . I think I threw up a little. (That tag is most certainly in violation of W3C's recommendations.) I naturally try to avoid ALL CAPS in newsletters and other email blasts that we send because it's so spammy, but sometimes it's necessary for things like titles and headers. Does anyone know if using "text-transform: uppercase" on Text in Ordinary Title Case is better than actually using all caps in the markup, or even worse, from a spam filter's point of view? I can't seem to find any discussions of this. http://www.engadget.com/2013/01/30/china-console-ban/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/01/29/nasa-rassor-excavator-robot-shape-shifts-to-haul-lunar-soil/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/01/28/darpa-argus-is-surveillance/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/01/28/pbs-digital-short-life-by-the-numbers/ Two of the 4 elevators opened at the same time, and people come out of both. It was a gamble which one would actually go up when a floor was chosen, and which one would sit on the ground floor with its door open for 30 more seconds in case anyone else wanted to get in. It's a feature, not a bug. Burnsville cop's lost Taser used in sub shop robbery http://mspmag.com/BMTN/?pid=458067 http://www.twincities.com/localnews/ci_22480413/pioneer-press-treasure-hunt-medallion-found http://physiology-physics.blogspot.com/2008/10/smelling-intentions-of-olfaction.html "We all know that rats fear cats and avoid them so that they are not harmed. They can smell cat’s urine and don’t tread their paths. However, when cats are infected with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, the rats no longer fear the cats’ urine. The parasite possibly alters the rats’ perception of smell in such a way, so that the intrinsic avoidance becomes passionate attraction. Manipulation of smell sensing thus ensures that the parasite is transmitted from their definitive host (cat) to their intermediate host (rat), thus completing its life cycle. In a similar way it has been conclusively found that dogs can smell some human cancers like lung cancer, breast cancer and skin cancer." http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/consciousness-temporal/empirical-findings.html Life would be frightening and confusing with this disorder: "...damage to V5 is associated with cerebral akinetopsia: the severely degraded ability to perceive motion, as found in the patient L.M. (Zeki, 1991, 2004; Rizzo et al, 1995). The latter's predicament was characterized thus: The visual disorder complained of by the patient was a loss of movement in all three dimensions. She had difficulty, for example, in pouring tea or coffee into a cup because the fluid appeared to be frozen, like a glacier. In addition, she could not stop pouring at the right time since she was unable to perceive the movement on the cup (or a pot) when the fluid rose. ... In a room where more than two people were walking she felt very insecure and unwell, and usually left the room immediately, because ‘people were suddenly here or there but I have not seen them moving.’ ... She could not cross the street because of her inability to judge the speed of a car, but she could identify the car without difficulty." Our IT department sometimes gets sales cold calls for products http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/former-viking-vies-to-make-football-safer An NFL player has pledged to donate his brain to a medical school that studies sports injuries, and is advising Reebok in the development of a cap to be worn under the helmet with sensors to indicate the severity of a hit. http://www.onlineconversion.com/faq_09.htm Everyone likes to say "a metric ton" when joking about an unspecified huge amount of something. I never realized that's simply 1,000 kg. Like most SI units, it's pretty sensible, and happens to be ~.91 U.S. "short" tons. What I think is hilarious is that the British "long ton" is 2,240 pounds. Why such a weird number? It's exactly 20 "hundredweight"...which is 112 pounds. Of course. http://www.teradatamagazine.com/v12n04/Connections/Loyal-Customers/ Would a loyal customer be fleeing for her life as you summon pillars to rise from the ground to surround and trap her? Give it a try—you'll feel like an evil wizard watching from above and thwarting her attempt to escape your labyrinth, or like a data-solutions salesperson. [2020 update: too bad this game is gone now] http://betterblogthanyours.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/wildlife_barn_owl.jpg I just got an attachment from a coworker called "Dancers only horz_1M.jpg.zip". I hope that means "horizontal." http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/minneapolis-could-host-super-bowl-in-5-years Yeah, I'd thought of that, Rachel - if one store opens, then all the rest have to, so the one store doesn't get all the Sunday sales. They may as well allow the law to keep their little truce in place. http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_wbr.asp There are so many times I've wanted this, especially when a long URL has to be displayed as well as linked. A "break the line here if necessary" tag that doesn't create whitespace if it doesn't break. (No IE support, naturally.) 1. I posted it as a test to see if anyone out there is actually techy/cool enough to care 2. and you get extra credit. I just tried to make it self-closing, and it still works, but for some reason the w3schools example doesn't include the /. And hey, when has Other People Caring been a requirement for FB posts? My newsfeed is full of "I love pasta salad." "I'm so tired but I don't wanna sleep." etc. Watched part of this at MarsCon and it's awesomely bad. "Sci-Fi Tuesdays, an event sponsored by l'étoile magazine and Blacklist Vintage, is bringing Roger Corman's "Fantastic Four" to the screen tonight at Clubhouse Jäger. 10pm film. 8:30pm quiz. Hosted by Rob Callahan" http://youtu.be/mYaa-cYKeXU That voice. So captivating. The Super Bowl commercial featuring his "God Made a Farmer" speech from 1978 reminded me of how fascinating his radio segments were (this one is no exception). [Jim] [2020 update: This was about Paul Harvey and his "And now you know the rest of the story" segment on talk radio] The commercial was apparently based on this video, which uses a longer version: http://youtu.be/QuzhwkaNC40 http://youtu.be/AMpZ0TGjbWE http://youtu.be/4kxwuU46h_8 This guy is the ultimate troll, and his show is hilarious. I didn't get it the first time I listened. (One part of this video makes me cringe.) [2020 update: This is Phil Hendrie] http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2013/02/04/the-top-10-and-bottom-5-super-bowl-ads/ A nice roundup of the best and worst ads in this year's Super Bowl. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who said wtf about this one. [2020 update: I'm pretty sure the WTF one was the alcohol commercial with CG fish singing No Diggity] http://youtu.be/_6yZNE5iAXo (He was arrested for this.) (And also for this.) http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/a-lamborghini-joyride-ends-abruptly http://youtu.be/K1fbsj9SiNY Every time someone says "It's not unusual..." this pops into my head. And here's the whole song, because it's a letdown to have it cut off like that: http://youtu.be/tGRZBa4cKWA http://youtu.be/swJWyjkJkuc http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/mpls-ranked-as-one-of-ten-best-u-s-cities-for-urban-forests http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/is-your-idea-worth-1-million http://slashdot.org/faq/slashmeta.shtml http://arstechnica.com/science/2013/02/site-plagiarizes-blog-posts-then-files-dmca-takedown-on-originals/ http://youtu.be/q__QnW-9ROs I love the marimba in this song. (David, Eric—it reminds me of "Lode Runner: The Legend Returns") http://wordoff.org/clean http://youtu.be/GpooRERv2GA One of the best YTMND fads. http://youtu.be/5xXAPZ7Hybo Artist Chris Sullivan spent 15 years animating this movie out of paper cutouts, pencil drawings, and figurines. He's an MCAD alumnus and a professor of "experimental narrative" at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and he'll be at a screening tonight at the Walker to discuss it. It looks pretty dark and surreal. http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/friday-filmmakers-in-conversation-chris-sullivan-at-the-walker http://docs.nvidia.com/tegra/data/Use_NVIDIA_3D_Vision_Automatic.html I encounter the word "blurb" almost every day, and it sounds like what you'd call drooling while you burp. http://youtu.be/_fyAu0wNsgU LOVE THIS! "Need You Now" vocals transposed onto "Eye in the Sky" instrumentals. Eye in the Sky is one of my favorite songs, and Need You Now is good too, and I think I actually like this better than either. I like the unintended chords and rhythms that come out of the combination, and the vocal distortion is actually kind of cool. It's the mashup that was meant to be. (The Lady Antebellum video is even combined with the weird stop-motion video from another Alan Parsons Project song.) The originals, if you don't know: http://youtu.be/G-Cen0DyZeo http://youtu.be/eM213aMKTHg [2020 update: This mashup is still one of my favorite songs of all time. It combines elements of both songs to make something better than both of them.] http://blogs.mspmag.com/foodiefile/files/2013/02/AngelFood.jpg Be careful—they Kick Back. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2174817/More-half-British-married-couples-regret-marriage.html Mase - 24 Hours to Live http://mspmag.com/BMTN/?pid=474403 Nearly naked anti-fur protest planned in Mpls. A wad of money and a piece of delicious cake were brought to me at my desk this afternoon by my brother D. The most unusual thing about this is that they were given to him by Nastassja to pass along to me, and the two of them had never met before nor coordinated this exchange. They both just happened to be in the crowded lobby of the building at the same time, and she somehow knew who he was and that he'd be able to bring them to me. songs: En Vogue - Free Your Mind FischerSpooner - Emerge Com Truise - Cyanide Sisters http://youtu.be/7YLy4j8EZIk This is cute and awesome. These are Minneapolis kids. http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/local-kid-rap-hot-cheetos-takis http://www.thecedar.org/events/2013/02/14/lucy-michelle-velvet-lapelles-are-in-big-trouble Fun idea! "We are asking all audience members to assemble their ideal V-Day hotmix [mix tape on CD-R or cassette] and bring it to swap with another audience member...We'll have a table set up as a drop off / pick up point." Brian Just of the awesome Brian Just Band is one of the performers, too. Tomorrow night at 7 at the Cedar, $16 at the door. http://kitty-foxglove.livejournal.com/profile?socconns=pfriends&comms=cfriends https://plus.google.com/106458602458856348253/about http://twtrland.com/profile/krudz Thurl Ravenscroft http://transpersonalcinema.blogspot.com/2008/12/synchronization-of-senses.html http://www.engrish.com/2003/10/dear-mr-gwathmey/ http://www.engrish.com/2003/04/im-cck/ I'm cock. I'm home, I'm all alone. I need some hot coffee to drink. There were three jovial Welshmen, as I have heard. And they would go a-hunting upon St. David's. One said it was a ship. The other he said, with the chimney blown away. It was worse than I've ever known, all alone. http://www.engadget.com/2013/02/12/vuzix-wrap-1200ar-augmented-reality-glasses/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/02/12/bluestacks-brings-official-surface-pro-optimized-android-app-pl/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/02/11/robocop-ed209-ebay/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/02/11/belkin-lego/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/02/08/sandboxr-lets-us-easily-make-custom-posed-3d-printed-figurines/ http://www.shapeways.com http://www.engadget.com/2013/02/08/retrosound-bluetooth-classic-car-radio/ http://youtu.be/GTKmxBtaMF4 Nice. http://youtu.be/wMH0e8kIZtE Probably the most artistic and extreme use of datamoshing that I've seen. Really cool. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/datamoshing/photos Some of these are frightening—I'm surprised I haven't seen this technique in horror movies. All of them are weird and cool. http://youtu.be/yMGo7H5-a0A Queen + The Beatles - Fat Bottomed Girls Come Together (Mashup) http://youtu.be/90Z5u1lulFg Lady Gaga Madonna - Born This Way Express Yourself (McD's Mashup Remi When United and Continental merged airlines, they should have changed their name to Pangea. songs: Phantom Tails - Flotsam & Jetsam http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/news/internet/3260891/295-exabytes-of-data-stored-around-the-world/ http://youtu.be/mL_PNNr_NgU Happy Valentine's Day! This is one of my favorite love songs. It's happy and warm, and it has a confident, gentle groove that's like taking a slow walk in the sun. Instead of gushing to someone and trying to win them over, he lays out his feelings simply and sounds like he's just reaffirming what's already understood—what an important part of his life they are. http://www.grnrngr.com/monsters/pictures/caps/raburabu.jpg This is the type of ラブラブ I'm most likely to encounter today. http://www.facebook.com/groups/4056902802/ On that note, tonight is the special ラブラブ (Rub-Rub) Valentine's edition of the anime club. It's a good day to show up even if you never have before, because we're watching a variety of stand-alone episodes of different series, instead of the usual schedule. "There'll be anime with awkward relationships, a special game (with prizes!), snacks (free for members, $3 for nonmembers), and awesomeness!" 6:30-10pm in Moos Tower 2-520. http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/mn-state-fair-to-host-second-internet-cat-video-festival This year, $10 admission and NO CATS ALLOWED... "You're doin' it wrong." http://laughingsquid.com/wp-content/uploads/Tard2.jpg Um, I accidentally pasted "background-color: #Hurtegruten Coastal Cruise;" instead of a color's hex number, but I didn't notice right away because the browser coincidentally interpreted that string of text as the color #000DB9—almost exactly the blue I'd wanted anyway. I wonder if "color: #Costa Rica Zip Line and Canopy Tour;" will be green...nope, it's dark red. http://tcbmag.com/Industries/Technology/The-Quietest-Room-in-the-World-September-2008 http://www.zdnet.com/why-running-android-apps-on-the-surface-pro-is-bad-for-microsoft-android-and-developers-7000011198/ http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/minn-teen-is-rubiks-cube-record-holder overheard at the office: [knock knock] "Sorry to interrupt—" "No blowing!" "That's what I wanted to hear." (It was the repair person checking if he'd successfully shut off the annoying ceiling vent in his office.) http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/outdoor-retail-may-pop-up-in-minneapolis http://www.engadget.com/2013/02/19/ntts-visual-syncar-brings-augmented-reality-to-video/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/02/19/maingear-nvidia-gtx-titan/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/02/19/swiss-bionic-hand-offers-true-sensations/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/02/19/3doodler/ http://youtu.be/dx_nxtpH7ig Dean Brett Geddan http://youtu.be/eTMvuTv8LEY british geddan http://youtu.be/ZXTAK9BR_qk cartridge tilting http://youtu.be/AQIeTjUbqFI Promise by HIROSE KOHMI http://youtu.be/9JZFNtTCwTM Fallout 3 harlem Arma 2 harlem http://youtu.be/tFiAX0hgtAE http://www.macrumors.com/2013/02/19/redesigned-macbook-air-reportedly-planned-for-3q-2013-launch-possibly-with-retina-display/ http://www.macrumors.com/2013/02/19/try-the-5-inch-iphone-experience-with-this-printable-papercraft-model/ "We have some educating of them that we need to do." http://createdigitalmusic.com/2012/06/deadmau5-honest-about-his-own-press-play-sets-misses-out-on-scene/ http://www.petersgrill.com Disgaizez srpraizez andpaizuv alsaizez http://www.pingeek.com/tv/simpsons/advocate.jpg http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/bemidji-cops-led-to-house-no-420-in-pot-bust-op http://mspmag.com/BMTN/?pid=492687 Charges: Duluth man stabs former roommate with sword I played Marines vs. Marines on a modded server last night. overheard at the office: "No, compared to Cenegenics, it's ugly." That's saying something. [2020 update: Ha, I'd forgotten about this infamous ad in the magazine that was a muscular body with a balding old man's head] http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/tug-a-war-for-uptown-development-continues-plus-sotc-poll http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2013/February/Hundreds-of-New-Luxury-Apts-Come-to-St-Louis-Park http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/penalties-shook-off-for-students-and-their-harlem-shake http://coding.smashingmagazine.com/2012/08/20/towards-retina-web/ overheard at the office: Feedback on someone's logo: "The N is enormous, and I don't know why. It's like something from Sesame Street. It should have a face, and it should be talking to us." http://mspmag.com/BMTN/?pid=499331 gay marriage http://mspmag.com/BMTN/?pid=499367 school bus Time Bandits Destron Fearing sounds like the name of a Transformers villain. Their product also sounds awfully sinister: tracking chips that are embedded under the skin of living creatures. It's not surprising that they changed their name to Digital Angel. http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2013/February/3-MN-Cos-Make-Fortunes-Most-Admired-Cos-List http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/minneapolis-art-economy-tops-sixth-in-the-u-s MarsCon starts today at the Crowne Plaza in Bloomington and runs all weekend! Schedule: http://marscon.org/2013/m13pocketprogredacted.pdf It's focused on sci-fi and fantasy, and it's smaller and less expensive than CONvergence. In 2011 I saw the most impressive exhibition of movie props and replicas I've ever seen, got to have a long chat with the Ghostbustin' 911 crew after they premiered a new episode, and went to a fascinating panel on the sub-genres of Steampunk. There are also vendors with impressive selections of obscure international DVDs. I like it when your hips are inclined to hit in me. [2020 update: What did this mean? It sounds like a song lyric with certain words replaced] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqpSuJr6vdk Playstation 4 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/70_mm_film R0lGODlhIAAgAIAAAAD/9v9OACH5BAAAAAAALAAAAAAgACAAAAKPhI+pm3EOgjQwMomf3bbW1iGe Ni7OKWoU96WoSk1xC9LMjSvvhp39I6uRTKmV0JiBsYwhJvNTigSTP6XUlsuCGtNMzzPdNsVLznNW PJvLMKjqi766RUGtneslVXHzJZaYBrenU6c2ltUS5ZPEd+dIJ0OlR8WYqCe1NtQxIRgy2DQSqqnD Ejm6GMn4uMp6UwAAOw== R0lGODlhIAAgAIAAAAD/9v9OACH5BAAAAAAALAAAAAAgACAAAAKQhI+pm3EOgjQwMomf3bbW5Xye NjIdUp6Uqa7PRMEsN9d1qEUZJvMKvvrkXBcOJDOkEYHKlDLmgfmSOpntivr1dtOScCQk6lzfHFKM OzaozqMbCT/TnFgsjxma/pIppkmaBTWht+fX97Q3NgRGGIhYdxOnFtS4UUY5FrZYVTV4oicHRjJa 9DLZkicnBsnaulAAADs= http://www.motobit.com/util/base64-decoder-encoder.asp http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/cookie-vs-cream-a-made-in-minn-oreo-cookie-separating-robot http://youtu.be/w485VU-S0Ig http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/e-cigarettes-spark-st-paul-controversy I Vant to Bite Your Finger http://allthingsd.com/20130226/for-the-first-time-since-napster-music-sales-are-growing/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-21629210 http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=547777 iPhone Girl http://youtu.be/sRRtbEeokE8 Bad Mamma Jamma Master Blaster http://mspmag.com/Out-And-About/Articles/Features/Walk-Don’t-Walk http://youtu.be/dQa3yGXzGls Sailors Je T'aime, Je T'aime intaglio acid bath http://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2012/06/the-google-trolley-problem.html http://www.isss.umn.edu/programs/smallworld/ComingCH.html http://www.snopes.com/medical/toxins/canola.asp "the world is a rainbow" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academy_Award_for_Best_Picture the charleston http://youtu.be/OAwZS6Ksw0Q Shadow Man http://dontknockmysmock.com Ever notice that if someone s https://twitter.com/__michaelJ0rdan http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Latest-News-Wires/2012/0714/Wedding-blast-in-Afghanistan-kills-23-including-local-politician "Wedding blasts" are something the people I work with on the wedding-planning newsletter are always talking about, referring to a mass email "blast" that promotes wedding services. I don't think that means the same thing to the rest of the world as it does to us. They also talk about the "bridal beat", which almost sounds like something barbaric. https://www.google.com/search?q=%22wedding+blast%22 http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/11/60-minutes-gaudi-sagrada-familia-advanced-software/ memories: http://youtu.be/UD5FT_iC50g Lyrics according to Eric: "Trip the 'shrooms fantastic, chicken spastic, elbow for a gig. Trip the 'shrooms fantastic, chicken spastic, check it out. The pomegranates are fragile, the baby seems so agile. Let's make it in tea and we'll see what there is to see. Whoa-oh!" [2020 update: Eric sent me these lyrics through AOL Instant Messenger when I was living in the dorms and starting to listen to the band 311] http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/reinventing-the-wheel-unicycling-to-work Love the vocals in this song, but the lyrics are pathetic: "Oh, Girl. I'd be in trouble if you left me now. I don't know where to look for love—I just don't know how. Oh, Girl. What am I supposed to do?" That's supposed to be HER problem? If you're pleading for her to take you back, shouldn't you emphasize why SHE's the one you need, and that you're in trouble because no one else can take her place? If you just want "love" and don't care where it's from, and the only reason you were with her is that she's the only person who'd give it to you, it sounds like you want her to stay with you out of pity. Good luck with that. [2020 update: the song is Oh Girl by the Chi-Lites] http://sco.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page ... dance class today, but I'm going to be at a presentation about Japan's recovery from the tsunami 2 years ago, and it's 7:00-9:15... Tomorrow night at 9:00, one of my friends who's in a newly-formed band is playing at Soundbar, on Lyndale Ave. in Uptown. She plays violin, so it might be folk music. ...Greg will be there too. ... http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y149/GreyFox27/Situational/KingEnough.jpg http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/minn-ranked-least-affordable-midwestern-state-for-renters http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/mpls-experiencing-a-bicycling-renaissance http://ises-msp.org/wp/events/mn-star-awards/ songs: I Want To Pay You Back - Chi-Lites Are You My Woman - Chi-Lites http://youtu.be/cPz5ADjWRHU Gatts Compensating http://www.whosampled.com/sampled/Chi-Lites/ "Sorry, the word 'charticle' makes me a little uncomfortable. So, the chart-article..." Glad I'm not the only one. http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/mu-thermal-camera-a-great-health-diagnostic-tool?website_name=muthermalimager http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumamon_(mascot) http://youtu.be/Y0Y_XRiJsCI American π http://www.cnn.com/2013/03/14/travel/cruise-ship-trouble/index.html Again. Maybe they should start marketing their cruises toward the strange people who are into this kind of thing. http://youtu.be/BDMBtQjS1bQ 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648233786783165271201909145648566923460348610454326648213393607260249141273724587006606315588174881520920962829254091715364367892590360011330530548820466521384146951941511609433057270365759591953092186117381932611793105118548074462379962749567351885752724891227938183011949129833673362440656643086021394946395224737190702179860943702770539217176293176752384674818467669405132000568127145263560827785771342757789609173637178721468440901224953430146549585371050792279689258923542019956112129021960864034418159813629774771309960518707211349999998372978049951059731732816096318595024459455346908302642522308253344685035261931188171010003137838752886587533208381420617177669147303598253490428755468731159562863882353787593751957781857780532171226806613001927876611195909216420198938095257201065485863278865936153381827968230301952035301852968995773622599413891249721775283479131515574857242454150695950829533116861727855889075098381754637464939319255060400927701671139009848824012858361603563707660104710181942955596198946767837449448255379774726847104047534646208046684259069491293313677028989152104752162056966024058038150193511253382430035587640247496473263914199272604269922796782354781636009341721641219924586315030286182974555706749838505494588586926995690927210797509302955321165344987202755960236480665499119881834797753566369807426542527862551818417574672890977772793800081647060016145249192173217214772350141441973568548161361157352552133475741849468438523323907394143334547762416862518983569485562099219222184272550254256887671790494601653466804988627232791786085784383827967976681454100953883786360950680064225125205117392984896084128488626945604241965285022210661186306744278622039194945047123713786960956364371917287467764657573962413890865832645995813390478027590099465764078951269468398352595709825822620522489407726719478268482601476990902640136394437455305068203496252451749399651431429809190659250937221696461515709858387410597885959772975498930161753928468138268683868942774155991855925245953959431049972524680845987273644695848653836736222626099124608051243884390451244136549762780797715691435997700129616089441694868555848406353422072225828488648158456028506016842739452267467678895252138522549954666727823986456596116354886230577456498035593634568174324112515076069479451096596094025228879710893145669136867228748940560101503308617928680920874760917824938589009714909675985261365549781893129784821682998948722658804857564014270477555132379641451523746234364542858444795265867821051141354735739523113427166102135969536231442952484937187110145765403590279934403742007310578539062198387447808478489683321445713868751943506430218453191048481005370614680674919278191197939952061419663428754440643745123718192179998391015919561814675142691239748940907186494231961567945208095146550225231603881930142093762137855956638937787083039069792077346722182562599661501421503068038447734549202605414665925201497442850732518666002132434088190710486331734649651453905796268561005508106658796998163574736384052571459102897064140110971206280439039759515677157700420337869936007230558763176359421873125147120532928191826186125867321579198414848829164470609575270695722091756711672291098169091528017350671274858322287183520935396572512108357915136988209144421006751033467110314126711136990865851639831501970165151168517143765761835155650884909989859982387345528331635507647918535893226185489632132933089857064204675259070915481416549859461637180270981994309924488957571282890592323326097299712084433573265489382391193259746366730583604142813883032038249037589852437441702913276561809377344403070746921120191302033038019762110110044929321516084244485963766983895228684783123552658213144957685726243344189303968642624341077322697802807318915441101044682325271620105265227211166039666557309254711055785376346682065310989652691862056476931257058635662018558100729360659876486117910453348850346113657686753249441668039626579787718556084552965412665408530614344431858676975145661406800700237877659134401712749470420562230538994561314071127000407854733269939081454664645880797270826683063432858785698305235808933065757406795457163775254202114955761581400250126228594130216471550979259230990796547376125517656751357517829666454779174501129961489030463994713296210734043751895735961458901938971311179042978285647503203198691514028708085990480109412147221317947647772622414254854540332157185306142288137585043063321751829798662237172159160771669254748738986654949450114654062843366393790039769265672146385306736096571209180763832716641627488880078692560290228472104031721186082041900042296617119637792133757511495950156604963186294726547364252308177036751590673502350728354056704038674351362222477158915049530984448933309634087807693259939780541934144737744184263129860809988868741326047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78 http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/vice-documents-the-lives-of-the-real-cat-ladies-of-mpls ♫ Good mornin’ to all the cuyts...Good mornin’ to all the cuyts... ♫ http://youtu.be/xX_6xylyE8I alphabet morph http://gallery.mailchimp.com/676886a9cd25ef4fe0e56c868/images/f7d42cf3f49a780440945d7c96c745af.gif http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/dairy-aisle-prank-has-st-paul-girl-crying-over-spilled-milk Some people have described this as funny, but I think it's just sad and I feel ashamed for them. It's especially scummy when people come to their aid and they keep up the act that they're hurt. It's wasteful and a nuisance to the customers and the employees who have to clean it up, and it's not even clever or funny. http://youtu.be/XJZmpBTyelI http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/sallys-saloon-to-close-temporarily http://youtu.be/_cxLfIs051c Today's Special http://mspmag.com/Videos/Uncategorized/Trampled-by-Turtles/ http://tcbmag.blogs.com/postchaos_10/2013/03/why-industrial-complexes-including-the-ad-industrial-complex-are-fake-capitalism.html http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/humanda-record-release-show-at-first-ave Electro-rock that sounds upbeat and fun, judging from their teaser video. $6, tonight at 8 at 7th St. Entry. Jump to 1:10 to skip the obnoxiously slow buildup: http://youtu.be/tFqDCJH05bg http://first-avenue.com/event/2013/03/humanda http://able2know.org/topic/10442-1 "Have you ever seen a horseful carriage or a strapful gown? Met a sung hero or experienced requited love? Have you ever run into someone who was combobulated, gruntled, ruly or peccable?" http://mspmag.com/Eat-And-Drink/Articles/Features/The-Cheese-Artist/ http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6011/6204037286_e004b57e82_b.jpg GOT YOU HUMANOID Ja,Fb,Mr,Ap,My,Jn,Jl,Au,Sp,Oc,Nv,Dc. That's how I'd abbreviate the months, given only 2 letters—would you do it any differently? The 3-letter versions are perfect and unambiguous. 4-letter versions are surprisingly hard, though: Janu,Febr,Mrch,Aprl,May ,June,July,Augs,Sept,Octb,Novm,Decm M U W H F A S. Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su. http://www.rerf.jp/radefx/basickno_e/radcell.htm http://www.rerf.jp/index_j.html Alpine - Lovers 2 Alpine - Hands http://bmander.com/dotmap/index.html http://gizmodo.com/5971942/this-crazy-map-has-one-dot-for-every-person-in-the-united-states http://finance-commerce.com/2013/03/high-speed-train-to-duluth-clears-hurdle/ overheard at the office: "We provided them with a very buzzy-sticky-juicy plan, and they killed it." "They said they want diabetes, and we're givin' it to 'em." "It was a slide show of bug bites, made by different insects. It wasn't very buzzy-sticky, but it was intriguing." Are you kidding? You've called 18 different things "buzzy-sticky" in the last 5 minutes and this is the one thing that you say ISN'T. songs: Psychedelic Furs - Love My Way overheard at the office: "I wish you could blind-invite people to meetings." So as not to ruin the surprise? "What are YOU doing here?" "Ugh, she invited YOU, too?" [2020 update: Yeah, unlike being blind cc'd on an email, when you actually show up to the meeting, you'll see each other. But I guess people who were blind-invited just in case, but didn't show up, would not be revealed as having been invited.] Someone just said "It's a touch-base I really wanna make." http://www.theonion.com/articles/companys-employees-spend-entire-day-touching-base,19776/ Great opening illustration for a special section in our Delta Sky Magazine. http://www.pageturnpro.com/MSP-Communications/48020-Heart-Health/index.html [2020 update: sadly broken] Why did the British truck driver go to driving school instead of a 4-year college? Because he couldn't back-a-lorry-yet. Yes, I made it up. Boris, Stuart, everyone—I'm very sorry. I'll just get this out of the way for you: http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/34543199.jpg [2020 update: I'm pretty sure the image was Zoidberg saying "Your joke is bad and you should feel bad."] http://ibmsystemsmag.blogs.com/the_buzz/2013/03/usc-students-contemplate-new-uses-for-watson.html http://mangaanimesociety.wordpress.com/2013/03/14/sbam-3/ Today is the 2013 Spring Break Anime Marathon, 10am-10pm in Rapson (Architecture) room 54. We'll watch a random assortment of shows all day. Bring your own to throw into the mix—we'll vote or draw from a hat to decide what to put up on the projector. http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/twin-cities-get-national-pizza-cred No surprise that Chicago is #1 (nothing beats deep dish), but #2 is Providence, RI, ahead of New York. http://www.travelandleisure.com/articles/americas-best-cities-for-pizza/7 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Cohen http://www.bringmethenews.com/2013/03/22/alcohol-fueled-brawl-in-bemidji-leaves-man-dead-2-injured/ http://walkenonthesun.ytmnd.com Friends By Fire http://www.snopes.com/business/genius/alka-seltzer.asp http://smalls.ytmnd.com overheard at the office: "Why is he wet?...It's obviously a man's leg—why are we so high up on his leg? You can almost see his buns...Yeah, that's a BUMmer." 五大 in a fire. (Or some water, or the wind, or the earth, or the aether.) http://www.wikihow.com/Survive-a-Nuclear-Attack http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/drinky-drive-in-at-grumpys-2 Nausicaä (風の谷のナウシカー) and Princess Mononoke (もののけ姫) are being shown on the projector in the side room at Grumpy's tonight at 9. No cover and "half-price MN beer & wine." (I'm guessing they're English dubs, but at least they're high-quality for these movies.) Channeling Totem [2020 update: parody of Channing Tatum?] http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/25/facebook-replies-threaded-commenting/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/25/unreal-engine-3-oculus-rift/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/25/quadrocopter-london-star-trek-promo/ http://hyperkin.com/blog/2013/03/retron-5-details-revealed-from-the-midwest-gaming-classic/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/23/china-chooses-ubuntu-for-a-national-reference-os-coming-in-april/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/22/intel-pentium-turns-20-today/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/22/star-trek-free-hulu/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/22/first-message-sent-from-space-to-be-preserved-by-library-of-cong/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/21/apple-patent-application-changes-orientatio/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/21/google-art-project-adds-nearly-2000-works/ http://www.surfacetablethelp.com/2013/03/transform-surface-pro-windows-8-to-mac-os-x-mountain-lion.html http://www.theonion.com/articles/buzzfeed-editors-unsure-how-to-spin-petraeus-story,30348/?ref=auto http://www.burntheinternet.com/2008/07/todays-drawing-super-mario-colors.html http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/27/tenya-wanya-teens-16-button-controller/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/27/super-mario-organ/ http://vimeo.com/49142543 http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/26/sweden-language-council-drops-ungoogleable-from-new-word-list/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/26/researchers-create-hollow-fiber-optic-cable-almost-reach-the-sp/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/25/google-plus-profile-photos-animated-gifs/ songs: House of Five Leaves OP song only http://youtu.be/oUUtzHe_Dz8 Immi (中澤真由) - Sign of Love [video] http://youtu.be/QHf1ZAjrLMM LOVE the opening song to さらい屋五葉 House of Five Leaves, which we're watching in MAS. The synth arpeggios in the bg and the driving synth-drum beat give it an 80s flair that still sounds modern. I like her gentle, airy voice, and she apparently writes her own songs. Finnish Hymn [2020 update: I thought of this myself before I saw the memes years later] from the ancient Greek for "river horse" (ἱπποπόταμος), http://hurricanekickryu.ytmnd.com http://youtu.be/SL_x1rRg7mM songs: http://www.directcurrentmusic.com/music-news-new-music/hem-departure-and-farewell.html http://youtu.be/_8Hry3EG1vg Hem - Walking Past The Graveyard, Not Breathing Don't think I've ever been so moved by a song. The deep humming of the gospel choir and the solitary drum strike on beat 4 is powerful—it reminds me of a marching hymn. The singer sounds wistful and defiantly cheerful Sally Ellyson http://www.bringmethenews.com/2013/03/28/1home-sweet-jail-developer-considers-converting-old-duluth-jail-into-apartments/ http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2013/March/Genetic-Advertising-Pioneer-Miinome-Profiled-by-Wi Interesting, but I don't understand how consumers benefit from giving their genomes to advertisers. If I want ads to be more personalized, I'd rather consciously shape my profile—for example, on FB, I can "close" ads that don't interest me or hide them from the newsfeed, and "like" pages to create a picture of my overall interests. Advertisers must think they can benefit from offering me things I don't REALIZE I want or need, but am genetically predisposed to, but I'm insulted that they would think they can know me better than I know myself. (I guess the concepts of free will and nature-vs.-nurture are tied into this.) ♥ E.L.No is great—a very faithful tribute to one of my favorite bands. (I've seen them at the Red Stag Supperclub block party and the LynLake Street Festival.) (http://www.myspace.com/elnompls They should make a FB page.) http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/seinfeld-star-checks-out-st-paul http://gifsoup.com/tag-search-gifs/costanza/ http://www.bringmethenews.com/2013/04/01/historic-mpls-office-buildings-transformed-into-living-space/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/30/this-tv-stinks/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/29/bionicopter-dragonfly-drone/ http://blog.ted.com/2007/08/03/100_websites_yo/ http://www.com-www.com/weirdal/notbyal.html http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/02/york-announces-pay-as-you-go-ev-charging-network/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/02/adafruit-circuit-playground/ overheard at the office: (actually, experienced at the office) [phone rings] "This is Bryan." [coworker:] "Hi, Bryan. Sorry! I mean, Hi, David." "This IS Bryan, actually." "Oh. I have the wrong number." [*click*] http://youtu.be/LEoH4dmQb2s I just heard this cute song, and learned that "loup-garou" apparently means "werewolf" in French. By coincidence, garou can mean "hungry wolf" in Japanese, like in the original name of the game Fatal Fury, Garou Densetsu (餓狼伝説). http://youarenotsosmart.com/2011/03/25/the-sunk-cost-fallacy/ Well, my Feb. rent check apparently never went through, so I have $750 less than I thought I did. It's not as bad as LOSING the money, since I don't have the sting of knowing that so much money went to waste, even though the perceived loss of money I "have" is the same. I'm reminded of this fascinating article about the irrational lengths that most humans will go to in order to avoid regretful feelings of waste. http://youarenotsosmart.com/2011/03/25/the-sunk-cost-fallacy/ My $550 Android camera effectively got destroyed when I bumped the power button on something and it turned itself on in my pocket. (It tried to extend the humongous zoom lens without room to do so, and the mechanism broke loose.) I'd had it less than 2 months, but damage isn't covered by the warranty, and the cost of fixing that specific part tends to be more than the value of the whole camera. I want to fix it mainly for the comfort of not having thrown away all that money with nothing in return. I just came over here to say, a birdday ain't nothin' but a bird, but I heard you got some pancakes, so you'd better hand them over, and oh yeah—I hope you have a good one. http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/the-whitest-kids-u-know-at-the-amsterdam Bowser laugh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2axZLV-F1I songs: music - Stereolab - Metronomic Underground Deus Ex whatashame http://youtu.be/09vVF-Hvykg http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/08/microsoft-innovation-center-china/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/08/intel-announces-next-gen-thunderbolt-20-gbps-throughput/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/08/red-motion-mount-eyes-on/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/08/facebook-celeb-messaging-fees/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/08/phantom-flex4k-camera-unveiled-at-NAB/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/07/3gbps-led-light-bulb-enabled-wlan-acheived-by-fraunhofer-heinric/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/05/googles-blink-engine-hints-at-more-streamlined-chrome/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/05/oxford-university-researchers-create-3d-printed-human-tissue-replacement/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/05/virginia-tech-finds-a-way-to-get-hydrogen-from-any-plant/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/04/storebook/ http://www.bris.ac.uk/news/2013/9264.html http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/03/fujitsu-touch-interface-can-detect-fingers-on-real-objects/ Every time I use an eraser, I'm now going to think about scraping away the head or limb of an animal. erase |əˈreɪs| ORIGIN late 16th cent. (originally as a heraldic term meaning ‘represent the head or limb of an animal with a jagged edge’): from Latin eras- ‘scraped away,’ from the verb eradere, from e- (variant of ex-)‘out’ + radere ‘scrape.’ http://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2013/04/09/business/east-metro-mass-transit http://www.creativepro.com/article/out-of-gamut-the-high-bit-advantage http://tcbmag.com/Industries/Manufacturing/Jet-Edge-Water-Jet-Tech-Cuts-Everything-from-Mel http://www.ibmsystemsmag.com/power/casestudies/manufacturing/kawasaki_kamradt/ Another shameful post by the "4chan" page today reminds me why I never directly re-share their pics. There should definitely be [2020 update: This must have been referring to one of the "4chan" pages on Facebook that could be Liked and followed. The main one later got renamed to Welcome to the Internet and seemed to fade away soon after that. My fear about re-sharing their images at the time was that doing so would link the person to the full album, which would be full of awful pics if you clicked left or right to go to other pictures, when all I wanted to share was that one not-awful pic in isolation. These days I just almost never share anything.] http://boingboing.net/2009/02/16/magenta-isnt-a-real.html http://phrontistery.info/colours.html http://arstechnica.com/science/2009/02/yes-virgina-there-is-a-magenta/ songs: http://youtu.be/hECvAGhMPxM Chvrches - Game of Thrones http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/visiting-artist-lecture-with-bradley-beesley-at-mcad 1pm today at MCAD, free: "Austin-based filmmaker Bradley Beesley specializes in finding these [odd subculture] communities and producing what often become cult classic documentaries: 'Okie Noodling' follows 'the lost art of bare-handed catfishing'..." (Neil, Paul, Gustavo—this made me think of you.) http://youtu.be/QReUbe4kp-o This made me lol so hard I couldn't breathe. I love their cocky facial expressions and the way they seem to groove to the song. I wonder if it's still as funny to someone who understands sign language. http://web.archive.org/web/20010911205956/http://www.nytimes.com/ http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q137826893 http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/julia-holter-at-the-walker Like every Thursday, the Walker Art Center is free tonight 5–9pm, and Julia Holter will be performing tonight. Her layered, ethereal electronic sound is really cool. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Level_of_support_for_evolution http://jalopnik.com/this-is-what-americas-high-speed-rail-system-should-lo-5983045 /midtown-greenway-molotov-cocktail-suspects-arrested Paint exploding slow-mo http://youtu.be/H93n-k3SkiQ Totino's http://www.startribune.com/housing/202801791.html I can tolerate this winter, however much longer it lasts. The real disappointment is that for every additional day of cold, there's one less day of summer to look forward to. It's actually a perfect metaphor. Spring, and the beginning of my life, won't come to me here, so I need to go to where they are. [2020 update: Well, I tried. At least the weather is mild in the winters here. But the summers here have nothing to look forward to. It's supposedly the best time of summer right now, but it's bullshit. What time of year it is doesn't matter, because there's nothing.] What's with these phony friend requests? They're not anyone I know know in real life, and the profiles are nondescript and just full of supposed self-portraits of some model. I can't even tell what they're trying to sell or promote, if that's their purpose. Or is it the modern equivalent of trolling by pretending to be an attractive girl in a chat room? Does anyone else get these? [2020 update: these days the requests from fake profiles are much more common, but at least they're immediately obvious. They almost always have a profile pic with a description that's the same kind of pornographic invitation and a link to a virus or to hijack the Facebook account or whatever. I report every one of them as spam.] http://badkidsjokes.tumblr.com/ http://www.campaignmonitor.com/blog/post/3798/calling-for-an-end-to-click-here-links-in-email http://www.designfeeds.com.au/article/call_for_an_end_to__8216_click_here_8217_links_in_email http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/whereabouts "Whereabouts were you?" "Phoenix." "Do you know whereabouts?" I always thought using it as anything but a noun (as in "his whereabouts") was cringe-worthy slang. I guess it's not even considered "informal." http://www.vidyaonline.net/dl/happylion.pdf Made me lol. I also just realized that it's 竜巻旋風脚 "Cyclone Whirlwind Leg", not 扇風脚 "Electric Fan Leg" like a Japanese friend told me. http://chanarchive.org/content/1_b/456765693/1360244137121.jpg Hello, Chief! Let's talk, why not? http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/dinosaurs/dinofossils/First.shtml http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_evolutionary_thought http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mendelian_inheritance ad homonym http://www.dpreview.com/forums/post/17446377 Software Dispatch http://youtu.be/E-GPzdm5GD4 http://www.zeldman.com/2009/06/24/sour-outlook/ http://volpinprops.blogspot.com/2009/09/big-daddy-bioshock.html water on molten sodium http://youtu.be/mzEOL-N2cbw aluminum cans in acid and base http://youtu.be/WnPrtYUKke8 fluorine reactions http://youtu.be/vtWp45Eewtw http://kotaku.com/the-goofy-underbelly-of-steam-greenlight-478813935?utm_campaign=Socialflow_Kotaku_Facebook&utm_source=Kotaku_Facebook&utm_medium=Socialflow http://philliesphollowers.mlblogs.com/2010/04/30/madson-meets-his-match-phillies-choke-against-mets/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/23/focustwist-iOS-app-lytro-refocusable/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/22/eye-gestures-code-google-glass/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/22/Google-now-may-come-to-the-web/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/20/ae-slow-mo-camera/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/19/engadget-questionnaire-time-harry-mccracken/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/19/epic-torq-roadster-ev/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/18/nasa-kepler-discovers-three-habitable-planets/ http://www.engadget.com/2006/03/03/a-brief-history-of-handheld-video-games/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/18/sega-pluto-prototype-console-surfaces-saturn-netlink/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/18/universities-inject-neuron-sized-leds-to-stimulate-brains/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/17/lynx-a-3d-point-and-shoot-camera-tablet-hands-on/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/17/doodle3d-kickstarter-launch/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/17/researchers-devise-fast-and-powerful-microbattery/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/16/worlds-fastest-home-internet-launches-in-japan-sony-so-net/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/16/japanese-court-fines-google-instant-search/ http://archive.org/search.php?query=collection%3Amacaddict_coverdiscs&sort=-publicdate&page=1 http://archive.org/search.php?query=collection%3Apcgamer-cdroms&sort=-publicdate http://archive.org/details/classicpcgames http://www.woot.com/offers/hisense-50-1080p-3d-led-hdtv http://www.arena-dances.org http://archive.ghostbusters.net/disscussion/ghm/1/54476/ http://tcbmag.com/Opinion/Columns/Performing-Philanthropy/Hackers-Welcome music - Puffy これが私の生きる道 If Cake is Love, what can you conclude based on what you've learned from Portal? This pretty much sums up the directions Microsoft and Google are going in. http://ataonline.com It's not fair that some people in the office get to have conversations about bō staffs and stances while I work on newsletters about makeup and jewelry. http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/brave-new-workshop-proves-funny-business-is-a-money-business http://theatre.bravenewworkshop.com/AboutUs/History.aspx http://www.scotchbrand.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/ScotchBrand/Scotch/Solutions/Expressions/ http://images.tvrage.com/cguide/14/2530.jpg Spooky...I was just randomly thinking about how Mike Judge's Hank Hill had a counterpart in Beavis and Butthead—their neighbor Mr. Anderson—and 3 seconds later, J.'s boss walks over to him and calls him "Mr. Anderson." http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2013/April/Target-to-Showcase-Wired-Editors-Gadget-Picks ♪♬♪♩ http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/30/nokia-to-invest-in-pelican-camera-tech/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/29/eyes-on-mit-media-labs-smarter-objects/ http://drop.notch.net http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/27/visualized-boeing-supersonic-airliner-concept/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/26/artificial-sense-of-touch-gets-smarter-lets-robots-really-feel/ http://www.engadget.com/2012/07/31/legend-of-zelda-prototype-cartridge-hits-the-auction-block/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/25/xing-wii-u-karaoke-machine/ It's not just that I hate the winter, it's that for every day it continues, there'll be one less day of summer ahead to enjoy. It's actually a great metaphor for my life—these years aren't unpleasant, but each stagnant one that passes is another that I won't get to live once I finally get started. http://www.circulatorboot.com "Heartbeat-coordinated pumping action," huh? Circulation therapy has never sounded so romantic. http://youtu.be/U4ljtg5vXYQ I just came across the phrase "The Next Best Thing" and thought about how it carries a sense of "not the best," or "not ideal"—you can't have the best thing, so you'll settle for the next best thing. This contrasts with "The Next BIG Thing," which WILL soon the best or most popular thing around (even if it's a just passing trend). What I'm really trying to say is, "Dinosaurs: The Next Big Thing" was second to none. http://youtu.be/dU97w2DH5mc bees http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/art-4-shelter-at-burnet-gallery 1,000+ 5x7" works of art for $30 each, tonight at 6 at Chambers downtown. The pieces don't reveal the artists' names (they're signed only on the back), and they were donated for the event, with proceeds helping the homeless. Is ham any good when it's birmed? How does it compare to ham that's notted or bucked? [having you been birming, notting, or bucking ham?] http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/dessert-of-the-summer-the-spoonbridge-and-cherry-made-sweet I just heard the phrase "sekiyu no baibai" (石油の売買) in a news story about clean alternative energy, and I wish it meant "petroleum's byebye" because that would be adorable. fall center earth http://scienceline.ucsb.edu/getkey.php?key=3224 http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/mechanics/earthole.html war of the worlds http://youtu.be/Xs0K4ApWl4g http://youtu.be/BJpZD_pGCgk http://www.engadget.com/2013/05/06/quantum-encrypted-internet-los-alamos/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/05/06/final-x-51a-waverider-hypersonic-mission/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/05/05/all-in-one-atari-controller-finally-arrives-to-curtail-retro-gam/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/05/04/google-widget-photo-sphere/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/05/04/ming-mecca/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/05/03/physics-teacher-adopts-google-glass/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/05/03/researchers-give-the-kilogram-a-fundamental-equivalent/ http://www.astrodigital.org/space/stshorse.html http://www.engadget.com/2013/05/02/princeton-crafts-a-3d-printed-bionic-ear-with-super-hearing/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/05/02/camera-inspired-by-insect-eyes/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/05/01/soinn-robot-image-search/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/05/01/hoptroff-no-10/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/05/01/bob-moog-inventors-hall-of-fame/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/05/01/ibm-atomic-movie/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/30/sequoia-supercomputer-breaks-simulation-speed-record/ gate http://mspmag.com/getattachment/3f9276a8-721c-4682-8431-645f1e6f38c1/0313-TNT_6_640s.jpg https://mspmag.com/home-and-design/the-new-traditionalists/ "Mummy, Mr. Splitfoot is at the door, and he wants to be let inside at once. He says he's quite cross with you." [2020 updated URL] http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/smoking-ban-at-the-u-of-m-in-the-works http://tcbmag.com/Honors-and-Events/Minnesota-Business-Hall-of-Fame/2010-Minnesota-Business-Hall-of-Fame/James-Dolan D.H. http://mspmag.com/Out-And-About/Articles/Music/Love,-etc/ https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bwf-official/id601174087 I wish this weren't so crude in its intended use, but I do like the mechanism where you secretly set people as a "yes," and they won't know you did unless they also choose you as a "yes." There needs to be a more socially-acceptable app that works the same but says "I like you" or "I think you're cute and would like to get to know you better," because even saying that much in real life jeopardizes friendships when it isn't mutual. Even for people who seem way out of my league, I'd like to be able to throw the idea out there just in case, without the humiliation of "What? No. Sad. I can't believe he thought I might be interested in him." Dreams of the Sky http://youtu.be/AK9L5zSDRiA http://youtu.be/NWru5o07j_I The Anime Craptacular is tonight 6:30-10, in Moos 2-520. Watch a selection of most hilariously bad anime we could find. Here's an example of something we've watched in the past. It might help you somehow make sense of your convoluted situation. (Warning: naked guy riding a spirit goose) https://www.facebook.com/groups/4056902802/ ...Craptacular for the anime club is tonight, and that's the night I look forward to the most each semester... Myths of Hiroshima http://articles.latimes.com/2005/aug/05/opinion/oe-bird5 Billiam http://youtu.be/NmVIm_JRHH4 http://online.wsj.com/article/SB118582060979882460.html This guy was featured in our newsletter called "Swag," because he clearly has so much of it. http://view.exacttarget.com/?j=fe57167972670c7e7611&m=ff3317757766&ls=fdfb10717562037c75167973&l=fe8c157071610d757d&s=fe1b1c777c6d027d771778&jb=ffcf14&ju=fe2517747364017a7d1d70 overheard at the office: "They said they want it vector, 600dpi, black with no shades of gray, in EPS format...Yeah, it's CMYK. I saved it as a JPEG from InDesign, placed it in a new file, and saved it as an .eps." palmdeskheadface.jpg "The ones who don't want to be banged are in the back." http://www.theautochannel.com/news/press/date/19990430/press022619.html http://howwastheshow.bravepages.com/reviews-2004//rebelrebel-04-05-04.html songs: Reunited http://youtu.be/rGQi9mz4upo music - If Ever You're In My Arms Again http://youtu.be/VHyHIgySS6c http://www.snopes.com/language/stories/420.asp http://www.snopes.com/music/artists/311.asp songs: music - Snow Informer lyrics Dio - Holy Diver http://youtu.be/bkysjcs5vFU http://www.cracked.com/video_18203_why-back-to-future-secretly-horrifying.html music - Stop Making Sense - Girlfriend is Better - big suit http://youtu.be/bE1Ro_wPGIU "I just wish Chris Frantz would shut up" http://youtu.be/GVOopPORLuk songs: music - Genius of Love http://youtu.be/-9d9FA3fCf4 design fails http://bit.ly/180e1Dh iPad charging https://discussions.apple.com/docs/DOC-3511 http://youtu.be/DuhNpgaQW04 http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/167886-jojos-pose-ジョジョ立ち "Is PowerPoint an acceptable format for print ads?" music - Love Is Like Oxygen http://youtu.be/zmlKjO4juCo http://io9.com/the-mechanical-beauty-of-early-automatons-509247280 http://www.theonion.com/articles/mysterious-crate-arrives-from-london,17923/ Terminator puppetry http://youtu.be/mG74hPP1EwU Donna visits AD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PEbhHco7qc Jack bites deer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmVHIh3vEgQ robot face http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0G2IcIQeuE Thing effects http://youtu.be/fBzpT7VmSaU Mortal Kombat making of http://youtu.be/TDLvyYxGEGM Bambi burster http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQCq3CHzhdk I Am Legend concepts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY_MYfueEOs http://www.joblo.com/movie-news/cmon-hollywood-give-us-more-practical-effects My mom recently adopted these 4 abandoned kittens from Turkey. Someone had dumped them in a pile of old tires in the mountains where they would have died if A F of Adoption in Avsalar hadn't tracked them down. http://youtu.be/GuVvrKoa2XU music - Little Bitty Pretty One http://news.discovery.com/human/psychology/why-we-sigh-breathing.htm http://www.idakoos.com/tank+top/name-danger-but-can-call-giorgio,1181156 http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/hennepin-county-and-the-twins-work-to-create-new-downtown-transit-hub http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/bachmanns-throwing-in-the-towel overheard at the office: http://tailorededges.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Austin-Powers-Zip-it..jpg "He needs to send me a .pdf but it tells him it's 'not an acceptable file extension.'...Ok, I'll tell him to 'zip it.'" "You want me to print this for you? But...it's a video." http://www.pperr.org/events/icecream-social.html http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/spacegunconvent.php http://www.thescienceforum.com/physics/18378-space-combat-lasers-vs-reflective-armor.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superseded_scientific_theories "Which issue had the issue?" "Which issue are we talking about?" My tendency to avoid vague and euphemistic words like "issue" for "problem" or "mistake" makes things less confusing when working for a magazine publisher. ...a few years ago after the Japan America Society of Minnesota's first Career Day at Macalester, at Sakura restaurant. At the time, just gotten back from Japan after teaching English with the JET Programme for a couple years (and had a job as a server for the time being). ...what that experience working in Japan was like, ... put it to use ... career or anything. JET CIR last year, and made it to the waiting list (and also at AEON, but ...). I haven't given up, though, ... ...about 10-15 of us meet every Saturday at Espresso Royale in downtown Minneapolis. People of all levels of speaking ability show up there, and it's completely laid-back—people tend to break off into smaller conversations and some even speak English the whole time... http://mn-japan.org/programs/japanese-speaking-club/ http://www.bringmethenews.com/2013/05/02/train-hits-19-year-old-minn-woman-with-earphones/ http://inspirebee.com/the-animal-fashion-parade/ Anyone planning to drive from Minneapolis that I could ride with? I'd pay for all gas both ways. I really want to go, and was prepared to pay the $157 for the Greyhound, but the schedule is so limited there's nothing that could get me there. I'd want to leave Friday sometime after noon and come back Sunday. (Our company has half-day Fridays, but if you take one off, you're forced to take the following Monday off too, so it costs 2 days to get the Friday morning off, and the only Friday buses leave at 12:15am and 5am.) http://tcbmag.com/Industries/Technology/The-Quietest-Room-in-the-World-September-2008 http://www.play-asia.com/Tobidase_Doubutsu_no_Mori/paOS-13-71-19g-49-en-70-54q3.html I hate all WYSIWYG HTML editors that I've ever used. Today, the one in ExactTarget was automatically changing style="background-image: url('file.png');" to style="background-image: url("file.png");" which it then automatically "cleaned up" by ripping apart every attribute in double quotes after that. ... pool party or go camping with us this weekend? N. and I are driving down there with two of our friends from Minnesota to get together with KU people... "so hard * wanna * me" http://zidbits.com/2011/04/why-cant-anything-go-faster-than-the-speed-of-light/ 8 min position sun http://able2know.org/topic/8865-1 http://www.engadget.com/2013/06/17/spanish-augmented-reality-smart-glasses-education/ http://funny-pictures.feedio.net/craw-so-hard-mothafuckas-wanna-fry-me-that-fish-cray-that-fish-cray/i.qkme.me*358fa0.jpg/ http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2013/June/Rimage-Adopts-Name-of-More-Profitable-Subsidiary http://tcbmag.blogs.com/postchaos_10/2013/06/3-ways-real-time-marketing-could-blow-up-bad.html Sledgehammer http://youtu.be/NvEHFTjp3JA Airwolf http://youtu.be/HBd6ighzqYA Street Hawk http://youtu.be/CCItnKrXvMM Tranzor Z http://youtu.be/lVkueSuO-GU Muscular Beaver http://youtu.be/tzhzcAJVpCk Bullet in the Face 1 http://youtu.be/hbcCkwH4BdE songs: music - Reflections This song was mentioned in the Moog article on Wikipedia as an early use of the synth in pop music. I've always kind of liked the song, but never noticed the electronic sounds. The spacey intro is kind of cool. music - The Kinks - Come Dancing http://youtu.be/gs2kFrGluKs music - National Bird music - Hearts http://youtu.be/zjnTu37tJqQ I love the melody and "spooky" chord progression of this song. The video is straight-up Cinemax soft-core. And there's a Japanese cover: http://youtu.be/VdfWkzbusHc Ah cain't reed these airticles out lout withut lowlin. How is habby firmed? http://sco.wikipedia.org overheard at the office: "What ABOUT yo' play?" I thought that sounded kind of gangster for my straight-laced coworker until I remembered that we're doing projects for General Mills and Yoplait. Tonight is the first night of the summer anime club (Manga Anime Society)! 6:30 in Carlson 2-215 on the West Bank. We'll watch 5-10 min. previews of shows (you can bring your own to nominate), then we'll vote on one ~7 episode show and three ~13 episode shows to watch over the summer. We meet every Thurs. 6:30-10pm but you can freely come and go, and it's free and open to the public. Japanese audio with English subtitles. お見逃しなく! The anime club at the U is starting its summer session tonight and we'll be meeting every Thursday. Tonight we're watching previews and voting for 4 shows, and first episodes are next week. Feel free to show up if you're interested! --- "Tonight is the first night of the summer anime club (Manga Anime Society)! 6:30 in Carlson 2-215 on the West Bank. We'll watch 5-10 min. previews of shows (you can bring your own to nominate), then we'll vote on one ~7 episode show and three ~13 episode shows to watch over the summer. We meet every Thurs. 6:30-10pm but you can freely come and go, and it's free and open to the public. Japanese audio with English subtitles. お見逃しなく!" https://www.facebook.com/events/326586837472249/ Last week was just the voting day, and this Thursday (tomorrow) we're watching the first 1 or 2 episodes of each show: 6:30-7:00 Gundam 0080 7:00-8:00 Sora no Woto 8:00-9:00 C-Control 9:00-10:00 Haibane Renmei Mostly I'm excited for Sora no Woto, which looks really charming and quaint with some creative mythology, and Haibane is a really sweet show I started watching years ago and have been wanting to finish. There are clips of each show on YouTube if you want to see what they are, and I hope you'll go if any of them look interesting to you. I think there were about 25 people at the last meeting, and about 8 of us usually eat at Village Wok after the meetings. Fantastic Mr. Starfox http://youtu.be/5OGAs8FGzx4 Sad Songs http://youtu.be/X23v5_K7cXk http://www.comedycentral.com/video-clips/qmkbsu/reno-911--terry-time http://pixeldripgallery.com/2010/08/what%E2%80%99s-with-all-the-masks-in-super-mario-bros-2/ Yume koujou CM http://youtu.be/c_W2vldGyOQ ffvi cm http://youtu.be/ZNX8KWSDoQs ff3 http://youtu.be/d15qmRzn2Pc http://jstalin.neocities.org/index.html http://misandry.neocities.org/ http://wonder-tonic.com/geocitiesizer/index.php http://hello.neocities.org/ http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/introducing-the-nsa-proof-font http://vimeo.com/42675696 https://twitter.com/TransmissionTC Hey everybody—let's go to Transmission at Clubhouse Jager tonight, since it's my birthday and I don't have any plans, and because it's always worth going for DJ Jake Rudh's sweet 80s dance music and videos (and contemporary stuff, too). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cephalophore http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown http://www.jnto.go.jp/eng/location/spot/gardens/index.html copy bad file http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1022685 overheard at the office: "WHERE was he last weekend?" "Oh, he went fishing with Dr. Puff." http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/10/the-evolutionary-importance-of-grandmothers/264039/ http://mspmag.com/Shop-And-Style/Find-Shops-and-Spas/Polarn-O-Pyret/ overheard at the office: "I just sent over the edible PDF. I mean, I could make all the others edible, too..." http://youtu.be/2xji5tRVxTI This sounds like 16-bit stage music from a Gradius-style shooter, as David pointed out. It's performed by Cheap Trick, but composed by Harold Faltermeyer (who also did the Beverly Hills Cop 2 theme), which explains the distinctive electronic sound. See it at Solera tonight! http://www.solera-restaurant.com/pdf/Movie%20Schedule%202013.pdf http://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2008/12/21 I had no idea today was Franz Kafka's birthday (check the http://google.com Doodle), and when I woke up this morning I was randomly thinking about this Calvin and Hobbes comic that intrigued me when I was in grade school because Hobbes says Calvin will have "Kafka dreams." I had to actually go to the library in those days to find out what it meant. Cafi di Napoli http://youtu.be/0BWMkArX72w http://hennis.neocities.org/ http://pepsicola.neocities.org/ http://hopeless.neocities.org/TryItNow.html http://snoopdogg.neocities.org/ http://crap.neocities.org/ http://babazoom.neocities.org/ http://andy.neocities.org/ music - Sky Pilot http://youtu.be/D2KKESEJxRU TetraKO http://youtu.be/cNgOjOi7cqM http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/South-St-Paul-company-fights-fire-with-sticky-wate hypnagogia: Just woke up from a bizarre 5-second dream that almost had me laughing: An old-fashioned phone rings and a man picks it up. "Hello?" An ominous, echoey voice rapidly pulsing over itself on the other end says "YyYour phPHphone cCcalls hHhave chCHchanged." In a bored, unamused voice, the man replies "Whaaaaat." The End. Matrix Swede http://youtu.be/BvpXmAjpc5E Predator Swede http://youtu.be/OodVg4Nx6lk http://www.minneapolismn.gov/www/groups/public/@cped/documents/webcontent/convert_269674.pdf http://youtu.be/dqgtsai2aKY Someone just got asked "Do you run?", and I was hoping he'd break into a spontaneous musical number, complete with dancers. "♬ I DO run-run-run. I do run-run. ♪" (I've always liked this song!) http://youtu.be/HBbK4wOHthQ Moonbase love story Moonbase songs http://youtu.be/1B488z1MmaA May our song swell on high from the four corners of the earth and every base on the moon, for the Steam Sale hath come. audio: http://youtu.be/1B488z1MmaA animation: http://i.imgur.com/UHaG4d6.gif Ho, the Steam Sale has commenced! (I made this page to celebrate: http://praisegaben.ytmnd.com/) http://store.steampowered.com stained glass knight http://youtu.be/uOsxXi-tu_U S**t Japanese Students Say http://youtu.be/ty7RmPCP7OI Kanye Tweets http://youtu.be/0Axzxe1a78E http://www.bringmethenews.com/2013/07/12/iowa-court-sides-with-dentist-who-fired-attractive-assistant/ Gordon Smuder Matt Waterhouse Chase Peterson Kelvin Hatle Romeo Azar Christopher Robert Cargill aaaaaaaaAaaaAaaaAAaaAAaaAAAaAAAaAAAAAAAA! REM - Ignoreland http://youtu.be/_5pOmb7QbUM Fdrpas sounds like when you derp from hiccuping and burping at the same time. Nataly Dawn - Why Did You Marry http://youtu.be/sKbMRVFyjW8 http://www.mnhs.org/library/tips/history_topics/112rondo.html music - Billy Ocean - Dancefloor http://youtu.be/JaoHB2qE7tI ...meeting ...yesterday! ... M and M and me at Salut ... bartender was really funny ... your work ... Chicago—... stress relief! http://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2011/11/18/hottea-eric-rieger-minneapolis-yarnbomber http://www.travelvax.com.au/News/methanol-the-cocktail-to-die-for.html http://tcbmag.blogs.com/cubicle_culture/2013/07/does-your-company-require-employees-to-sign-non-compete-agreements-a-bill-introduced-in-the-minnesota-house-of-representat.html http://tcbmag.com/News/News-Elsewhere/Metro-Transit-Reports-Nearly-40-Million-Bus-And-Tr http://www.campaignmonitor.com/blog/post/1774/using-conditional-comments-to-1/ http://www.opid.org http://www.cracked.com/quick-fixes/why-cheerios-racism-controversy-was-bad-journalism/ http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/kids-see-nothing-wrong-with-cheerios-commercial I want to cancel my Amazon store card. It's caused me to waste a lot of money on late fees, it's annoying to log in and make payments, and it's been nothing but trouble for me while offering no benefits. I've never made any intentional purchases with it since the original laptop that I got it in order to buy - it's the default payment option, and I THOUGHT I changed it to my own Visa for all my purchases, but apparently not. I had no idea I accidentally used it and had a balance, and ended up late fees much higher than the cost of the items. http://youtu.be/_NjUCQAbzmg Sega R360 Wing War - Details pt.2 http://youtu.be/BRbDQnPpc-8 Galaxy Force 2 Arcade gameplay http://pinterest.com/pin/74590937551449591/ I've worked 7 years on weddings newsletters and been immersed in endless photos of bridal fashion, and there was finally a photo in today's "Aisle File" that features an attractive model with attractive hair and makeup wearing an attractive dress. That it took this long seems to demonstrate how completely against my taste most bridal fashion is. http://view.exacttarget.com/?j=fe6217707c65047f731c&m=ff3317757766&ls=fdbd15707d640c7a7610797267&l=fe641575776607787c14&s=fe1b1c777c6d027d771778&jb=ffcf14&ju=fe20177672660c7e7c1677 Join me on the Union rooftop at 7 tonight with J R K, who's in town from Japan and whose friend is presenting her story: "Vita.mn's fifth annual Summer Story Contest is here, boasting $1,000 in prizes for Minnesota’s most talented writers. Last year the theme was Seven Deadly Sins, and this year we went even wider and chose the adventurous theme of: Select Your Adventure!" http://mspmag.com/Shop-And-Style/Events/Sidewalk-Sale-at-West-End/ songs: Manhattan Transfer - Boy From New York City http://css-tricks.com/overriding-the-default-text-selection-color-with-css/ http://css-tricks.com/color-animate-any-shape-2/ http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/2013/05/22/longest-burmese-python-found-in-florida/ http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/u-of-m-says-designer-purses-are-talisman-against-boyfriend-stealing http://www.miwrc.org/shattered_hearts_full_report-web_version.pdf 十年前の日本語の授業の最も優秀な同級生の http://www.wired.com/science/discoveries/multimedia/2008/08/gallery_kola_borehole http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2013/July/Best-Buy-Sells-New-$15K-Curved-LG-TV http://www.soapfactory.org/exhibit.php?content_id=630 overheard at the office: "Everybody's swimmin' in the pool—you just have to get out of the pool. There's nothin' to do but charge at the orcs, and that's not something you wanna do. It's a double-edged sword; you wear it on yourself and sometimes it works." [#overheard #wut] songs: http://youtu.be/ditr8yw99Fg Tomoe Shinohara - Anything http://youtu.be/ThIIYNlSySA Billy West voices Ren, Stimpy, Mr. Horse, Doug, Roger, Pork Chop, Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd, Fry, Zoidberg, Professor Farnsworth, Zapp Brannigan, Popeye, Shaggy, Woody Woodpecker, Earthworm Jim, Rayman, Felix the Cat, Slimer, and countless others are here at MetaCon this weekend! School Bus Limo http://youtu.be/aTpb37WY0eA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrestrial_locomotion http://www.4p8.com/eric.brasseur/gamma.html "The airwaves bristle with the sexual dis of shock jocks." There's something really tactile and electric about that sentence. Try saying it out loud in your best radio voice. Also, Christopher—it looks like my "dis" in Scrabble would have been legit. overheard at the office: "We weren't consistently doing really winky things." http://www.macrumors.com/2013/07/30/11-macbook-air-owner-connects-high-end-graphics-card-with-complex-thunderbolt-setup/ http://thaweesak.com/apple/setting-paste-and-match-style-as-default/ Pasting as plain text should always be the default. I can't think of a single time I've wanted the stupid formatting of the original preserved on just the thing I'm pasting, rather than making it match the rest of what I'm inserting it into. The most annoying thing is when I'm writing an email, and everything I continue to type after pasting something is now in that different font/size/color/style. Or worse: it was a link, and everything I'm typing continues to stretch out the underline and bright blue font. It's been enough to make me change some email chains to plain text before replying just to wipe all the formatting. http://youtu.be/rGQi9mz4upo Ok—Noah, and then someone else who I can't remember, and now Stefanie recently posted "Reunited and it feels so good." as their status, and y'all keep putting this in my head. I used to dismiss it as a throwaway ballad, but now that I've actually listened to it, I enjoy the vocal harmony along with the chord changes and syncopation in the second half of the chorus. And I am not ashamed. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/brain-babble/201304/why-do-we-sigh In addition to being a social cue, sighing normalizes your breathing rhythm, and might also act as a mental "reset" to help you approach something frustrating from a fresh angle. Anyone who sits near me at work can attest that I go Super Sighin' (or 超sigher人) almost every day. [#psychology #physiology #socialscience #biology #evolution #dbz #supersaiyan] http://tech.mn/news/2013/07/31/somakers-is-opening-in-south-minneapolis/ http://view.exacttarget.com/?j=fe5417707c6102747113&m=fef61676726200&ls=fdfa11797461077c71177675&l=fe9515787562077f73&s=fdf215727d650d7870177977&jb=ffcf14&ju=fe2417767d640c7a761478 http://levicki.net/articles/rants/2012/07/31/Adobe_Flash_Player_113_Installer_-_annoying_piece_of_shit.php Adobe, I hate your updates. The rant in this blog post is spot on. Flash is already a scourge that I block using add-ons, and on the occasion I need to enable it, it always seems to pop open the updater app with another minor update. If I follow through and start the install, it wants me to quit all my browsers. That's a HUGE disruption to my productivity because I always have 3 browsers running separate sessions each of multiple systems our company uses, which are a pain to log in to and get situated in. And the way it ignores your preference and changes your update setting to Auto every time is infuriating. [#adobe #flash #rant #softwareupdates #baddesign] dailies http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/paul-highams-thought-forms-at-gallery13 In a linguistics class I once had, the professor was explaining how pronunciation of a word can change when it's brought into another language as a loan word. She pointed out that the initial p of the word "psychology" became silent, though it's pronounced in the original word "psychologie" in French. A bro-type in the class raised his hand and started arguing insistently in front of everyone, in a somewhat condescending tone, that we DO pronounce the p in "psychology" in English. The professor was from Poland and had kind of a strong accent, and I suspect he thought that being a native English speaker made him more of an authority than her. In any case, I felt embarrassed by him, and felt sorry for the professor for being put in the awkward position of having to correct a native speaker while not one herself. I hope he didn't cause her to doubt her linguistic knowledge. [completed in 2020] http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/saturday-sunday-four-humors’-lolita-a-three-man-show-at-illusion-theater http://www.engadget.com/2013/08/05/lab-grown-burger-tasted-in-london/ Strawberry Machine - Chiisana ouchi http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/shelly-bachberg-presents-how-helen-keller-and-anne-frank-freed-the-slaves-the-musical-at-new-century-theatre ♪ Take a look, in a boobk, Reading Rainbowww ♫ http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/doge http://yokai.com/inugami/ overheard at the office: *rinnng* "Hello? This is Samantha." "Oh, hi, Samantha! This is Bill. That is really weird! Did you call me or did I call you?" "[not amused] YOU called ME, Bill." "Did I?? I was just thinking about you, and I picked up the phone and there was your voice!" "Nope—I'm pretty sure you called me, my phone rang, and I picked it up. WHAT can I help you with?" ... *click* "That guy lives on another planet." (names have been changed) [#overheard #office #awkward #weirdo] http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/project_ideas/Chem_AcidsBasespHScale.shtml http://twentytwowords.com/2012/06/23/classic-movie-scenes-imagined-as-pages-in-little-golden-books/ http://drinktruce.com/cleanses/ I've never heard of a beverage referred to as a "cleanse" before. I do hope theses are meant to be consumed orally. "CLEANSES: We offer 1-day ($54), 3-day ($155), & 5-day ($265) cleanses at two different difficulty levels." "LEVEL 1 - TAKE IT EASY: For the first time trying a juice cleanse...we recommend starting with this option." "LEVEL 2 - MAKE A TRUCE: For the juicing veterans or for anyone looking for a highly alkalizing and mostly green cleanse experience, we recommend this option. The juices contain mostly vegetables and greens. This cleanse will you leave you feeling clean, healthy, and invigorated!" http://mspmag.com/Eat-And-Drink/Articles/Restaurant-Reviews/Truce-Juice/ http://www.examiner.com/article/bon-appetit-recommends-cleanses-but-medical-science-calls-them-bogus http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/that-really-rustled-my-jimmies http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/in-canada-milk-comes-in-bags http://home.cogeco.ca/~husky66/Milk/ http://intenseminimalism.com/2011/the-importance-of-instant-feedback-in-ui-design-the-android-case/ http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/the-city-at-a-distance http://www.minnpost.com/stroll/2013/08/minneapolis-skyline-which-freeway-approach-gives-best-view http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oak_Street_Cinema http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/flying-lawnmower http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/trylon-premieres-possession http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/technologically-impaired-duck https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matte_(filmmaking) boat 12回 歌詞 http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/hans-strudel-is-here-to-save-breakfast http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/need-a-lyft http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/run-with-or-away-from-the-bulls http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/senior-citizens-jumping-on-the-high-tech-bandwagon http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/kickstarters-bringing-back-the-nerds http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/mpls-offers-crash-course-in-ranked-choice-voting http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/what-weve-got-and-what-we-dont http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/block-e-may-have-a-new-savior http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/da-rich-kidzz-get-richer http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/twin-cities-vindicated-by-wsj-spread http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/minnpost-thinks-the-cities-arent-as-liveable-as-we-think http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/the-midtown-greenway-is-the-nations-best http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/how-do-you-get-kids-to-eat-their-veggies S A said "Oh, snap!" about something in an email, so I replied with http://ohsnap.ytmnd.com . By pure coincidence, her husband, who was standing near where she was working, had said "We should check out Snap Fitness" a moment before she clicked the link (check it out with the volume up). He apparently thought the sound was coming from Snap Fitness's web site and said "I don't want to go there anymore." http://www.modern-radio.com/board/t.php?id=54584 jingles http://css-tricks.com/examples/PerfectFluidWidthLayout/ http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/so-many-streetcars-so-little-time "Hi, I'm calling in regards to some outstanding invoices. They really are fantastic. Outstanding work!" [#thingsidliketooverhear] http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-33199_7-57593962-221/cnets-guide-to-3d-tv-what-you-still-need-to-know/ Arabian Nights http://youtu.be/xXFLKC6iq1Q So, in what kinds of "good ways" are Arabian nights "hotter than hot"? "You'd better look at the ape." One of my favorite out-of-context sentences ever. In a documentary about filmmaking that I watched in college, a director was giving advice about how to tell people where to look onscreen by giving visual cues. [completed in 2020] overheard at the office: "We want to link to this video someone put on YouTube, but it's 3 hours long. Can you crop it down?" Well, no, but, um...if someone doesn't want to sit and watch it for 3 hours, they can stop. (Well, I guess I could also link it with ?t=2h55m) "Take my advice, as a woman. We're smart, you know. How do you think we get guys to marry us? We make them think it was their idea." [#inception #mindcontrol #overheard] http://youtu.be/tHnA94-hTC8 Be sure to follow these instructions if you ever find yourself in North Carolina. (This song is sadly the only thing I associate with that state.) [C R, T C, T L, K C] North Carolina! C'mon and raise up. Take your shirt off, and twist it 'round yo head. Spin it like a helicopter. http://web.archive.org/web/20020605133813/http://eservercomputing.com/ http://web.archive.org/web/19991122011515/http://mspmag.com/ http://web.archive.org/web/19991105062320/http://www.mspmag.com/feature.asp?featureid=25 http://www.pseudodictionary.com/Ishy http://twistedsifter.com/2012/11/best-halloween-costumes-of-2012/ I'm hopefully going to Taiwan from 9/27 to 10/13 (for Bryan and Teresa's wedding in Taipei). Is there anyone who'll be there and would want to meet up? Or possibly go there with me? Henry? Eric? Kambric? (I feel like I must know more people who are currently living there...) 布萊恩 羅伯茨 I hear it's time to make another office movie. It might be too much work for us to handle ourselves, but I found this site: http://drditto.neocities.org . Maybe we should hire this guy to help us out! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LED-backlit_LCD_display I'm out of the office Friday 5/17, and I'll get back to you on Monday. Please contact webdesk or K D if you need immediate assistance. https://www.google.com/search?q="give+*+the+download" http://mspmag.com/Out-And-About/90-Days-of-Summer/90-Days-List/Day-77-Chin-Chin,-Clink-Clink/ Animal Crackups http://youtu.be/8MDEkfPFepM http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/and-the-vma-goes-to The word "anythin'" doesn't sound right to me. People seem more likely to say "somethin'" and "nothin'" than "something" and "nothing," but fully pronounce "anything." memories: I had a moment of extreme 90s last weekend when I was playing the TMNT: Turtles in Time arcade machine on Free Play, and one of the other players got blasted by an ice beam and said: I was frozen today http://youtu.be/nC8zz95rm8s http://youtu.be/clKBnt_Q12Y Escape from New York soundtrack Awesome. Reminds me of Commodore 64 chiptunes, or early 90s SoundBlaster MIDI from games like Wolfenstein. Composed and performed by director John Carpenter himself. http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/car2go-parks-in-minneapolis http://www.skydivecsc.com/faqs/ http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/take-that-foot-longs We're g Taylor, Carly, Laney, Erin onna mis Taylor, Stephani, Carly, Amanda, Stephanie, Heidi, Katie, Casey, Laney, Natalie s you, Taylor! Taylor, Stephani, Carly, Amanda, Stephanie, Heidi, Jake, Ellen, Katie, Casey, Assumpta, Laney, Natalie, Erin The fall anime club starts today! Manga Anime Society meets every Thurs., 6:30-10pm in Moos 2-520, and we're watching the full first seasons of: 6:30 Kids on the Slope 7:00 JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure 8:00 Tiger and Bunny 9:00 Hyouka Everyone's welcome, you can show up or leave at any time, and you can optionally become a voting member for $6. http://mangaanimesociety.org http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elevator_surfing http://www.justice.gov/interpol-washington/news/news20130830.html http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/pinkies-up http://www.amazon.com/Flight-Navigator-Original-Soundtrack-Recording/dp/B000E1Z4BU 有人可能幫助我學國語嗎?我就去台灣可是我不會I'm going to Taiwan in less than 3 weeks and I can't speak Chinese for crap. I know a lot of characters and basic vocabulary, but I can't ever understand what people are saying to me. http://www.millennialmainframer.com/2013/07/mac-3270-zen-with-brown-tn3270-and-better-touch-tool/ http://youtu.be/tCen5fCHnAQ Mac vs. IBM http://www.avclub.com/articles/eazye-and-ol-dirty-bastard-resurrected-via-hologra,102620/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=LinkPreview:1:Default Skymiles 6103228935 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity_of_Earth I plan to go to Hong Kong for a few days during my Taiwan trip Su 9/29 to Su 10/13. Is there anyone there who'd want to meet up, or go there with me? I need to be in Taiwan Sa 10/5 through M 10/7, but could go before or after that. I've never been there and have no idea what to see or do, so I'd also appreciate suggestions from anyone who's been there. Maggie? Amy? Cherry? Bill? Key (oh, it looks like you're in Taiwan right now)?, Luke? Liz? Yao? http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-scientific-fundamentalist/200810/why-human-evolution-pretty-much-stopped-about-10000-years- http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2013/September/Northern-MN-Attracts-A-Professional-Football-Team http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2013/September/Contest-Awards-$1M-To-Create-St-Paul-Urban-Oasis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_jōyō_kanji demonyms yes: American, Canadian, Mexican, German, Italian, Indonesian, Malaysian, Russian, Austrian, Cambodian, Laotian, Norwegian, Belgian, Romanian, Serbian, Somalian, Ethiopian no: French, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Spanish, Swedish, Finnish, Swiss, Taiwanese, Dutch, Czech, Welsh, Irish, Scottish, British example: He is an Italian (yes) She is a Spanish (no) I hear phrases like "he is a Japanese who lives in..." all the time, and it sounds awkward and kind of insulting. [updated 2020] http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/nuke-it-from-orbit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSWD0KyS1i8 NS2 Oculus http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2013/September/Should-Retailers-Like-Target-Embrace-Showrooming http://all-american-moms.neocities.org/ I Googled a phrase that includes "tryna" while looking for a specific quote, and it fuzzy-matched "trying to". That makes me sad. Do people really use it that much? Well, what's the answer? If you tell him what the fox says, maybe he'll stop asking. If you listen carefully to the song, I think he has some good guesses: http://youtu.be/jofNR_WkoCE http://hkgirltalk.com/2011/06/07/mandarin-non-chinese-speakers/ http://youtu.be/DSqHb5vGHNQ When I used to listen to this song back in elementary school, it made me sad to picture myself on the inevitable day in the future when I'd move away and start my life. I imagined that the hardest part would be leaving behind the person I loved (since I was sure at the time that there'd be someone). The song is even harder to listen to today. I take a step outside And I breathe the air And I slam the door And I'm on my way I won't lay no blame I won't call you names 'Cause I've made my break And I won't look back I've turned my back On those endless games I'm all through with ties I'm all tired of tears I'm a happy man Don't it look that way ? Shakin' dust from my shoes There's a road ahead And there's no way back home (no way back home) Oh oh but I have to say Leavin' home ain't easy Oh I never thought it would be easy Leavin' on your own Ah, Is the main thing calling me back ? Leavin' home ain't easy On the one you're leavin' home Stay my love my love please stay Don't stray my love what's wrong my love ? What's right my love ? Oh leavin' home ain't easy I thought how could I think of leavin' ? Leavin' on your own Still tryin' to persuade me that Leaving home ain't necessarily The only way Leavin' home ain't easy But may be the only way http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/minneapolis-women-are-picky-daters http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/minneapolis-woman-calls-out-a-cat-caller-on-craigslist http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/hnp/mis/4067717678.html Ginkgo Bilbo ㄅㄆㄇㄈ I learned Bopomofo. (注音符號 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bopomofo) Many of the Taiwanese people I've met aren't familiar with pinyin, so it could be useful when I need pronunciation help. http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/E-pulltabs-at-1-year-Games-raise-$0-for-Vikings-st Weirdest glitch I've ever seen: Pasting a certain paragraph of text from a Word .doc into my text editor causes eevveerryy kkeeyyssttrrookkee ttoo ttyyppee 22 lleetttteerrss ffrroomm tthheenn oonn!! (Syntax highlighting in the whole document also stops working.) If I save and reopen the .htm file, it's still stuck in ddoouubblleettyyppee mode! If I delete that chunk of text, typing goes back to normal. http://youtu.be/Er_v64JTjmc Nickelodeon, you're contradicting yourself. Who's stronger, Muscles Linguini or Arty? http://www.ibmsystemsmag.com/mainframe/administrator/tivoli/A-Tailored-Look/ http://www.ibmsystemsmag.com/mainframe/trends/whatsnew/a_super_solution/ http://www.ibmsystemsmag.com/ibmi/Resources/Women-In-Technology/Kirsten-Craft/ http://www.ibmsystemsmag.com/mainframe/stoprun/Stop-Run/Memories-of-a-Mainframe/ Ruby Tuesday "Favourite"? Since when are you British? Inspired by these guys? http://youtu.be/eUKz2fvb6jY Leroy Brown http://youtu.be/EwPRm5UMe1A Every time I see your name, I get this song stuck in my head. "♪ Bad A. Leerae Brown She's the baddest gal in the whole damn town Badder than old Queen Mothra Meaner than an alley cat ♬" http://tcbmag.com/Industries/Real-Estate/What-s-Driving-The-Twin-Cities-Apartment-Mania http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2013/September/Mpls-Welcomes-Yet-Another-Car-Sharing-Service http://www.pinterest.com/exacttarget/email-swipe-file/ I love when someone emails me a question and includes a huge attachment that puts me over the mailbox size limit so I can't send emails. It's like being interrogated by someone who is choking you so you can't talk, and they're wondering why you don't answer. http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/pundamonium-at-club-underground http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/sleep-obesity.htm http://www.botndolly.com/box http://youtu.be/lX6JcybgDFo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_East_India_Company http://youtu.be/pdtCPwfETDs http://youtu.be/lQISgWx_-Yw Do you think 2 hours is enough time between arriving in Taipei and flying again to Hong Kong? I'd be leaving from the same terminal I just arrived at. I don't want to get delayed in customs and miss the flight. Would it create any problems or suspicion with passing through immigration, when I declare my length of stay in the country ("about an hour"), etc.? My only other option for a HK flight that day is 7 hours after getting to Taipei, which I'd probably have to waste sitting at the airport, but it'd be less risky. (Of course I'd have bought a ticket straight to Hong Kong instead of Taipei if I'd known at the time that my friend was going there that day.) http://www.news.com.au/travel/world/hong-kong-forest-of-skyscrapers/story-e6frfqb9-1226577724134 Victoria Harbour looks to be the most breathtakingly beautiful place on earth. (At least according to my tastes.) It's a vision straight out of science fiction. I'll be staying 3 blocks from here in Kowloon :-) Symphony of Lights http://youtu.be/DsBQO6ZzH5Q http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2013/September/Amid-Beer-Boom,-A-Hard-Cider-Taproom-Comes-To-Mpls I'd hate to get a http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-AaE-BpkAJZA/Tzp-GpPkBCI/AAAAAAAAPRY/d2iCuUAHUXA/s1600/Sting_musician_2.525w_700h.jpg from the https://cdn.britannica.com/85/194785-050-EB6910D9/Barbra-Streisand-2010.jpg on that http://www.nndb.com/people/553/000025478/ray-romano.jpg ! [updated in 2020 to get rid of a Breitbart URL, which is a site I'd never heard of when I first wrote this] songs: http://youtu.be/tU-VJOzb-10 Steam Powered Giraffe - Diamond overheard at the office: "They want one of the people to be non-white. Is that even something we can change?...I would love for one of them to be a blue Smurf-person." I., THANK YOU for the amazing job you did stepping in and producing newsletters in these past weeks. You're fast, thorough, and pay great attention to detail, while also being polite and courteous to everyone you're working with. You didn't even need much guidance from me, but you were flexible and receptive to everything I had to say. It was really a relief to enjoy my vacation and know you'd be handling everything smoothly and professionally. http://youtu.be/CaiRdNcNY6g Damper Baby Taipei 101 I have no plans for Halloween, the Soap Factory Haunted Basement, or a costume this year, even though it's my favorite holiday. Being away for half of October has really thrown me off. overheard at the office: "No—it's spelled 'Tech-Knowledge E-Source.'" https://tandem.umn.edu/users/x "♪ You don't know me, but I'm a vampire. And my friend here is a Frankenstein. ♬" (Repost from last year, but it's the best Halloween song, so deal with it.) "raw news nugget" songs: http://youtu.be/VR0E4Nf_yvE Computer Love http://jezebel.com/map-sixty-years-of-the-most-popular-names-for-girls-s-1443501909 http://ibmsystemsmag.blogs.com/securingaix/2013/10/are-you-being-naughty.html overheard at the office: "That blast hit my junk." Ow. (After a mass email "blast" was blocked by the junk-mail filter.) "What time do you want to play badminton tomorrow?" "10-ish?" "Sure, I guess we could play that instead." With Halloween creeping closer and closer, AJI is thrilled to give you the spooky side of Japanese culture. We'll have food, games, and even a haunted house! We'll also be holding a costume contest with prizes, so be sure to give your trick or treating duds a test spin with us! All free of charge! We look forward to seeing you then! Details: Friday, October 25th 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Nicholson Hall rm 125 Ntusm Tpnrtyd Vet'b Eivwera Cszbo Spcfsut Aqxzm Qnadqsr Muwakikaa Womakanu Beriuin Rabiite http://mspmag.com/Out-And-About/Articles/People/Not-So-Mortal-Combat/ I'm tired of "mixed" as a euphemism for "bad." "Mixed reviews," "mixed results," "mixed reactions." http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/Ethanol-blend-E15-arrives,-saves-motorists-15-to-2 I had a dream that I was thrown into a concert band and randomly assigned the trombone to play, and had to learn it on the spot. I couldn't get any sound to come out when blowing through the mouthpiece, but simply moving the slide made it play softly for some reason. There were also three valves like a trumpet, plus a fourth smaller one, and none of them seemed to do anything. http://www.gokartlabs.com/blog/stop-worrying-about-the-latest-google-algorithm-update/?utm_source=sponsorship&utm_medium=bmtnsite&utm_content=seotips&utm_campaign=bmtnsponsorship I hope you finished all your packing and cleaning in time for your flight today! http://ptable.com http://whyevolutionistrue.wordpress.com/2013/10/29/are-primates-hard-wired-to-be-scared-of-snakes/ http://books.google.com/books?id=7IhiYEWmGI4C&pg=PA62&lpg=PA62&dq=pulvinar+threat&source=bl&ots=YSG9Q8QEBT&sig=X30LTZgF7HLCaRa1v-kl3mk1QBM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=XjRwUpXhH8nkyQH3toGYBA&ved=0CEEQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=pulvinar%20threat&f=false http://www.americanmonsters.com/site/2010/02/wendigo-canada/ http://www.travelandleisure.com/articles/americas-ugliest-college-campuses/ http://www.campaignmonitor.com/resources/will-it-work/guidelines/ http://www.bossenova.com/wip/MSPMag/IBMSystemsMag/ http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA1DS0CZ5079 http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/feel-good-almost-friday-amplatz-childrens-hospital-video-goes-viral overheard at the office: "I'm sorry, she is no longer with us." is kind of an alarming way to tell a caller "She's no longer with the company." "Are you stillinitaly?" http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/mns-latest-tourist-attraction-the-varsity-theater-bathroom The bathroom at the Varsity Theater is a top-10 finalist in a contest for the best in the country, and it honestly looks like the best of the nominees, although they're all pretty cool. (I've been there plenty of times but I guess I've never used it.) "The Varsity Theater, formerly The University Theater, was one of the last vaudeville houses in Minneapolis and hosted everything from minstrel shows, to comedians, to screenings of early silent films. In 2005, the current incarnation of The Varsity Theater opened its doors as a vaudeville house for the 21st Century. The restroom, decorated with ornate, gilded mirrors, sassy text plates, and bricks laid as if by a drunken mason on bender, invites guests into an Alice In Wonderland-like grotto—to relieve themselves and re-live childhood fairy tales. One part old-fashioned powder room one part lounge, this restroom allows concert-goers to take a break in an area from which one can still view and hear the stage. Bartenders even serve drinks over the back counter into the restroom area, offering a VIP experience to every guest. The sinks were designed with shower head-faucets with a foot pedal operation, à la grade school restrooms. The lounge and hand washing area is coed, creating quite a social atmosphere, particularly when concert-goers are trying to figure out how to activate the sinks and they need to ask one another for the tip—use your toes. And of course, the women's side of the restroom features four times as many stalls as the men's side. In addition to hosting both local and national music acts the Varsity is a popular location for wedding receptions, private galas, and dream dates, coupled with dinner at their associated restaurant, Loring Pasta Bar." http://www.bestrestroom.com/us/vote.asp Although it says that voting ends 10/31, it still gave me a confirmation message. I like the ranked-choice setup. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/You_Really_Got_Me Clockwork Operated Roaming Kinetic Insect Inspector CORKII My friend's creation, formally known as a Clockwork Operated Roaming Quercosuber-Esemplast. If only he had a catchier name, like an acronym or something... CORQ-EE Clockwork Operated Roaming Quercosuber-Esemplast CORQ-E http://www.chrismcintyre.com/wtf-corporate-america-standards-much-lotus-notes-email/ http://www.amazon.com/Phosphor-MD010L-Swarovski-Mechanical-Digital/dp/B006ZK9E7O/ref=sr_1_48 http://www.amazon.com/Phosphor-MD012G-Swarovski-Mechanical-Digital/dp/B006ZK9E7Y/ref=sr_1_83 http://www.nooka.com/zub-zoo-40-adventure-time-bmo-p-493.html http://blog.infomofo.com/2009/10/not-on-internet.html http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/rollerdome-skaters-find-a-home-in-the-new-vikings-stadium I don't think a person can "choose to believe" anything. Belief is when a person is unconsciously confident that something is true, based on what they know. If someone is making a conscious choice to believe something, it means that there is enough doubt in their head that they could have chosen not to believe it instead. It means that they don't actually believe it. [completed and revised in 2020] songs: http://youtu.be/Fo6aKnRnBxM Baker Street This was my morning alarm for a while. Let's Go Get Stoned - Ray Charles I googled "wow such palace" and was not disappointed. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/its-machine-code http://porkrind.ytmnd.com Today is ||/|| Pocky day! Simon, I finally ate the pack that Geek Plastique sent me a year ago. #slowpokkii Get some so ヤドン't miss out! http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/locally-laid-named-finalist-for-free-super-bowl-ad Happy Veterans Day! I miss you, Grandpa, and I'll always be proud of your service with the Marines in the war. http://digitalmagazineawards.com/cover http://www.engadget.com/2013/11/10/rachel-haot/ songs: Ellie Goulding - Burn http://youtu.be/CGyEd0aKWZE http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2013/November/Dolan-Companys-Stock-Dives-As-Revenue-Drops-20 http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2013/November/Bank-Deal-Requires-Dolan-To-Raise-$50M-In-Cash http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2013/November/Target-Accidently-Ships-New-Xbox-Weeks-Early http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/A-bright-idea-LED-streetlights-cutting-costs-for-M http://youtu.be/BSXzuser3pc depth-map camera Etron http://www.somethingawful.com/news/twitter-horse-ebooks/ http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2013/09/24/horse_ebooks_twitter_bot_was_human_jacob_bakkila_and_thomas_bender_reveal.html http://voices.yahoo.com/why-did-mall-americas-camp-snoopy-change-its-name-442252.html http://superuser.com/questions/284931/is-there-any-way-to-save-a-png-8-file-with-alpha-transparency-in-photoshop http://tcbmag.com/Industries/Retail-and-Hospitality/The-Electric-Fetus-Prospers-Despite-The-Digital-Re http://health.howstuffworks.com/human-body/systems/digestive/ate-silica-packet.htm http://www.amazon.com/Generic-32GB-Class-Micro-Adapter/dp/B00E4AZEFS/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top > Ordered 32GB MicroSD for $10.95 on Amazon > Card says "64GB" on it > "67.1 GB Available" pre-formatted in FAT32 (rather than the usual exFAT for cards over 32GB) I'm suspicious, but it's working so far... http://mspmag.com/Out-And-About/Articles/Theater/One-Radio-Host,-Seven-Questions/ http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/gopher-womens-hockey-62-game-streak-is-broken http://www.mspmag.com/BMTN/?pid=800743 http://www.csmonitor.com/layout/set/r14/USA/Justice/2013/0615/Minnesota-Nazi-How-did-Nazi-hunters-miss-Michael-Karkoc-video http://mspmag.com/BMTN/?pid=800675 Weisman "Would someone stop this man-train? This needs to STOP." #overheard #office https://twitter.com/DiamondJoeBiden http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barrel_organ We're nominated for an award for the animated cover of an issue of Teradata's digital magazine made by our MSP-C division (and it happens to feature Shanghai's spectacular skyline). Give us a vote here: (http://digitalmagazineawards.com/cover/), and check out the other nominees, which are all impressive. Here's the magazine: http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/mspcomm/teradata_2013q2/index.php (http://what-would-i-say.com/) #wwis [auto-generated based on my past Facebook statuses] Laser tag, mini golf, and waving our arms to make art. Maybe if they'll do huge beards and Somalian sambusas. I'm not have ample opportunities to be trolling... Haha, yeah, James—you managed to stay in Nagano someday. She was extremely rude, obnoxious, careless, sloppy, and an opportunity to my mother. She's five audience duh, but more quantifiably, by the imperial family made together. We have a $100 bottle of my FB friends just walked 5 miles across this example sentence in my head. I'll probably hoping to walk home, and do stupid sh** and pee in the face by 岩崎重義, a sword gash on wheat toast. I'll probably go through the back of the dress I don't like nope, it's not be the roof. A spicy b******* in Tokyo, and sitars plied with reverb to see everyone for our way. well, everyone could 忘 the 年 and cheese. You KNOW what draws ghosts to grope Bryan the last person finds the one My friend Emilie is organizing a KMart company feel about We will be in the bar with beer & a mustache. That must gaze deeply and unquestioning into his pants somewhere outside the crash of Air was amazingly warm and reading traditional characters. Thanks for helping save the villagers from Edina. Completely worth it It was giving a hot girl in a brightred track suit waves down a taxi and behind the silhouette of the most delicious food and, of course, drink coffee! *click* That guy lives on another planet. names have been nominated, and sitars plied with reverb to elect our train passes until 8 years earlier. then he started massaging the tip—use your toes. And crazy people will be interested in the US. Sit in a whole new Space Battleship Yamato, along with dust, scratches, faded color, and Phil Collins. had my leather jacket stolen from pouncing predators. A CRT also a .pdf that's hidden at first movie they showed the hotness of my daughter. Jim, actually dinosaur legs, frog juice, and plum wine were delicious food by soapy balls. Got my anger and disgust. Why are you have fun! Rain or he'll throw a bucket of the mud puddles. You KNOW you're here for haircuts. As you have been wanting me Tailing and surveillance involves a lot of Japanese culture. I think I was taken from you. Good luck with her neck She's Asian, which is the DEVIL. ごちそうさまでした! (http://what-would-i-say.com/) #wwis ...Thanksgiving... 15 people ...aunt from Chicago... 11-year-old cousin who goes to Chinese immersion school... little kids... cats... 8...remodeled basement. My brother and I will probably be taking the light rail F S station on Thursday morning ... http://digitalmagazineawards.com/winners/index.php http://www.skytopia.com/project/illusion/2illusion.html http://www.businessinsider.com/slow-mo-gopro-vid-of-cliff-jump-gone-wrong-is-nothing-short-of-insane-2013-12 http://www.amazon.com/2600-HD-5-1-CH-Digital-Progressive-Player/forum/Fx1X692PV4QR1LL/-/1/ref=cm_cd_dp_aar_ql?_encoding=UTF8&asin=B003MTQX34 songs: Carroll A Trick of the Tail http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mebibyte overheard at the office: "In Doctors they're diamonds, but in Dentists they're deltas." Sounds like the setup for a riddle, but they're talking about which Wingding symbol to use for the bullet points in different profile sections. [#overheard #office #fonts #graphicdesign] "An exacto knife would've done the trick!" *It’s not an ass trick—it’s an assed risk. Tonight at 10 at Kitty Cat Klub, free: WAK LYF's last-ever dance party with "heavy house beats and forgotten throwbacks" and delicious spammy visuals up on the screen. RIP IN PIECE I CRY 4EVR**FREE PRESCRIPTION IPAD AND CIALIS**EARN UNWANTED POUNDS AT HOME AND LOSE $$$ USING THIS ONE WEIRD LAW A HOUSEWIFE IN RECENTLY PASSED marketing http://youtu.be/gDW_Hj2K0wo forgiveness please http://youtu.be/W647gDp-u-s http://www.fxguide.com/featured/elysium-a-practical-miniature-and-digital-fx-odyssey/ http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/local-designers-hilarious-real-estate-prank-goes-viral http://kabosu112.exblog.jp/9944144/ This blog will seriously make you say "wow." http://www.bringmethenews.com/2013/12/12/city-council-approves-body-cameras-for-minneapolis-police-officers/ http://www.bringmethenews.com/2014/01/03/petas-bikini-clad-lettuce-ladies-brave-minnesota-cold/ TypeCover wireless adapter USB 3 hub PS2 USB adapter bluetooth headset numpad console component cables mini-displayport to hdmi Mortal Kombat PS3 Shadow of the Colossus and Ico Remastered nooo invoosdyrs y u do dis :'( http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2014/January/Dolan,-Faces-Stock-Delisting,-Hires-Restructuring I never thought I'd be happy about my fingertips peeling off, but my frostbitten skin is coming off and my fingers underneath actually have feeling! [completed in 2020] "You sent a friend request to someone you don't know." is the warning message FB locked my account with today, which isn't true. I know and expect that some people will decline, but it's insulting that someone who DOES know me would go out of their way to report me as someone they don't know at all, and imply I'm a spammer. FB could at least phrase it as "Someone you sent a request to has reported that they don't know you" instead of accusing me of violating the site's rules and making me promise not to send requests to strangers. http://mspmag.com/Blogs/Juice-Box/January-2014/Boba-em-Fete-em/ http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/mn-mom-sets-steak-speed-eating-record-video http://www.engadget.com/2014/01/09/toshiba-satellite-p50t-hands-on/ The fact that this writer on our site is technically a doctor makes him all the more suspicious. http://ibmsystemsmag.com/authors/Shrirang-Deshpande/ [2020 update: it must have been a sinister-looking and funny portrait picture but unfortunately the link is now broken] http://systemideveloper.com/Summit/conferences.html?source=IBMSextra [coincidentally funny URL] songs: Unchained Melody - original http://youtu.be/r9lkn5PRfyk It's unlikely that they "jumped into the river." "The survivor told police Hoang had been taking photos of the river just after midnight Monday, when his phone fell onto a chunk of ice. Hoang went to retrieve his phone, but he fell into the water. His friends – a 23-year-old man and a 21-year-old woman – stepped on to the ice to help him, but they slipped in too." Maybe it was just over the rail and should have been easy to retrieve, but he slipped. Yeah, it was stupid and not worth the risk, but we don't know the full circumstances, and these comments saying "Darwin Award" are disgusting and shameful. The outpouring of grief and memories from my friends who knew these well-respected people has been moving. (http://www.bringmethenews.com/2014/01/14/victims-in-chicago-river-drowning-identified-while-search-resumes/) When I stepped out onto the street after playing Minecraft last night, I wasn't sure for a second which direction my house was in, but then I saw the downtown buildings to the south. It's a good thing real life has such a far draw distance. That was 550 chunks away! I'd better spell it "Ferbrurary" just to be safe. (I just did a search for that, and it doesn't look like most of the results were meant as a joke o_o : https://www.google.com/search?q=%22ferbrurary%22 Wednedndsday http://www.latinpost.com/articles/5875/20140113/macbook-air-2014-specs-news-rumors-redesigned-12-screen-retina.htm Some good speculation. I'd have bought a MacBook Air instead of a Surface Pro if it had a "retina" screen, but 1366x768 is laughable. (I really miss Mac OS! Win 8 is rough.) I hope they keep a small model and don't bump the screen from 11" to 12", unless they're slimming the bezel way down or something. Sorry to bug all of you, but is there someone I could ride up with from the Minneapolis/St. Paul area? I'd pay for all the gas. I could leave any time after 3:30 on Friday, or Saturday if necessary. I'd like to come back sometime on Sunday. Thanks! http://www.hampa.ch/pce/download.html http://www.bringmethenews.com/2014/01/20/police-rescue-man-dog-when-snow-fort-collapses/ http://www.gog.com/game/the_settlers_2_10th_anniversary school memories: I made parachutes in a factory for a couple summers in high school, and my Spanish teacher once asked on our first day back to school what we did over the summer. "Hacia los paracaidas." was how I answered. "You jumped out of airplanes??" Literal translation is dangerous when words have multiple meanings, like "hacer" = "to make"/"to do". I probably wanted a word like "Fabricaba". http://dailyapple.blogspot.com/2013/10/apple-655-how-many-lakes-are-in.html This (NSFW) trailer is nonstop half-second random cuts with excited shouting narration, and it's pretty intense and exhausting to watch. Can you handle this much 1970, mannn? Watch it free tonight at 7 at the Black Forest Inn with Film 4M. What about you, man? What's your thing? You talk weird. What do all those words mean? Who are you? Don't look at me, man—you're not real. The spring anime club starts today! Manga Anime Society meets every Thurs., 6:30-10pm in Moos 2-520, and we're watching the full first seasons of: 6:30 つり球 - Tsuritama 7:00 こばと - Kobato 8:00 モーレツ宇宙海賊 - Mouretsu Pirates 9:00 プリンセスチュチュ - Princess Tutu Everyone's welcome, you can show up or leave at any time, and you can optionally become a voting member for $6. http://mangaanimesociety.org http://toastytech.com/guis/salto.html https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/no-mind/id781813696 http://arstechnica.com/business/2013/12/the-unwelcome-apps-and-newsletters-of-the-internet/ /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Excel.app http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/01/rewinding-to-betamax-the-path-to-consumers-right-to-record/2/ http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2012/09/log-in-to-unsubscribe-from-this-e-mail-annoying-possibly-illegal/ http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/msusa/en_US/pdp/Wireless-Adapter/productID.286867300 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/microsoft-wireless-adapter/2267407.p?id=1219071845643&skuId=2267407&ref=06&loc=01&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=2267407&extensionType=%7Badtype%7D:%7Bnetwork%7D&s_kwcid=PTC!pla!%7Bkeyword%7D!%7Bmatchtype%7D!%7Badwords_producttargetid%7D!%7Bnetwork%7D!%7Bifmobile:M%7D!%7Bcreative%7D&kpid=2267407&k_clickid=35098027-c514-afe9-ca08-00007d8e07c8 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/microsoft-wireless-adapter/2267407.p?id=1219071845643&skuId=2267407 1/27/2014 Last login: Fri Nov 22 15:04:57 on console R-B-2:~ br$ uptime 10:18 up 65 days, 19:16, 2 users, load averages: 0.40 0.77 1.02 R-B-2:~ br$ http://www.twincities.com/treasurehunt/ci_25001372/2014-pioneer-press-treasure-hunt-clues-explained?source=pkg http://www.bringmethenews.com/2014/01/27/winter-carnival-medallion-found-in-como-park/ http://climate.umn.edu/doc/journal/historic_windchills.htm When your mailbox is too full to send email, MS Outlook puts it in your Drafts folder AND ALSO DUPLICATES IT. Over and over, each time it fails to send, including its attachment. And the Drafts folder counts toward your mailbox size limit. It's like how a bank punishes you for having no money by charging you more overdraft fees to push you further in debt. (Pictured: one email I was trying to send to Lauri, which finally sent after I archived all emails over 60k and more than 3 months old.) songs: Mark Lindsay - Arizona C W McCall - Convoy http://www.longecity.org/forum/topic/45899-do-we-die-every-time-we-go-to-sleep/ http://realityconditions.blogspot.com/2007/04/teleportation-why-you-survive_30.html Surprised Kitty Vader http://youtu.be/nKnb7yS5ucE If a duckling is a little duck, what's a dumpling? songs: Sunny Day Service - enoshima http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/prince-serves-new-girl-pancakes Sparky songs: Paul McCartney - What The Man Said http://youtu.be/KLVq0IAzh1A Few songs evoke warm romantic imagery quite like this one, through its composition and its words. The video is interesting, but it's nothing compared to the pastoral landscapes it paints in my mind. "Feel her body rise when you kiss her mouth..." "In his arms she fell, as her hair came down, among the fields of gold." I daydreamed to it when I was a kid. Happy Valentine's Day! http://youtu.be/IEbsKs6IiUc ...but this is much more of a love song I can relate to. Plus, Bunsen & Beaker! Zany official video (although the quality sucks): http://www.80svideos.tv/play.php?vid=350 http://www.startribune.com/local/minneapolis/245471131.html dome demolition They should have waited until Sunday, Sunday, Sunday and then plowed the building over with a squad of M-M-M-MONSTER TRUCKS. Let the legendary Grave Digger give the dome a proper burial. examples of the very few songs in which saxophones are acceptable: I Still Believe Epic Sax Guy's Eurovision song Baker Street Careless Whisper L.A. Law Yakkity Sax I hear a lot of people say "O queso..." - even people who don't speak Spanish, as far as I know. http://doctype.com/horizontal-gaps-outlook-2007-html-email-workaround http://www.bringmethenews.com/2014/02/28/sauk-centre-man-conjures-up-145-foot-snow-dragon/ http://www.bringmethenews.com/2014/02/28/lyft-gives-finger-to-mpls-draft/ http://mailchimp.com/resources/guides/spam-lawsuits/html/ Stanley Ipkiss was tired of being rejected by women in favor of jerks, so he published an essay called "Nice Guys Finish Last." One day, he put on a fedora and became irresistible to the ladies. Now it all makes sense. Pictured: *tip* (In before "That's not a fedora! >:-o ") Thanks for adding me! The timing was funny, because just the day before, I was listening to "If You Like to Be Alone or Want to Be With Someone". I was putting together a playlist of my favorite MN music for my friend from Japan, and I included "Electric" and "Sunshine Winter", the latter because we'd just lived through the worst winter of our lives, but music is one of the things that helped us get through it. http://disney.wikia.com/wiki/Tokyo_DisneySea Minnesota Music Recommendation: Semisonic Made To Last Feeling Strangely Fine 1998 3 of 12 5:02 10/18/10 10:46 AM Semisonic Singing In My Sleep Feeling Strangely Fine 1998 2 of 12 4:31 10/18/10 10:46 AM Semisonic Air That I Breathe 1998 4:21 10/18/10 10:26 AM Semisonic Closing Time Feeling Strangely Fine 1998 1 of 12 4:34 10/18/10 10:46 AM Owl City Fireflies Billboard Top 100 of 2010 2010 30 3:48 1/28/11 3:49 PM Prince I Wanna Be Your Lover Billboard Top 100 of 1980 1980 95 2:57 10/18/10 9:56 AM Prince I Would Die 4 You 2:57 10/18/10 10:26 AM Prince Seven 5:13 10/18/10 10:26 AM The Jayhawks Save It For A Rainy Day Rainy Day Music-ADVANCE 2003 4 3:09 10/18/10 10:20 AM The Jayhawks I'd Run Away Tomorrow The Green Grass 1995 2 of 13 3:34 10/18/10 10:46 AM Bad September The Turk Austria-Hungary 1957 2012 3 of 11 4:45 8/29/12 8:57 AM Bad September Aschenlied Austria-Hungary 1957 2012 10 of 11 6:19 8/29/12 9:01 AM Friends By Fire I'm On Your Side Sister Waves 2012 1 of 5 3:14 3/15/13 1:30 PM Mark Mallman Humankind The Red Bedroom 2001 3 of 10 4:45 10/18/10 10:06 AM Zibra Zibra Cat And Mouse 777 2007 7 of 12 3:41 10/18/10 10:07 AM Bob Dylan Positively 4th Street Biograph 15 3:55 10/18/10 10:12 AM Soul Asylum Runaway Train Grave Dancers Union 9 1 4:27 10/18/10 10:42 AM Brian Just Band Electric If You Like To Be Alone Or If You Need To Be With Someone 2011 2 of 14 4:03 6/20/11 3:28 PM Brian Just Band Sunshine Winter If You Like To Be Alone Or If You Need To Be With Someone 2011 11 of 14 2:30 6/20/11 3:30 PM Will one Tremper’s tremping trump the other, tromping him like a tramp at the _ of Mt. Tremper? http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2014/March/Mayo-Completes-State-Of-Art-Proton-Beam-Facility http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/Ice-caves-closed;-attracted-138,000-visitors http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2014/March/Dolan-Files-For-Bankruptcy;-Founder-Steps-Down https://www.smore.com/clippy-js http://www.criticalcommons.org/Members/ccManager/clips/mi4_forcedperspective.mp4/view http://raven.theraider.net/showthread.php?t=16195 http://www.clemson.edu/extension/county/laurens/mg/askmg/025_plants_know_spring.pdf http://www.bringmethenews.com/2014/03/28/como-zoo-brings-back-april-fools-prank-with-ella-fint-mr-wolf/ http://www.bringmethenews.com/2014/03/28/wisconsin-man-remains-in-coma-after-dells-roller-coaster-accident/ songs: http://youtu.be/Y40oheGg58A The Royal Family & The Poor - Restrained in A Moment (I Love You) 1980 http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/How-much-it-costs-to-propose-at-Target-Field,-othe Happy Naked Birthday, David! BTW, I rubbed my nurbs on the cake. http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2014/April/3M-Bills-New-Cooling-Tech-As-Revolutionary http://gardynickname.com http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/Stillwater-bringing-boat-in-movies-to-park-on-St-C http://www.mwctoys.com/REVIEW_042308a.htm http://www.figurerealm.com/viewcustomfigure.php?FID=42696 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Set-of-4pcs-Teenage-Mutant-Ninja-TURTLES-Action-FIGURES-NECA-/141073069577?pt=US_Action_Figures&hash=item20d89c3609 http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/ASA22/002/2002/en/58b534dc-d840-11dd-9df8-936c90684588/asa220022002en.html http://ask.metafilter.com/250675/Compatibility-with-OS-X-Mavericks http://www.tacocatmn.com http://www.macrumors.com/2014/04/13/nds4ios-nintendo-ds-emulator/ http://tcbmag.com/Industries/Food/Why-Many-Restaurants-Have-Bad-Parking http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/Under-pressure-to-act,-cell-phone-makers-to-add-ki songs: http://youtu.be/xLb9jPuDS9Y Yello - Oh Yeah http://youtu.be/ZjhDj6MLEaU http://hobt.org/mayday/ http://www.zdnet.com/a-close-look-at-how-oracle-installs-deceptive-software-with-java-updates-7000010038/ http://tcbmag.com/Industries/Marketing,-Advertising,-PR-and-Media/MeasuringThe-Benefits-Of-St-Paul-s-Crashed-Ice http://mspmag.com/Out-And-About/Articles/Features/James-Hong/ http://blog.thecurrent.org/2014/05/minneapolis-armory-may-become-a-concert-venue-as-soon-as-next-year/ 1986 Chrysler New Yorker http://youtu.be/rR0Ofu0M53g When we were kids, a friend told me he found "a cow’s backbone" in the yard of his church. I was amazed that someone found a whole 4-foot-long animal spine lying around, wondered how it got there, and thought about how difficult that would be to bring home. Years later I realized he was probably talking about a single vertebra. http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2014/May/Mpls-Weighs-Deconstruction-Alternative-To-Demolit All weekend, it’s Art-A-Whirl in NE Mpls. Artists have opened their studios to the public so you can watch them work, and a lot of their art and crafts are for sale at surprisingly good prices. There are concerts and other scheduled events, too. Let’s go! songs: You Can Call Me Al http://youtu.be/uq-gYOrU8bA Hilarious Funfair Organ Sound Effects Instrument! http://youtu.be/ol-MuB_rH8c http://www.ebay.com/itm/ATOCHA-GALLEON-SPANISH-SHIPWRECK-SILVER-REALE-KEY-WEST-FLORIDA-TREASURE-COIN-/310589852087?pt=Fashion_Jewelry&hash=item48509909b7 http://www.ebay.com/itm/ATOCHA-Sunken-Treasure-Jewelry-PCS-of-8-SILVER-COIN-PENDANT-/360934967404?pt=Fashion_Jewelry&hash=item540966886c http://www.coindatabase.com/coin_detail_pesetas.php?cdb=H110701 http://www.rubylane.com/search/,q=coin+pendant,c=Pendant_Coin,page=5 http://www.rubylane.com/item/530644-E0558/Vintage-English-Coin-Flowered-Heart http://www.atocha.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=24&products_id=3451 https://www.etsy.com/market/vintage_coin_pendant/2 http://marklorendesigns.com/antiquity%20pages/pillar-pendant.html http://www.etsy.com/listing/185021846/stop-bad-habits-healing-crystal-owl?ref=sr_gallery_1&sref=sr_ecfdbe3fd659765b54d214e3513f179837ca59e918e936a8346be9b140c5795a_1400720514_14678310_alexandrite&sref2=MTg1MDIxODQ2%3AYWxleGFuZHJpdGU.%3AMTQ2NzgzMTA.%3AYWxleGFuZHJpdGU.%3AdzA.%3AMTQwMDcyMDUxNA..%3AMjoxNDAwNzIwNTE0OmNjVnpTZElJY2VWdk9XVmNoQ0JXdnVOMFliZFM6ODI0ZjBhNDk3NzMxYjQ5MDk3NjcwYzM2NmNjNzc1YWRmNDE2MzVhZmNkYjA1MTRjNTJlYjI3NjcxZWM0NzZiMg..%3Ab641e8e6fa51bb90dff4b17163327ae5534cfaf6&ga_search_query=alexandrite&ga_ship_to=US&ga_page=4&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery http://www.etsy.com/listing/158943437/moving-antique-coin-ancient-coin?ref=sr_gallery_2&sref=sr_d7d280b2ac710969d5e7ecbd23486474a4563a89ccbaac3e0aa538811b9a7292_1400718314_14652226_pendant&sref2=MTU4OTQzNDM3%3AcGVuZGFudA..%3AMTQ2NTIyMjY.%3AYW50aXF1ZSBjb2luIHBlbmRhbnQ.%3AdzE.%3AMTQwMDcxODMxNA..%3AMjoxNDAwNzE4MzE0OnIxY0tqUW5ILURHakVlcm9ZOUFJMEpSSm9peEc6Njg5MGJiNmFiMDdlYzRjNzMzZThhMmY0NDZhZDRmMTQxOGFiYjk0NDRkY2VkMzE5YTBiZjAzYTI1YWMwYmNiZA..%3A9d9e291c83d4049da060a52f145a2b32aa0dfac6&ga_search_query=antique+coin+pendant&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_ship_to=US&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery http://playdash.org/DASH6/ http://www.twincities.com/entertainment/ci_25801960/super-bowl-hand-next-twin-cities-goal-is https://twitter.com/PicturelessPins http://tcbmag.com/Industries/Technology/How-Stratasys-Is-Leading-The-Next-Industrial-Revol http://www.mprnews.org/story/2014/05/25/sweets-makers-work-to-keep-names-off-ecigarettes-?from=business http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/All-the-Bold-details-that-helped-bring-the-Super-B Fort Wilson Riot band http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/chicago-willis-tower-sky-deck-ledge-crack-261079001.html#ixzz337Wm8a1n http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/Video-Watch-A-Time-Lapse-Trip-On-The-Green-Line-LR overheard at the office: "They’re upset because their tape measure is blurry." no-poo lifestyle http://thinking-mama.blogspot.com/2012/09/gotcha-day-sucks.html Salt Peanuts http://youtu.be/kOmA8LOw258 Space Madness http://youtu.be/vlt8Pvr2Gow http://youtu.be/uyQVYDwQbZk Is Inspector Gadget a bad enough dude to hit his *** with a mallet? 2014-06-11 http://www.webmasterworld.com/google/3768807.htm Query Expansion 2014-06-12 "Congratulations on getting sprung." http://users.ipa.net/~djhill/frmain.html http://everythingisterrible.blogspot.com/p/maguire-watch.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man'yōgana 2014-06-19 http://mangaanimesociety.wordpress.com/2014/06/09/200/ Tonight is the first night of the summer anime club (Manga Anime Society)! 6:30 in Carlson 2-224 on the West Bank. We'll watch 5-10 min. previews of shows (you can nominate your own), then we'll vote on one ~6 episode show and three ~13 episode shows to watch over the summer. We meet every Thurs. 6:30-10pm but you can freely come and go, and it's free and open to the public. Japanese audio with English subtitles. http://www.48hourfilm.com/en/minneapolis/ These are so much fun! Tonight at 7 at the Riverview is the last showing of 48 Hour Film Project entries for this year. Films produced from first concept to finish in 48 hours by randomized teams in randomly assigned genres, all required to include a government employee named Trey or Tricia Sneaderman, a bell, and the line "I asked you not to do that." I've always wanted to participate! http://www.riverviewtheater.com/show/show/1954 http://www.swordforum.com/forums/showthread.php?100209-2-Handed-Sword-Combat-vs-Dual-1-Handed-Sword-Combat 2014-06-20 Cherub (band) 2014-06-23 kaku > kakite > ka'ite | tsukuru > tsukurite > tsuku_te | yomu > yomide > yom'de > yonde | kau (kawu) > kawite > kaw'te > ka_te I just had "Got to Give It Up" by Marvin Gaye in my head and wasn't sure why. Then I realized it's because "Blurred Lines" by Robin Thicke sounds a lot like it (so much that Gaye sued), which I was thinking about because the banker in this webinar I'm working on looks like Alan Thicke. 2014-06-26 I can hardly think of a better way to spend my birthday: 7-11pm tonight at the Riverview is the 48 Hour Film Project showing of the 10 Best Picture nominees and the award ceremony. Come join us! There's free beer in the lobby when it's done. The movies were really funny and clever when I went last year. The teams took audience questions about how they made them, and their resourcefulness was inspiring. http://www.businessinsider.com/11-cringe-worthy-reply-all-email-disasters-2011-11?op=1 2014-06-30 satisfying mechanical words: sprocket, tumbler, hopper, linchpin, clockwork, camshaft, flywheel, gyroscope, piston, rack-and-pinion, bolt-action, ratchet, axle, spindle, gear, compression, karakuri, clutch, boiler, valve http://mspmag.com/Blogs/Dara/June-2014/Foodie-In-Chief/ https://econsultancy.com/blog/63207-22-more-reasons-why-i-ll-leave-your-website-in-10-seconds#i.i56d79435evdpb http://blog.cantonwebservices.com/1471/seven-annoying-web-trends.html Anyone know if you can stop in China to get a connecting flight, with just a U.S. Passport and no visa obtained in advance, as long as you don't leave the airport? That's the cheapest itinerary to Japan, flying China Southern airline from L.A. to Guangzhou (CAN). 2014-07-02 Burger Name 2014-07-03 When someone near me is on the phone, I like to listen and see if the person on the other end of the phone is in earshot. Does the distant half-conversation of that other person talking on their phone line up with this one? 2014-07-08 http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/03/27/the-50-greatest-quentin-tarantino-characters?page=5 2014-07-10 http://bringmethenews.com/2014/07/10/gorilla-briefly-escapes-enclosure-at-como-zoo/ 2014-07-15 http://pop.genius.com/Weird-al-yankovic-word-crimes-lyrics http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/Buses-instead-of-trains-to-serve-east-metro-transi 2014-07-16 http://www.vevo.com/watch/USRV81400343 Word Crimes http://www.soapfactory.org/exhibit.php?content_id=685 Common Room 2014-07-17 http://tcbmag.com/Industries/Manufacturing/How-HANDy-Paint-Pail-Found-A-Fortune-In-A-Can-Of-F http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/Honor-system-experiment-Honest-Tea-kiosk-is-unstaf http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2014/July/3M-Buys-Out-Investor-In-Japanese-Subsidiary-For-$8 http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2014/July/Team-Selected-To-Redevelop-TCF-Bank-Bldg 2014-07-21 If I ever marry someone someday, I hope she won't change her last name. Her name will have been part of her identity and history and a part of the person I'd fallen in love with. I would not be taking her away from her family and making her a part of mine, but rather each of us would become a guest member of the other's family while remaining true members of our own. want to buy: retractable earbuds, slim retractable mouse, mini DisplayPort to HDMI dongle, DVI to HDMI adapter, 2 HDMI cables, DVI & audio to HDMI converter http://www.monoprice.com/Product?c_id=101&cp_id=10114&cs_id=1011405&p_id=8124&seq=1&format=2 The keming boks æsthetically fine to me. 2014-07-22 http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/Seriously-bad-engineering-Stop-lights-slow-Green-L 2014-07-23 Groovy http://youtu.be/Sl4DV9AJ_oY 2014-07-24 songs: music - Patty Loveless - Blame It On Your Heart music - Bowie - Nirvana - The Man Who Sold the World music - Led Zeppelin - Stone Temple Pilots - Dancing Days music - Prince - P Control - Dre - Nothin But a G Thang music - Chicago - Wishing You Were Here music - Collective Soul - Gel 2014-07-28 I think I'm in love: an intelligent, cute, multilingual MIT robotics engineer with a slight accent and bionic extra fingers (I wonder if she wears them all the time). http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2014/July/Polaris-Debuts-Slingshot,-A-Three-Wheel-Roadster Delta in-flight entertainment http://www.startribune.com/lifestyle/travel/268969091.html 2014-07-31 Wiki Wiki Wild Wild West for 10 minutes http://youtu.be/-KOGP0ERvHs songs: Stevie Wonder - I Wish Stevie Wonder - Do I Do http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/Unzipped-High-speed-zip-rail-from-metro-to-Rochest http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/Pay-raise-Minimum-wage-goes-up-Friday,-companies-d http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/City-of-Minneapolis-mulling-support-of-bird-safe-g http://www.ascii-code.com http://www.asciitohex.com http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Multilingual_Plane#Basic_Multilingual_Plane 2014-08-04 http://mspmag.com/Contests-And-Promotions/Pizza-Fight!/ http://www.forbes.com/sites/antonyleather/2013/10/31/how-to-replace-the-iphone-5s-battery/ 2014-08-05 songs: Birdland http://youtu.be/Ae0nwSv6cTU 2014-08-06 songs: Kings of Leon - Four Kicks overheard at the office: The company president just referred to the sales and production departments as "acquisition" and "execution," respectively, while giving a tour. http://tcbmag.com/Industries/Energy/How-Smart-Is-Alternative-Energy illustration http://dilbert.com/strips/2014-08-05/ ruby on rails 2014-08-07 https://twitter.com/myzcommunity/status/496282963844153344 pocket calculator detective-detector, remote-remoter, fashionable-fashionate, considerate-considerable, Spartacus-Sparducks http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2014/August/Stratasys-Stock-Soars-As-Revenue-Jumps-67 2014-08-12 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/01/robin-williams-rehab_n_5548396.html 2014-08-14 http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/Metro-Transit-buses-will-automatically-announce-st 2014-08-15 http://www.differencebetween.net/technology/difference-between-utf-8-and-utf-16/ http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/live-action-sets-crime-punishment-opening-night 2014-08-18 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Developing_country 2014-08-19 https://yoast.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/google-url-parameters.pdf http://www.metrolyrics.com/prince-ali-lyrics-aladdin.html?ModPagespeed=noscript 2014-08-21 http://tcbmag.com/Industries/Technology/Why-Your-Digital-Identity-Could-Haunt-You-After-De 2014-08-25 http://mspmag.com/Blogs/Dara/August-2014/Dont-Freak-Out-About-Ebola/ 2014-08-26 http://www.minnpost.com/stroll/2013/08/minneapolis-skyline-which-freeway-approach-gives-best-view I searched for "fisherman Worf" and was not disappointed. 2014-08-29 http://bringmethenews.com/2014/08/28/pssst-iron-range-town-opening-door-to-secret-prohibition-era-tunnel/ 2014-09-03 http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2014/September/Twin-Cities-In-Top-20-In-Attracting-Foreign-Studen 2014-09-04 herpetology http://data.grammarbook.com/blog/definitions/on-to-vs-onto/ 2014-09-09 Now that the current day is the one after 9/09, I can post this. I had it in my head all day yesterday as a result of typing the date over and over. It's not one of my favorite Beatles songs, but it's possibly their oldest, written by Lennon and McCartney "as early as 1957." #earworm #beatles #johnlennon #paulmccartney http://youtu.be/6kT37B9gJIA 2014-09-10 http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2014/09/09/mayo-clinic-partners-with-ibms-watson-for-trials/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koo_Koo_Kanga_Roo http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/cinema-in-the-cemetery 2014-09-12 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geronimo_(exclamation) "Running For Sister" was the label under someone's name who was being interviewed at a fundraiser marathon on the news once, and I couldn't help thinking of Van Halen. "Running With the Devil" + "Hot For Teacher" + they seem like they'd sing about someone's sister, I don't know 2014-09-16 http://youtu.be/vyweTRpsuYk Shonen Knife, my favorite band, from my favorite city (Osaka), plays their 1,000th show tonight at the Turf Club! Doors at 8. The lead singer has been with the band since it formed in 1981 and they're still rocking hard. #shonenknife #turfclub #osaka #jrock http://youtu.be/f4d1Nup38Do More (adorable) Shonen Knife ahead of tonight's show at the Turf Club. They asked for requests on their FB page - I hope we hear Catnip Dream or something else from Rock Animals, but if not, this one from their newest album is likely. #shonenknife #turfclub #osaka #jrock #catvideos #cats http://youtu.be/0V1pangstKg http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/Police-body-camera-pilot-program-gets-go-ahead-in 2014-09-22 http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/bill-paxton-pinball-at-ss-billiards http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Heckendorn 2014-09-23 http://bringmethenews.com/2014/09/23/da-pizza-authentic-chicago-deep-dish-pizzeria-coming-to-minnesota/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walla http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/The-most-Googled-brand-name-in-Minnesota http://www.startribune.com/housing/276402831.html 2014-09-25 http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/Analysis-finds-the-true-cost-of-a-speeding-ticket http://bringmethenews.com/2014/09/25/some-details-revealed-about-new-holidazzle-village-christmas-market/ 2014-09-26 http://mspmag.com/Eat-And-Drink/Articles/Where-and-What-to-Eat/Buddys-Nut-Butter/ You Know My Name, Look Up the Number http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DkaRUtp3w8 I'm out of the office Thursday, Dec. 19 through Friday, Dec. 20, and I'll get back to you on Monday Dec. 23 when I return. Please contact I W, C R, or K D if you need assistance. M C is closed from Monday 12/24 through Tuesday 1/1. I'll get back to you on Wednesday 1/2 when I return. Thanks! 2014-10-01 answering machine plot device http://www.vanityfair.com/online/daily/2008/02/the-oscars-deat 2014-10-02 intensive porpoises screen angles http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halftone http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/2014/October/MSP-Airport-Building-States-Largest-Solar-Energy 2014-10-07 "When the light turns off, charging is complete." Or, the thing is completely broken. Terrible design choice. 2014-10-09 http://money.cnn.com/interactive/technology/minneapolis-light-rail/index.html 2014-10-16 "dint work" https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2135036266/build-riddle-room-2-the-starship 2014-10-21 http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/todays-talk-met-council-doesnt-use-met-transit 2014-10-23 "step 1 remove kebab" 2014-10-28 schist schizophrenia 2014-10-31 http://tcbmag.com/Industries/Retail-and-Hospitality/Personal-Assistant-Business-Bumblebee-Ready-To-Tak 2014-11-04 http://lifehacker.com/5976725/build-your-own-adobe-creative-suite-with-free-and-cheap-software 2014-11-06 I was going to send M. Mangan a file and name it so it's clear that it's intended for Magazine Manager: Mangan-MagMan 2014-11-07 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spatial_file_manager 2014-11-10 I once had a writer ask me to make some text in a newsletter "Roman." It took me a minute to realize that meant making it plain, un-bold. "Uh, should I replace it with something in Latin? 'Lorem ipsum...?'" "didn't use to" 2014-11-11 FTAP 2014-11-12 http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/plan-your-vacation-for-mid-january http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/mpls-stpl-mad-libs 2014-11-13 http://www.apvschicago.com 2014-11-14 http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/somalias-last-great-party-band http://youtu.be/ZW-Mht7TuR8 http://youtu.be/JQGmKqREJ_A 2014-11-17 "relevant revenants" 2014-11-20 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forum_Cafeteria_(Minneapolis) ----- ----- http://tcbmag.com/Industries/Retail-and-Hospitality/The-Man-Who-Invented-Ice-Dams 2014-11-21 http://msp.blogs.com/lifeinstyle/2006/11/not_all_blacks_.html 2014-11-25 Mechanical Shaft sign http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/common-cold/expert-answers/nasal-decongestant/faq-20058569 2014-12-08 "This holiday season, spend the holidays spreading some holiday cheer and enjoy the holidays with some holiday-themed holidays for the holidays." logo_MSPComCutOutMSP Brands & Clients Check out the websites we contribute to: MSP Brands Mpls.St.Paul Magazine Weddings Home & Design E-Newsletters Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Instagram Foursquare YouTube Twin Cities Business Magazine The Black Book Briefcase E-Newsletter Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube MSP-C E-Newsletter Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Super Doctors Clients 3M – FUTURO 3M – Scotch-Brite 3M – Scotch Expressions Delta Sky Magazine General Mills – Betty Crocker General Mills – Bisquick General Mills – Live Better America General Mills – Pillsbury IBM Systems – IBM i IBM Systems – AXI IBM Systems – Linux On Power IBM Systems – Mainframe IBM Systems – Power IBM – Destination Z Independent Banker McKesson – Better Health Minnesota Golfer MNSights Optum Teradata Magazine Twins Magazine UnitedHealth Group – Renew Viking Magazine Intranet Home Boys' Life robot build http://books.google.com/books?id=q2YEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA18&lpg=PA18&dq=%22boys+life%22+build+robot+contest&source=bl&ots=VFdPNYEdhe&sig=v_f-iKPGK1Rgm_shqChsmqnhP14&hl=en&sa=X&ei=AiV_VJbnO4SdgwSVoYKIDg&ved=0CEYQ6AEwBw#v=onepage&q=%22boys%20life%22%20build%20robot%20contest&f=false 2014-12-09 the song Dynamite: the most basic thing that ever happened http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pound_sterling The Hatter's hat shows an example of the old pre-decimal system: the hat costs half a guinea (10 shillings and 6 pence) 2014-12-10 814 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN 55403 44.976911, -93.276568 2014-12-11 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quoted-printable http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short_Message_Service http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/type-and-display-accents-and-diacritical-marks http://www.fourmilab.ch/webtools/demoroniser/ 2014-12-16 http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/cafe-scientifique-fabricating-nature ♘ white knight http://thelimitdoesnotexist.ytmnd.com 2014-12-22 http://www.secretsofthecity.com/events/view/winter-solstice-in-the-northlands 2014-12-23 M C is closed from Monday 12/24 through Tuesday 1/1. I'll get back to you on Wednesday 1/2 when I return. Thanks! M will be closed for the holidays starting Wednesday, December 24 thru Thursday, January 1. Our office will be open on Friday, January 2nd. If this an emergency or urgent request, please call 651.. and leave a message. Your call will be returned as soon as possible. Thank you. 2015-01-07 http://tcbmag.com/News/News-Elsewhere/Nicollet-House-Was-Minneapolis-Social-Center-In-Th http://tcbmag.com/news/recent-news/2014/march/target-vs-walmart-which-is-really-cheaper http://tcbmag.com/News/Recent-News/21-months-in-prison-for-Lord-Chisholm-in-welfare-f It looks like someone pasted some text from Word into an email. The following was how it decided to create plain, unformatted text saying "January 2015":

January 2015

"This is a cisgusting display of heteronormativity." 2015-01-08 Th http://www.webreference.com/content/studio/disposal.html http://www.duetdisplay.com http://www.history.com/news/history-lists/7-bizarre-witch-trial-tests 2015-01-09 Fr http://blog.readz.com/online-custom-magazine-publishers/ 2015-01-12 Mo Card Number x Status ACTIVE Balance $0.00 Account Activities Exp. Date x 01/04/2015 11/14/2014 Purchase - WWW.NEWEGG.COM 800-390-1119 CA ($91.98) http://www.theonion.com/articles/it-guy-refers-to-laptop-as-machine,31179/ 2015-01-14 We https://twitter.com/chris_steller/status/554742537466818560?utm_source=Secrets+of+the+Day&utm_campaign=f51e8e3e0d-UA-285694-6&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_82c1869d46-f51e8e3e0d-86501198 2015-01-15 Th http://www.secretsofthecity.com/secrets/view/tbt-first-avenues-many-names At my desk, alone late at night, for the last time. Listening to the 37,591 songs of my lifelong music collection in iTunes on shuffle, 98 days and 164.85 gigabytes of music, 4,838 artists and 4,262 albums, out loud on my dual-screen mid-2011 21.5" iMac. 2015-01-16 Fr Mamma Mia http://youtu.be/unfzfe8f9NI Hello, I'm no longer with the company. Please contact Mary A at m@m.com for assistance. Thank you, -B R